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b) Work in pairs. Student B – you read the answerphone message, Student A – you leave yours. Swap roles and practice again.

10. a) Read the task for Student A and the corresponding answerphone message in the table below, then prepare the message for Student A. Use useful phrases in Exercise 9 and the flow chart in Exercise 7 to help you.

b) Work in pairs. Student B – you read the answerphone message, Student A – you leave yours. Swap roles and practice again.

Student A   Answerphone message
 CALL 1:  Call Independent Training Services to confirm the dates of the next course. Message 1: This is 1622 749 623 Independent Training Services. Sorry, there is no one here to take your call at the moment. Please leave your name and number after the tone, and we will ring you back as soon as possible. Thank you for calling.
 CALL 2: Call Louise Spencely to see if she is available to work on your new project next month. Message 2: Hello. This is Louise Spencely. I can’t answer the phone at the moment but if you leave your name and number, I’ll call you back as soon as I can.
 CALL 3:  Call Japan Electronics in Tokyo to make an appointment to see Mr Tashikama. Message 3: This is Japan Electronics. Please leave your message after the tone or fax us on 081 466 8282. Thank you.


H 4 11. Make the following calls. Use some useful phrases (p. 33) to help you. Take turns to be A and B.


MAKE A CALL AND LEAVE A MESSAGE 1: Call UK Engineering on 40954 to confirm your order.   MAKE ANSWERPHONE MESSAGE 2 (on the basis of the answerphone message # 3 in exercise 10): Make an answerphone message for Trans-Pacific Airlines.   MAKE A CALL AND  LEAVE A MESSAGE 3: Call Simon Matthews to let him know you will be at his birthday party. MAKE ANSWERPHONE MESSAGE 1 (on the basis of the answerphone message # 1 in exercise 10): Make an answerphone message for  UK Engineering, tel. 40954   MAKE A CALL AND LEAVE A MESSAGE 2: Call Trans-Pacific Airlines to find out about flights to London.   MAKE ANSWERPHONE MESSAGE 3 (on the basis of the answerphone message # 2 in exercise 10):  Make an answerphone message for Simon Matthews.  


H 12. One of your staff is celebrating twenty-five years at the company. You want to arrange a party. Leave a note for your assistant to do this. Think about office room, date and time, food, drink, and a present.



1. call to the phone покликати до телефону
2. hang on / hold the line, please почекайте / не кладіть трубку, будь ласка
3. I’ve got …….. on the phone for you. Вам телефонує…
4. It’s for you. Це вам (телефонують).
5. marketing department відділ маркетингу
6. on behalf of від імені
7. order замовлення
8. put through з’єднувати                                                       
9. reach зв’язатися (по телефону)
10. Telephone call for you. Вас просять підійти до телефону.
11. wait чекати


Part 2

1. accept приймати
2. available доступний, досяжний
3. call back передзвонити
4. Can I have your mobile number / home number / work number? Дайте, будь ласка, номер свого мобільного / домашнього / робочого телефону.
5. Can I leave a message? Чи можу я залишити повідомлення?
6. Can I take a message? Може, йому щось передати?
7. clarify проясняти
8. Could I have your name again? Повторіть, будь ласка, своє ім’я.
9. Could you spell that, please? Скажіть, будь ласка, по буквах.
10. I didn’t catch that. Я не зрозумів.
11. I’m sorry, the line is busy. На жаль, лінія зайнята.
12. invoice рахунок, фактура
13. message повідомлення
14. speaking слухаю
15. The line is busy / engaged. Лінія зайнята.
16. trading company торговельна компанія
17. urgent терміновий

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