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7. Do these pairs of sentences mean the same thing or something different? Write (S) same or (D) different.

7. Do these pairs of sentences mean the same thing or something different? Write (S) same or (D) different.

1. Speak up, please / Speak more loudly, please. ( )

2. Speak more slowly, please. / Please hold a moment. ( )

3. I didn’t catch that. / I couldn’t hear that. ( )

4. I can’t hear you I’m afraid. / I don’t understand what you mean. ( )

5. Can you read that back to me? / Can you take a message? ( )

6. Let me read that back to you. / Let me just check I’ve got that. ( )

7. Would you mind repeating that? / Can you call me back? ( )

8. Sorry, you’ve lost me. / I didn’t understand you, I’m afraid. ( )



8. Complete sentences 1-10 with these pairs of verbs. Don’t forget to put the verbs into the correct form!

be + speak               get + read       hear + try            mean + know                say + catch                  speak + hear       speak + repeat   spell + be    understand + mind   need + write



1. I’m not sure if I __________. Would you ______________ repeating it?

2. Please _________ up. I can’t ____________ you very well.

3. Can you _____________ that again? I didn’t ____________ the last part.

4. Sorry, that __________ too fast for me. Can you __________more slowly?

5. Please ____________ your surname again so I can ____________ sure.

6. I’m sorry, I still don’t know what you __________. Is there anyone in your office who _______ Italian?

7. I think I’ve __________ it but let me just ________ it back to you.

8. Sorry, I don’t __________ English very well. Can you ___________ it?

9. Perhaps you ___________ to email me, in case I didn’t _________ it down correctly.

10. I can’t ________ you properly. You’d better __________ calling again.


9. Complete these two calls with sentences (a-i) from the list below. Use each sentence once only.


A.: May I help you?
B.: _____________
A.: I’m sorry, I think you have the wrong number. What number were you calling?
B.: __________________________________________________________
A.: No, this is 311 4240.
B.: _________________
A.: No problem. Goodbye.
B.: ___________________

Call 2

C.: __________________________________________________________
D.: Ah, yes, Mr Fernandez. It’s James Dale here again. I don’t know what happened there. We were cut off somehow, and now this is a terrible line…
C.: __________________________________________________________
D.: Oh, I’m sorry, I said we were cut off somehow, and now there’s lot of interference on this line. I think I’ll have to call you back.
C.: __________________________________________________________
D.: Interference? It just means there’s a lot of noise on the line so it isn’t very clear.
C.: __________________________________________________________
D.: I’m going to hang up and call you back. OK?
C.: _____________________________________


a) OK.

b) Ah, I see. No, it isn’t very clear – I can hardly hear you.

c) Isn’t that 311 4249?

d) Goodbye.

e) I’m afraid you are speaking a bit too fast for me. Could you possibly speak a little slower, Mr Dale?

f) Could you please connect me with your Purchasing Officer, Mr Dean?

g) Inter… what? I’m sorry, I don’t know this word. What does it mean?

h) Fernandez.

i) Oh, excuse me, I do have the wrong number.

H 10. What would you say to the person you are speaking with on the phone in the following situations?

a. You have dialed the wrong number.


b. Someone else has dialed the wrong number.


c. There’s interference on the line.


d. Your English isn’t very good.


e. You were suddenly disconnected.


f. You didn’t understand what someone said.


g. You want the person to stop speaking so fast.


h. You want the person to speak louder.



11. Practise this conversation in pairs. Use the diagram and useful phrases to help you. Take turns to play each role.

Useful phrases · You must have the wrong number · Is that not 556 8790? · No, it’s 555 8790 · Sorry about that · I must have dialled the wrong number · Can I help you? · I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong number · I’ll try and put you through · His direct number is … · Sorry to have troubled you
1) Answer the phone  
  2) Ask to speak to                 Mr Smith in marketing.
3) Check the caller’s name.  
  4) Give your name and your company’s name but speak softly.
5) Ask the other person to speak up.  
  6) Repeat what you said loudly enough, but this time speak too fast.
7) Apologize and ask B to speak more slowly.  
  8) Say you are sorry and repeat what you said slowly enough.

H 4 12. Make the following calls. Use useful phrases (p. 18) to help you.  Take turns to be A and B.

MAKE CALL 1: You want to speak to McKean in ThermalTake on extension 587203. TAKE CALL 2: You work for a small company in Los Angeles. Your telephone number is (213) 123 4567. No one by the name of Walker works for your company. Besides B speaks in such a low voice, that you can’t hear him. MAKE CALL 3: You want to speak to Mr Hanks in the Dell’s Latin American Division. TAKE CALL 1: You work for ThermalTake. Your telephone number is 586203. No one called McKean works for your company. MAKE CALL 2: You want to speak to Alex Walker in New York on (212) 123 4567. Speak very softly until A asks you to speak up. TAKE CALL 3: You work in the Dell’s European Division on extension 244. No one called Hanks works in your division. You are very busy and you speak so fast that the caller can’t make out what you are saying.  



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