Writing. Before you start. 1. Match time expressions (a-s) with appropriate dates in the calendar. 2. Say these times in English. Say each time in two ways.
WRITING H 13. Write a short letter to your telephone company saying that something is wrong with your phone line. Ask them to repair it.
BEFORE YOU START 1. Match time expressions (a-s) with appropriate dates in the calendar.
2. Say these times in English. Say each time in two ways.
READING 3. Read the phone call. Then complete Michelle’s meeting planner.
Michelle’s meeting planner
4. Look at the underlined phrases in the phone call in Exercise 3 and guess their meaning. Check with your teacher or a dictionary. 5. Work in pairs. Read the phone call in Exercise 3 aloud (Student A – you are astonished to hear your ex-colleague, Michelle calling, Student B – you are happy and excited). Take turns to be A and B. H 6. Act out the call in Exercise 3. Remember to change names and some details. VOCABULARY
7. Read the call in Exercise 3 again. Find and underline one or more phrases which: 1. say you want a meeting; 2. explain the reason for the meeting; 3. suggest a day or time; 4. agree to a day or time; 5. say “no” and give a reason; 6. ask about the place; 7. confirm the details. 8. You have an appointment to see Ms Keppel at 11. 30 today. Unfortunately your train is delayed. You will not arrive until 12. 30. Telephone Ms Keppel’s secretary, John Cousins, to explain the problem. Complete the conversation with words from the box.
A: Hello, Mr Cousins. This is (your name). I (a) _______ at 11. 30, with Ms Keppel. But unfortunately the train (b) ________. I’m going to be (c) _______. B: I understand. What time do you think you’ll arrive? A: About 12. 30. Is that a (d) _______? B: No, no problem at all. A: Thank you. I am (e) ________ about the (f) ________. B: It’s OK. It’s not your fault. See you soon. Thanks for (g) __________. A: Thank you. Bye for now.
9. Look at these extracts from three conversations. Put the lines in the correct order. The first line is done for you.
H 10. How would you answer these questions? a) Would Monday suit you?
b) Can you make Tuesday next week? ____________________________ c) What would be the most convenient for you? ________________________________ d) I’ll see you on Thursday at 3 p. m., then. ________________________________ e) Shall I pick you up at the factory? ___________________________ f) Can you make that a bit earlier? _________________________ g) I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr Lewis. _______________________________ h) Would you like to meet for lunch? ___________________________ i) Might I suggest Wednesday afternoon? ______________________________ j) What time would suit you? ___________________________ k) Would you like to go to the trade fair in Munich? _____________________ l) I could manage late in the afternoon.
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