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Outpatient              practitioner

Health                         call

Registered               care

general                      procedure

13. Match the verbs (1-6) with the correct meaning (a-f):

To observe 2. to prevent 3. to follow-up 4. to evaluate 5. to offer 6. to present with

a) to watch carefully and attentively

b) to form an idea about volume, number, amount, value

c) to examine or observe a patient in order to monitor the success of the earlier treatment

d) to keep something from happening

e) to visit a doctor with disturbing symptoms

f) to suggest something

14. Replace Russian words with English equivalents:

  Амбулаторное лечение is provided on an outpatient basis. A meeting between a пациентом and a physician to get health advice or лечение for a симптома or condition is a посещение врача. If it is necessary to visit to a врача - специалиста, GP can supply a пациенту with a направление and записать на приём. Appropriate care for an ACSC can include one or more planned revisits for последующего наблюдения врача. The service ‘ вызов врача на дом ’, a visit to the patient’s home by a doctor or other professional, can be also provided. Кабинет врача is the most common site for the delivery of амбулаторного лечения and usually consists of a визита к врачу. Клиники include ambulatory care clinics, поликлиники, ambulatory surgery centers, and центры неотложной помощи. Typical large outpatient clinic houses врачей общей практики such as doctors and медсёстры to provide ambulatory care and some оказание неотложной помощи.

Explain the following terms with your own words:

Polyclinic, health center, referral, outpatient care, walk-in clinic, nurse-led clinic, follow-up patient, doctor’s visit, house call, health care facility, ambulatory care sensitive condition, telemediine


16. Match the picture and healthcare facility:

1. doctor's office                                                    5. general out-patient clinic

2. ambulatory care clinic                                  6. healthcare center

3. walk-in clinic                                           7. ambulatory surgery clinic

4. urgent care centers                                   8. specialist clinic


A. B.


B. D.


E.  F.

G.  H.

17. Complete the sentences:

A policlinic is……..

Some outpatient care facilities are………

Clinic is ……..

Types of the clinic are ………

Complete the chart below featuring out the outpatiett care facilities:

Facility Type Type Features
Doctor’s office      
Ambulatory nursing care      
Non-medical institution-based settings      
Clinic General out-patient clinic    
  Specialist clinic    
  Ambulatory surgery clinic    
  Healthcare center    
  Nurse-led clinic    
  Walk-in clinic    

Extension video:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYoF4PnSC-Y what is ambulatory care?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnSi-kKyP50 walk-in clinics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ps3WNsfZVM ambulatory nursing care


19. Group Work. Think of the key words and word combinations relating to the topic ‘Outpatient Care’.

20. Using the diagram tell about the ‘patient’s rout’ through the outpatient care system.


Functions of ‘one’


Health care organizations use different ways to provide the care as an "ambulatory" one.

They are often associated with a general medical practice run by one or several general practitioners.

One can state that ambulatory care services represent the most significant contributor to increasing hospital expenditures and to the performance of the health care system in most countries, including most developing ones.


21.   Define the function of one and translate the sentences into Russian:

1.The specialty hospital may provide the same procedures or slightly more complex ones. 2. One can describe ambulatory care nursing as a comprehensive practice which is built on a broad knowledge base of nursing and health sciences. 3. Urgent medical conditions are ones that are not considered emergencies but still require care within 24 hours. 4. One has shown that outpatient surgery is as safe as or safer than inpatient surgery. 5. An early use of the word clinic was "one who receives baptism on a sick bed". 6. In some university cities, polyclinics contain outpatient departments for the entire teaching hospital in one building. 7. In special type of clinics, the injury or illness may not be serious enough to require a visit to an emergency room, but the person can be transferred to one if needed. 8. One knows that all physicians of the same specialty in the same group are considered as one when providing services to patients. 9. Appropriate care for an ACSC can include one or more planned revisits for follow-up. 10. Ambulatory Surgery Centers may perform surgeries in several specialties or specialize in their services to one specialty, such as eye care or sports medicine.


22. Translate the sentences into English:


1.В общем, состояние, требующее оказания экстренной помощи, - это состояние, которое несёт постоянную угрозу жизни пациента. 2. Одно из главных отличий этой профессии – это полученные навыки для проведения хирургических операций, а так же других умений по оказанию неотложной помощи. 3. Клиники часто связаны (ассоциируются) с ведением общей врачебной практики под руководством одного или нескольких общепрактикующих врачей. 4. Центры здоровья являются типом сетевых клиник, обеспечивающие предоставление медицинских услуг для людей, проживающих в определённом округе. 5. Необходимо предварительно записаться на приём к врачу в поликлинике. 6. Установлено, что врачи провели более 23 миллионов операций в АХЦ (ASCs) в США в 2011 году.  7. На пример, число случаев инфицирования было гораздо меньше, если операция была проведена в амбулаторном отделении, а не в стационарном. 8. Уход за больным на дому, как правило, обходится пациенту дешевле и более удобен для него, чем в больнице.



Telemedicine - connection between the doctor and the patient            

through Wi-Fi videoconferencing network



23. Watch the video ‘Huawei Telepresence Telemedicine Solution’ and name the solutions telemedicine gives to the outpatient care.




24. Try to predict the right answers for the questions:


ü How is India called?

o home of the largest number of blind people

o home of the smallest number of blind people

o home of blind people


ü How many blind people live in India?

o 35 million

o 45 million

o 15 million


ü When does Indian government intend to eliminate avoidable blindness?

o in 11 years

o in 20 years

o in 10 years


ü Why is the video treatment essential in India?

o because of scarcity of doctors

o because of scarcity of nurses

o because of scarcity of patients


25. Watch the video ‘Telemedicine Transforming Rural India’ and check your predictions:





26. Watch the video once more and answer the following questions:


ü How many vision centers were opened over the past 6 years?

ü What are the duties of the ophthalmic assistant in the vision center?

ü How many patients are treated in Vision Center per year?

ü How are centers connected to the main hospital?

ü How many centers does the Indian government plan to set up in the rural areas?


27. Fill in the chart according to the information in the video:

Patient Mr. Rajamani Comb




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