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Избранная библиография


Atkinson, Michael. Ghosts in the Machine: Speculating on the Dark Heart of Pop Cinema. 1sted. New York: Limelight Editions, 1999, 220 pp.

Beverly, William. On the Lam: Narratives of Flight in J. Edgar Hoover’s America. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2003, 256 pp.

Biesen, Sheri Chinen. Blackout: World War II and the Origins of Film Noir. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, 243 pp.

Borde, Raymond. A Panorama of American Film Noir, 1941–1953. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 2002, 242 pp.

Bould, Mark. Film Noir: From Berlin to Sin City. London: Wallfl ower, 2005, 144 pp.

Broe, Dennis. Film Noir, American Workers, and Postwar Hollywood. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2009, 224 pp.

Buss, Robin. French Film Noir. London: M. Boyars, 1994, 224 pp.

Christopher, Nicholas. Somewhere in the Night: Film Noir and the American City. New York: Free Press, 1997, 304 pp.

Cochran, David. America Noir: Underground Writers and Filmmakers of the Postwar Era. Washington [D. C. ]: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2000, 280 pp.

Crowther, Bruce. Film Noir: Refl ections in a Dark Mirror. New York: Continuum, 1989, 192 pp.

Dickos, Andrew. Street with No Name: A History of the Classic American Film Noir. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2002, 307 pp.

Dixon, Wheeler W. Film Noir and the Cinema of Paranoia. New Brunswick, N. J: Rutgers University Press, 2009, 198 pp.

Doom, Ryan P. The Brothers Coen: Unique Characters of Violence. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger, 2009, 208 pp.

European Film Noir. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2007, 288 pp.

Flory, Dan. Philosophy, Black Film, Film Noir. University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008, 348 pp.

Hannsberry, Karen Burroughs. Femme Noir: Bad Girls of Film. Jefef rson, N. C: McFarland, 1998, 643 pp.

Hanson, Helen. Hollywood Heroines: Women in Film Noir and the Female Gothic Film. London: I. B. Tauris, 2007, 251 pp.

Hare, William. Early Film Noir: Greed, Lust and Murder Hollywood Style. Jefferson, N. C: McFarland, 2003, 221 pp.

Hibbs, Thomas S. Arts of Darkness: American Noir and the Quest for Redemption. Dallas, Tex: Spence Pub, 2008, 316 pp.

Karimi, Amir Massoud. Toward a Defi nition of the American Film Noir (1941–1949), 1970, 255 pp.

Leitch, Thomas M. Crime Films. Genres in American cinema. Cambridge, U. K: Cambridge University Press, 2002, 383 pp.

Mayer, Geof. f Encyclopedia of Film Noir. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2007, 477 pp.

Muller, Eddie. Dark City Dames: The Wicked Women of Film Noir. 1st ed. New York: Regan Books, 2001, 304 pp.

Naremore, James. More Than Night: Film Noir in Its Contexts. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998, 408 pp.

Ottoson, Robert. A Reference Guide to the American Film Noir, 1940–1958. Metuchen, N. J: Scarecrow Press, 1981, 285 pp.

Rabinowitz, Paula. Black & White & Noir: America’s Pulp Modernism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002, 288 pp.

Richardson, Carl. Autopsy: An Element of Realism in Film Noir. Metuchen, N. J: Scarecrow Press, 1992, 247 pp.

Selby, Spencer. Dark City: The Film Noir. Jefef rson, N. C: McFarland, 1984, 255 pp.

Shades of Noir: A Reader. London: Verso, 1993, 300 pp.

Silver, Alain. The Noir Style. Woodstock, N. Y: Overlook Press, 1999. 258 pp.

Spicer, Andrew. Film Noir. Harlow, England: Longman/Pearson Education, 2002, 250 pp.

Strasser, Michaela. Hollywood in Hell – SIN CITY, religiö se Motive und die Darstellung des Bö sen. Augsburg, 2007, 130 S.

The Big Book of Noir. 1st ed. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1998, 386 pp.

The Philosophy of Film Noir. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2006, 248 pp.

The Philosophy of Neo‑ Noir. The philosophy of popular culture. Lexington, Ky: University Press of Kentucky, 2007, 222 pp.

The Philosophy of TV Noir. The philosophy of popular culture. Lexington, Ky: University Press of Kentucky, 2008, 288 pp.

The Shifting Defi nitions of Genre: Essays on Labeling Films, Television Shows and Media. Jefef rson, N. C: McFarland, 2008, 269 pp.

Tucker, Anja Christine. “TEEN NOIR”. A Study of the Recent Film Noir Revival in the Teen Genre. Bergen, 2008, 104 pp.

Tuska, Jon. Dark Cinema: American Film Noir in Cultural Perspective. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1984, 305 pp.

Wager, Jans B. Dangerous Dames: Women and Representation in the Weimar Street Film and Film Noir. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1999, 159 pp.


[1] При работе над книгой было решено отказаться от получившего в России хождения прилагательного «нуарный», так как оно не слишком точно передает эмоциональную и психологическую суть явления, заметно его смягчая. «Нуаровский» означает не только внешние, но и внутренние характеристики, включая специфику кинопроизводства этих кинолент.


[2] В отечественных переводах эта деталь «исправлена», так как ее посчитали «оплошностью».



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