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1. What do you usually say when you answer the phone at home?

1. What do you usually say when you answer the phone at home?

a) ‘Hello’;           c) your phone number;

b) your name;     d) something else.

2. What do you have to say when you answer the telephone at work?

a) ‘Hello’;   c) the name of your company;

b) your name; d) your idea.


3. Read these two calls. Then complete the notes.

Notes Call 1 Department answering: ________ Caller’s name: ______________ Person wanted: _____________ Did the caller reach the person wanted? __________________   Call 2 Department answering: ________ Caller’s name: ______________ Person wanted: _____________ Did the caller reach the person wanted? ___________________
Call 1 Jane:   Hello, you've reached the marketing department. How can I help?
Male: I’m calling on behalf of iRiver. I’d like to speak to Jane Wilson, please.
Jane: Speaking. Who’s calling please?
Male: It’sRichard Davies here. I’d like to discuss some details of your last order…

Call 2

Michelle: Hello, marketing. How can I help?
Male: Could I speak to Jason Roberts, please?
Michelle: Certainly. Who shall I say is calling?
Male: My name’sMike Andrews.
Michelle: Just a second-I’ll see if he’s in…(Hello, Jason, it’s for you, I’ve got Mike Andrews on the phone for you... OK, I’ll put him through)... Hang on a moment, I’m just putting you through.
Male: Thank you.

4. Look at the underlined phrases in the calls in Exercise 3 and guess their meaning. Check with your teacher or a dictionary.

5. Work in pairs. Read the phone calls in Exercise 3 aloud (Student A – you are angry and in a bad mood, Student B – you are friendly and cheerful). Take turns to be A and B.

H 6. Act out one of the calls in Exercise 3. Remember to change names and  some  details:

a) act out Call 1.

b) act out Call 2.



7. Complete the table with appropriate phrases  in Exercise 3.

Asking for a person Asking someone to wait Connecting
_________________    _____________________ _____________
   __________________   ______________________ _____________
   __________________   ______________________ _____________


8. Match the sentences (1-7) to the responses (a-g). There may be more than one possibility.

1. Good morning. It’s Roger here. a. Yes, of course.
2. This is Maria. Is that Jack? b. Yes, he is. Just a moment.
3. I’d like to speak to Patricia, please. c. Of course, I will. See you then.
4. Well, thanks for calling. d. No, I’m sorry, he’s away this week.
5. Could I speak to Peter, please? e. That’s OK. Good to hear from you.
 6. Is Thomas in? f. Oh, hello. How are you?
 7. And give my regards to Bob. g. Speaking.


9. Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box below. Use each verb once only.

keep     hang   get       here     see     in     moment     mobile holding speaking

EXAMPLE: I’m trying to get hold of Peter Grant.

1. Could you ………………….. on, please? I won’t be long.

2. Sorry to ……………….. you waiting.

3. Hello, is that Gordon …………………..?

4. Just a ……………………., please.

5. Wait a minute, I’ll ………………… if she’s here.

6. I’ll get the information you want. Do you mind …………. on?

7. You should be able to reach her on her …………………

8. Try calling back …………………….. an hour’s time.

9. Sorry, he’s not ………………… at the moment.

H 10. Fill in the gaps in the following conversations.

Call 1. A: Hello, is that Motor Systems UK?
  B: __________________________
  A: Can I speak to Mark Wheeler, please?
  B: ______________________________
  A: OK. Do you know what time he will be free?
  B: __________________________________
  A: Right, I’ll call again then. Thank you very much.
  B: _____________________________________
  A: Goodbye.
Call 2. A: _____________________________________
  B: Hello. Could I speak to Susan Jones, please?
  A: ______________________________________
  B: Mag O’Connell.
  A: ___________
  B: She said she’d be in all morning.
  A: _____________________
  C: Susan Jones speaking.
  B: ___________________
  C: Oh, yes, thank you, it’s about…


11. Practise this conversation in pairs. Take turns to play each role. Use the diagram and 5-8 useful phrases to help you. Take turns to be A and B.

 Useful phrases · How can I help? · Can I speak to …, please? · Who’s calling, please? · Please hold · I’ll just put you through · Who shall I say is calling? · Just a second · I’ll see if he’s in · I’ve got …….. on the phone for you · Hang on a moment
1) Answer the phone with a company name.  
  2) Check the company name.
3) Repeat the company name.  
  4) Introduce yourself and ask for someone.
5) Respond; check B’s name.  
  6) Say again who you are.
7) Ask B to wait.  


H 4 12. Make the following calls. Use 5-8 useful phrases (p. 8) to help you. Take turns to be A and B.



MAKE CALL 1: Call Kennedy Cars. Introduce yourself. You want to speak to Bob in the Sales Department (If Bob is unavailable, say you’ll ring back later). TAKE CALL 2: You work for Mexx. Answer the phone. Ask the caller to wait. Check what their name is. Tell them that Julia is unavailable and ask if they want to speak to someone else. MAKE CALL 3: You have recently placed a job advertisement in Executive Placement, a monthly magazine. Unfortunately they published it with two errors (a spelling mistake and a word missed out). Phone the newspaper to complain and get some action. TAKE CALL 1: You work for Kennedy Cars. Answer the phone. Check the caller’s name. Ask them to wait. Put them through to Bob. MAKE CALL 2: Ring Mexx. Introduce yourself. Ask for Julia in Marketing (if they ask you if you want to speak to someone else, say that you’ll try again later, but you would like a name and number so that you can call direct). TAKE CALL 3: You work for Executive Placement, a monthly magazine. You will receive a complaint from a customer who has recently placed a job advertisement. Offer to correct the ad and re-run it next month, free of charge.

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