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and you had to answer  the phone all that



H 13. Your co-worker went out for two hours

   and you had to answer  the phone all that

time.   Three   of   the    callers    wanted

to  speak   to  him. Write    a   note    for

 your  co-worker   saying   who,  when and

why called him.  

Part 2. Taking and Leaving Telephone Messages


1. Say the following phone numbers in English.


a) 07791 842287    c) 07773 584 326 e) 7079 885 149
b) 033 10 45469011 d) 562214 f) 1000 787 585

2. Say your own mobile / home number in English.


3. Read these two calls. Then complete the notes.


Call 1

A. Message for: ____________

   Caller’s name: ____________

  Caller’s number(s): ________

  Message: _______________


B. Company answering _________

What the person answering  offers to do ______________

  Call 2 A. Message for: _____________   Caller’s name: _____________   Caller’s number(s): _________   Message: ________________   ________________________ B. Company answering __________ What the person answering offers to do _______________
1. A

Hello. AGM Finance. Jane speaking. Can I help you?


Hello. Can I speak to Chris Dale, please?


Who’s calling, please?


This is Anna Lee.


Just a moment… I’m sorry, the line is busy. Do you want to hold on or call back later?


Can I leave a message?


Of course.


Can you ask him to call me on 0121 334 8798?


OK. 0121 334 8798. Can you spell your name, please?


A-N-N-A L-E-E… Can you say I need to speak to him urgently?


I’ll give him the message.


Thanks. Goodbye.

2. A

Hello. Ikon Technology. Can I help you?


Good morning. This is Wayne Glen. Can I speak to Jennifer Bliss, please?


I’m sorry, she’s not in the office today. Can I take a message?


Yes. I need to talk to her about our meeting. Can you ask her to call me as soon as possible?


Yes, of course. Can I have your number?


Yes, it’s 0046 8 5678 6769.


So that’s 0046 8 5678 6769.


Yes, and let me give you my mobile number. It’s

07990 202022.


OK, Mr Glen. I’ll give her the message.


Thank you.


You’re welcome. Goodbye.


4. Look at the underlined phrases in the phone calls in Exercise 3 and guess their meaning. Check with your teacher or a dictionary.

5. Work in pairs. Read the phone calls in Exercise 3 aloud (Student A–you are very tired and can hardly keep awake, Student B – you are very nervous and your voice is shaking). Take turns to be A and B.

H 6. Act out one of the calls in Exercise 3. Remember to change names and some details:

a) act out Call 1.

b) act out Call 2.


7. Look at the phrases from the two phone calls. Does the person answering the call (A) or the person making the call (B) say them? Write A or B in the boxes.

1. … speaking. Can I help you? 7. I’m sorry the line is busy.      
2. This is… from… 8. Who’s calling, please?
3. Can you leave a message?       9. Just a moment, please.         
4. Do you want to hold on or call back later?                                                         10. Can you ask him to call me back?   
5. Can I have your number? 11. Can I take a message?              
6. Can I speak to …, please?       12. Can you ask him to ring me back?  

8. Put the phrases of the dialogue in the correct order.

Secretary Mr Lee                                         
1. Lisa Bond’s office. 2.  I’m sorry, Mrs Bond’s in a meeting right now. May I take a message? 3. She should be free later this afternoon. a) My name is Mr Lee from Central Trading Company in Hong Kong. b) Yes, that’s right. I’ll be in all afternoon. c) Thank you.
4. Certainly. What was your name again, please? 5. And what number are you on, Mr Lee? 6. Right. So that’s Mr Lee of Central Trading Company in Hong Kong and Mrs Bond can reach you on (852) 887 2140. Is that right? 7. Fine, I’ll give her the message, Mr Lee. d) Well, I do need to speak to her. Do you know when she’ll be free? e) My number is 887 2140. The code for Hong Kong is 852. f) Lisa Bond, please. g) I see. Well, this is Mr Lee of Central Trading Company in Hong Kong. I wonder if you could have her call me back?


H 9. Cameron is calling his colleague Maria, but she is out. Fill in the gaps in the telephone conversation.


Leslie: ___________
Cameron: Hello, is this Leslie?
Leslie: Yes? _____________?
Cameron: It's Cameron here. ________________Maria?
Leslie: No, she’s just ___________ out for a moment. Can I take a message?
Cameron: Yes, thanks. ____________ ask her to email me Invoice # FA 121375?
Leslie: Sure. Just let me write that down. Oh, Cameron. Could you _________ for a second? I have to take another call.
Cameron: No problem.
Leslie: Hi. Sorry about that. Now could you please ____________ that information? I didn't have a pen handy.
Cameron: Sure. Ask her to email me Invoice # FA 121375.
Leslie: Okay, I've got it. Is there anything else?
Cameron: No, __________.                                                                   
Leslie: Okay. Oh, there's my other line again. I'd better ___________.
Cameron: Okay, thanks again. Bye for now.
Leslie: _____________

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