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Grammar revision: Types of questions, Impersonal sentences, Modal Verbs, Passive Voice in Indefinite Tense.


Ex.1. Прочитайте список слов в Vocabulary List и укажите слова, называющие:

а) лекарства по типу их действия

б) отрицательные реакции на лекарства


side effect - побочный эффект

hives - крапивница

pruritis - зуд

rhinitis - ринит

blood dyscrasia - патологические изменения крови

cumulative - кумулятивный, совместный

adverse - нежелательный, отрицательный

synergetic - синергичный, совместно усиливающее действие

idiosyncratic action - идиосинкразический(уникальный, индивидуальный) эффект

tolerance - толерантность, привыкание, переносимость

anaphylaxis - анафилактический шок

tonics - тонизирующие

sedatives - успокаивающие

laxatives - слабительные

sleeping draughts -снотворные

antipruritics - противозудные

anticeptics - антисептические

healing - лечебное, оздоровляющее действие

curative - излечивающее

helpful - помогающее, полезное

asthma - астма

allergic reactions - аллергические реакции

collagen disorders -разрушение коллагена (хрящевых структур)

photosensitivity - светобоязнь

toxic, poisonous - ядовитый

untoward, unexpected - неожиданный

unfavorable - неблагоприятный

additive - кумулятивное, добавочное



Ex.2. Read and translate the text using the Vocabulary Extension.



Effects of Drugs

Drugs come into the body and are absorbed into the bloodstream. Depending upon the body sensitivity and reactivity the drugs produce various actions and have different effects. According to their effects, the drugs may be tonics, sedatives, laxatives, sleeping-draughts, analgetics, anesthetics of a local or systemic action, anti-pruritics or antiseptics. The action of the drug is expected to be healing, curative and helpful. It can produce strong or weak effect, may be neutral. But sometimes when the prescription is not followed, in case of overdosage or hypersensitivity of the body, the drugs produce (give) side (or adverse) effects, such as, hives, rhinitis, asthma, allergic reaction, blood dyscrasia, collagen disorders, photosensitivity and other reactions. Some drugs are toxic and poisonous. Their over-dosage may cause untoward, unexpected and unfavorable reactions and sometimes even death. So, follow only the dose indicated on the label or a signature! The drugs or combination of some drugs have additive, cumulative, synergetic and idiosyncratic action. Some drugs may produce tolerance or sometimes anaphylaxis.

Drugs are dispensed and stored in an area known as Pharmacy. The pharmaceutist will tell you how to take and how to store the drug. The pharmacist can tell you, “Take a tablespoonful of this mixture and do not forget to shake it before using” or “Keep this mixture in a cool place”.


Ex.3. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова и словосочетания в скобках.


1) What do drugs produce in the body? (various actions and different effects).

2) What effects may drugs produce? (tonic, sedative, laxative, sleeping-draught, analgetic, anesthetic of a local or systemic action, anti-pruritic or anesthetic).

3) What action of the drug is expected to be? (healing, curative, helpful).

4) What adverse reactions and side-effects may drugs produce? (hives, blood-dyscrasia, asthma, rhinitis and other allergic reactions).

5) What reactions may overdosage produce? (untoward, unexpected, unfavorable, toxic).



Ex. 4. Закончите предложения, заменив русские слова в скобках их английскими эквивалентами.

1. Drugs come into the body and (впитываются в кровоток).

2. Depending upon the body (чувствительность и реактивность) the drugs produce various actions and have different effects.

3. The action of the drug is expected to be (лечебным, излечивающим, помогающим).

4. If can produce (сильное или слабое действие), may be neutral.

5. Some drugs are (ядовиты).

6. Their overdosage may cause (непредвиденные, неожиданные, неблагоприятные) reactions.

7. Some drugs may produce (привыкание) or sometimes anaphylaxis.

8. The pharmacist can tell you «Прими столовую ложку этой микстуры и не забудь встряхнуть ее перед употреблением».


Ex.5. Закончите предложения, используя подходящие по смыслу слова, приведенные ниже:

1. Depending upon the body sensitivity and reactivity the drugs produce … …. and have … ….

2. The effects, produced by the drugs, may be …, …, ….

3. Sometimes when the prescription …. …. … the drugs produce….

4. Follow only the dose indicated on the ….

5. Some drugs may produce … or sometimes….

6. Drugs are … and … in an area known as….

Weak, strong, neutral, lable, signature, dispensed, stored, various actions, pharmacy, different effects.


Ex.6. Найдите в тексте «Effects of Drugs» английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний. Составьте предложения с ними по содержанию текста.


-оказывать действие;

-эффект может быть сильным, слабым или нейтральным;

-в случае передозировки;

-побочные эффекты;


-разрушение крови;

-нежелательное, неожиданное действие;


-эффект накапливания;

-усиливающее действие;

-хранить лекарства при комнатной температуре или в прохладном месте.


Ex.7. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

  1. Фармацевт расскажет вам, как хранить лекарства.
  2. Прими столовую ложку этой микстуры или одну таблетку лекарства три раза в день до (или после) еды.
  3. В зависимости от чувствительности и реактивности организма лекарства оказывают различные действия с различным эффектом.
  4. Лекарство может дать сильный или слабый эффект, может быть нейтральным.
  5. Если пациент не соблюдает предписание, или в случае передозировки, лекарство может дать побочную реакцию.
  6. Побочными реакциями называют сенную лихорадку, ринит, астму, разрушение крови, распад хрящевой ткани, светочувствительность и другие реакции.
  7. Некоторые лекарства вызывают привыкание.
  8. Анафилаксия – это непереносимость лекарственного препарата.



Ex.8. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту «Effects of Drugs»:

1) What substance are the drugs absorbed by?

2) What may the drugs be according to their effects?

3) What is the action of the drug expected to be?

4) When do the drugs produce side or adverse effects?

5) What adverse reactions can drugs produce?

6) What can help a person to avoid adverse reactions?

7) What can a pharmacist tell to a person who buys the medicine?



Ex. 9. Составьте устное сообщение (8-12 предложений) на английском языке, используя текст «Effects of Drugs», по плану:

  1. Actions which drugs produce in the body.
  2. Conditions which may occur in case when the prescriptions are not followed.
  3. How can a pharmacist prevent dangerous consequences caused by the careless taking of drugs?


Активизация грамматики


Ex. 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующими неопределенно личными местоимениями (some, any, no):

1. Doctors give … advice before prescribing … medicine.

2. At … chemist’s shop a pharmacist checks the prescription.

3. There is … use to take this remedy.

4. Did you take … medicine when you had a sore throat?

5. I suffered … diseases in my childhood.

6. Are there … sedatives on this shelf?

7. … drug taken carelessly may be poisonous.

8. To avoid … complications follow the doctor’s prescriptions.


Ex. 2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную, а затем в отрицательную форму (если возможно):

  1. Any chemical substance can affect the functions of the body.
  2. There are all sorts of drugs in my drug cabinet.
  3. A doctor will give you some pieces of advice how to heal arthritis.
  4. Drugs are absorbed into the bloodstream.
  5. Overdosage of any toxic drug causes unexpected reactions.


Ex.3. Определите залог. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:


  1. Toxicants are often concentrated in a specific tissue.
  2. Some toxicants accumulate in various parts of the body.
  3. Chemotherapy usually refers to treatment for injections diseases, cancer diseases or mental illness.
  4. Intravenous injection is given directly into the vein.
  5. Intramuscular injections are advisable when drugs are irritating to the skin.
  6. Toxicology is the study ofharmful substances and their effects on living organisms.
  7. Idiosyncrasy is a rare type of toxic effect produced in a very sensitive individual but not seen in most patients.
  8. A Fleming was the first to discover penicillin.


Ex.4. Заполните пропуски соответствующим модальным глаголом:

  1. If you have a bad headache you … take this medicine.
  2. You … follow the doctor’s treatment if you want to be well again soon.
  3. What … I take to keep the fever down?
  4. What complications … the grippe cause?
  5. A patient … follow the instructions on the bottle.
  6. Digitals … control the excessively fast ventricular rate.
  7. … this drug induce secretion?
  8. This analysis of blood … help to stop some type of cancer.



Ex.5. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную, а затем в отрицательную форму.

  1. Most of us had to take medicines to recover as soon as possible.
  2. Most people will be able to take their treatment at home by mouth.
  3. This medicine had to be taken twice a day.
  4. Any chemical substance can effect the functions of the body.
  5. People are allowed to take the contraceptive pills as a method of birth control.
  6. Penicillin can kill bacteria.
  7. Drugs may produce strong or weak effect.
  8. Some medicines can be dangerous if they are taken in the wrong amount.
  9. He must give up regular drinking.




Vocabulary List

to refer - относиться

unpredictable - непредсказуемый

to be aware - иметь ввиду

routinely - обычно

to be ill advised - дать плохой совет

to be cautious - быть осторожным

jaundice - желтуха

biliary obstruction - закупорка желчного пузыря

discoloration - обесцвечивание

photosensitivity - светобоязнь


Ex. 1. Прочитайте и скажите о чем текст, используя Vocabulary List.

Drug toxicity refers to the poisonous and potentially dangerous effects of some drugs. Idiosyncrasy is an example of an unpredictable type of drug toxicity.

Other types of drug toxicity are more predictable and based on the dosage of the drug given. If the dosage of certain drugs is increased, unfavorable effects may be produced. Physicians are trained to be aware of the potential toxic effects of all drugs they prescribe and must be cautious with their use. Disorders directly resulting from diagnostic or therapeutic efforts of a physician are known as iatrogenic, and are usually related to drug toxicity.

Side effects are toxic effects which routinely result from the use of a drug. They often occur with the usual therapeutic dosage of a drug and usually tolerated. For example, nausea, vomiting and alopecia are common side effects of the chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat cancer.

Contraindications are factors in a patient’s condition which make the use of a drug dangerous and ill advised. For example, in the presence of renal failure, it is unwise to administer a drug which is normally eliminated by the kidneys.

Among the most dangerous toxic complications of drug usage are blood dyscrasias (blood disease) such as aplastic anemia, cholestatic jaundice (biliary obstruction leading to discoloration of skin), neuropathy, collagen disorders (connective tissue damage such as arthritis) and photosensitivity (abnormal sensitivity to light).


Ex.2. Найдите в тексте информацию о:

1. idiosyncrasy;

2. reasons of other types of drug toxicity;

3. iatrogenic disorders;

4. side effects;

5. contraindications;

6. blood dyscrasia.


Ex. 3. Выразите основную мысль каждого абзаца двумя или тремя предложениями.


Ex. 4. Перескажите текст.


Text 2


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