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11. Work in pairs. Practise making arrangements on the phone. Use the diagram and 5-8 useful phrases to help you. Take turns to be A and B.





11. Work in pairs. Practise making arrangements on the phone. Use the diagram and 5-8 useful phrases to help you. Take turns to be A and B.

1) Answer the phone. Say who you are.  
  2) Say who you are and ask for an appointment.
3) Agree.  
  4) Say why – to discuss new plans for interviewing job applicants.
5) Ask when.  
  6) Suggest next Wednesday (the 23rd).
7) No – you’re out of the office. Suggest Monday or Tuesday.  
  8) You’re busy Monday morning and all day Tuesday: Monday afternoon?
9) Agree. Suggest 2. 00.  
  10) You prefer later. Suggest 3. 30.
11) Agree. Ask where.  
  12) Suggest A’s office.
13) Agree. Confirm details.  
  14) Say thank you.
15) Acknowledge B’s thanks.  
  16) Say goodbye.

H 4 12. Make the following calls. Use useful phrases (p. 23) to help  you. Take turns to be A and B.

You’re Connie Gardener. You are a Production Editor for Meridian Publishing. Use the diary page (p. 25) below as a basis for making or receiving the following calls: MAKE CALL 1: Call Betty Kingston (Safety Officer) and try to arrange for a plant inspection on Wednesday morning. Otherwise, try to fit it in on Thursday afternoon. TAKE CALL 2:  You have scheduled a meeting with Jamie Morris (PDA Group) for next Friday. This is an important meeting as you are hoping to confirm a big order from Meridian. MAKE CALL 3: Call Ruscome Park Hotel and arrange for dinner to start by 18. 00 on Thursday evening. You want to leave by 22. 00 in order to drive home. TAKE CALL 4: Take a call from your boss, Terry Fox.   TAKE CALL 1: Your name is Betty Kingston (Safety Officer). You will receive a call concerning a safety inspection. You are already booked up from the middle of next week but you could do a standard inspection (2 hours) on Monday or Tuesday. MAKE CALL 2: Your name is Jamie Morris (PGA Group). Call Meridian Publishing (a potential supplier) and cancel your appointment on Friday at 13. 00. Make a good excuse and say you will arrange it later next month. TAKE CALL 3:  You work at the Ruscome Park Hotel. You will receive a call concerning a dinner booking for Thursday the 27th. It has been provisionally booked for 18. 30. You can't manage any earlier. MAKE CALL 4: Your name is Terry Fox. Phone your Production Editor, Connie Gardener, to arrange an emergency meeting for Monday morning as early as possible.  

Student A’s diary page

July week 30        
  Monday Tuesday 26 Wednesday 27 Thursday Friday
  train to London (08. 50)      
works meeting     dentist (09. 05) meeting with         F. Keiso
drive to plant DTI safety committees      
lunch with Will Hatton   lunch with trainees seminar at Ruscome (13. 30-18. 00) meeting with PGA Group
  train home (14. 35)      
return to HQ       presentation for Peter
      dinner with participants  



H 13. Look back at the phone call in Exercise 3. Write a short e-mail from Michelle to Peter to confirm the arrangement. Use these phrases:

Thank you for agreeing to a meeting to discuss…

This is to confirm the time and date of our meeting…

We will meet in … at… on…

I look forward to seeing you.

H 14. Now write another e-mail confirming one of the arrangements you made in Exercise 12.

Part 5. Making Hotel Reservations


1. Say these dates in English:

1. 10/09/02 2. 24/03/03 3. 01/11/09 4. 14/07/87 5. 15/04/10 6. 05/01/98 7. 31/12/85 8. 17/05/03 9. 26/08/07 10. 17/06/08 11. 03/02/10 12. 12/10/05


2. Which expressions do we use with in, at or on?

_____ the weekend _____Wednesday _____the summer _____the afternoon _____12. 30 ______December ______4 a. m. ______1991 ______ 06/05/98 ______ the Independence Day   ______5 p. m. ______Christmas ______July ______2009 ______Friday


3. Read this call. Then complete the table.

person who will stay at the hotel  
hotel location  
hotel name  
booking dates  
number of nights booked  
type of the room  
A The Grand Hotel. Good afternoon. May I help you?
B I’d like to make a reservation for six nights next week  for Mr Scott of Japan Electronics, please.
A Certainly. What days will he be staying?
B He’ll be arriving in New York on Monday April 16 and leaving on Sunday April 22.
A And what kind of room would you like to book?
B I’d like a single room with a bath, please.
A A single with a bath … yes, that’s no problem.
B Could you tell me the price?
A That’s ₤ 44. 50 per room per night, including full English breakfast and VAT.
B All right.
A Could I have the name again, please?
B Yes, it’s for Mr Scott of Japan Electronics.
A That’s fine. Thank you for calling the Grand Hotel. We’ll be expecting Mr Scott on Thursday then.

4. Look at the underlined phrases in the phone call in Exercise 3 and guess their meaning. Check with your teacher or a dictionary.

5. Work in pairs. Read the phone call in Exercise 3 aloud (Student A – you are in a good mood, Student B – you are somewhat sad and in a hurry because you have a lot to do). Take turns to be A and B.

H 6. Act out the call in Exercise 3. Remember to change names and some details.



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