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Choose the sentences that clarify the title of the text.

35. Tell about a ‘ health professional ’ using the following items:


§ branches & specialties

§ health care facilities (institutions)

§ levels & skills

§ an individual & group


Grammar (Revision)

Past Participle, Present Participle

36. Translate the sentences into Russian paying your attention to Present and Past Participle:

1.Outpatient care or ambulatory care is medical care provided on an outpatient basis, including diagnosis, observation, consultation, treatment, intervention, and rehabilitation services. 2. This care includes advanced medical technologies and procedures. 3. A lot of medical investigations and treatments for acute and chronic illnesses and preventive health care can be performed on an ambulatory basis, including minor surgical and medical procedures, most types of dental services, and many types of diagnostic procedures. 4. Appropriate care for an ACSC can include one or more planned revisits for follow-up. 5. Depending on Action Plan for Healthcare patients have to pay dues to a particular practice to underwrite house calls, some patient having Health Insurance Plan cards are able to take advantage of the house call system, and arrange for appointments with physicians at their home. 6. Physicians of many specialties deliver ambulatory care, including specialists in family medicine, internal medicine, OB\GYN, cardiology, ophthalmology. 7. The telemedicine-based follow-up is feasible and safe for the evaluation of early postoperative complications. 8. Ambulatory care includes those clinical, organizational and professional activities engaged in by registered nurses with and for individuals, groups, and populations who seek assistance with improving health and/or seek care for health-related problems. 9. Non-medical institution-based settings, including school and prison health; vision, dental and pharmaceutical care. 10. Typically covering the primary healthcare needs of populations in local communities clinics can be privately operated or publicly managed and funded. 11. Also there are specialized clinics, e.g. physical therapy clinic run by physiotherapists.  12. There are many different types of clinics providing outpatient services. 13. Specialist clinic provides advanced diagnostic or treatment services for specific diseases or parts of the body. 14. Ambulatory surgery clinic offers outpatient or same day surgery services, usually for surgical procedures less complicated than those requiring hospitalization, including diagnostic and preventive procedures. 15. Community health center is one of a network of clinics staffed by a group of general practitioners and nurses providing healthcare services to people in a certain area. 16.

Typical services covered are family practice and dental care. 17. Nurse-led clinic is any outpatient clinic run or managed by registered nurses, usually nurse practitioners or Clinical Nurse Specialists.  


                                        Review your progress

Test for self-control


37. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1.Nurse/patient meetings can occur once or as a series, are usually less than 24 hours in length at any one time, and occur singly or in-group settings. 2. All Ambulatory Surgery Centers must have at least one dedicated operating room and the equipment needed to perform surgery safely and ensure quality patient care. 3. One has estimated that over 15,000 urgent care centers deliver urgent care services. 4. One intended that polyclinics in England would offer a greater range of services than were offered by current general practitioner practices and local health centers. 5. In the United States, a free clinic provides free healthcare or low-cost one for those without insurance.




38. Watch the video ‘Outpatient Services’ (West Florida. Rehabilitation Institute) and answer the questions:



ü What therapy is conducted in the rehabilitation center?

ü What is occupational therapy aimed at?

ü What is driving program?

ü What is physical therapy focused on?

ü What is osteoporosis program?

ü What is speech and language therapy?

ü What is the goal of this rehabilitation center?



39. Fill in the gaps with the words\word combinations from the Word bank:

Word Bank: outpatients, clinic, hospitals, medical school, populations, privately, healthcare, medical practice.

Ambulatory care clinic is a __________________ facility that is primarily focused on the care of _______________. Clinics can be _____________operated or publicly managed and funded. They typically cover the primary healthcare needs of __________________in local communities, in contrast to larger ______________ which offer specialized treatments and admit inpatients for overnight stays. Most commonly, the word clinic in English refers to a general__________________________, run by one or more general practitioners, but it can also mean a specialist _________________. Some clinics retain the name “clinic" even while growing into institutions as large as major hospitals or becoming associated with a hospital or ________________________.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Vf4F6mWksQ outpatient surgery (a child)







Unit 20

Inpatient care

T opic Inpatient care

Grammar Perfect Passive Revision Modal Verbs, Modal Equivalents

Vocabulary Inpatient care, Conversion

Reading ‘Hospital’, ‘Hospital equipment and Supplies’

Listening ‘Stamford Hospital Inpatient Surgery Tour’ (video)

Speaking Group Work (Rout Map)

Getting started

1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions:


ü Can you give the definition of ‘Inpatient Care’?

ü What health facilities provide the inpatient care?

ü Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? What was the reason?


Word building:

Conversion is the word formation process in which a word of one grammatical form becomes a word of another grammatical form without any changes to spelling or pronunciation. For example, the noun email appeared in English before the verb: a decade ago I would have sent you an email (noun) whereas now I can either send you an email (noun) or simply email (verb) you. The original noun email experienced conversion, thus resulting in the new verb email.

The most productive form of conversion in English is noun to verb conversion. The following list provides examples of verbs converted from nouns:

Noun – Verb

  • access – to access
  • email – to email
  • Google – to google


Another productive form of conversion in English is verb to noun conversion. The following list provides examples of nouns converted from verbs:

Verb – Noun

  • to attack – attack
  • to clone – clone
  • to command – command
  • to cover – cover


Conversion also occurs, although less frequently, to and from other grammatical forms. For example:

· adjective to verb: green → to green (to make environmentally friendly)

· preposition to noun: up, down → the ups and downs of life

· conjunction to noun: if, and, but → no ifs, ands, or buts

· interjection to noun: ho ho ho → I love the ho ho hos of Christmastime.



2. Translate the following words paying attention to the suffixes:

Staff – to staff, record – to record, head – to head, function - to function, note - to note, cost - to cost, test - to test, measure - to measure, discharge – to discharge, spread – to spread, stay – to stay, sign – to sign, form – to form, progress – to progress, report – to report, follow-up – to follow up, help – to help, design – to design, visit – to visit, support – to support, document – to document, use – to use, process – to process, plan – to plan.

3. Read and translate the anatomical terms of Latin-Greek origin. Pay your attention to the pronunciation of the words:

Admission [qd`mIS(q)n],trauma [`trLmq] (pl. traumata [`trLmqtq]), hospital [`hOspIt(q)l], institution [,In(t)stI`tjHS(q)n], campus [`kxmpqs], accident [`xksId(q)nt], ambulance [`xmbjqlqn(t)s], anaesthetics [,xnqs`TetIks], pathology [pq`TOlqdZI], status [`steItqs], consent [kqn`sent],discharge [dIs`CRdZ].

Useful vocabulary

inpatient care [`In,peIS(q)nt,keq] - стационарное лечение, больничная помощь

health care facility [`helT,keq fq,sIlqtI] (health care institution) – медицинское учреждение, лечебное учреждение

admission note [qd`mIS(q),nqut]- полная история болезни (от поступления в стационар до выписки)

case history [`keIs,hIst(q)rI] – история болезни, анамнез, диспансерная карта

to examine [Ig`zxmIn] – обследовать, осматривать (пациента)

physical examination [,fIzIk(q)l Ig,zxmI`neIS(q)n] - медицинский осмотр, физическое обследование

to be admitted to the hospital [bJ qd,mIt(q)d tq Dq `hOspIt(q)l]– поступить в больницу

care plan [`keq,plxn] - план по уходу за пациентом

notes [nquts]- дневники

to require [`rI`kwaIq] - требовать, нуждаться

medical equipment [,medIk(q)l  I`kwIpmqnt] – медицинское оборудование

health insurance [,helT In`Suqr(q)n(t)s] - страхование здоровья

general hospital [,dZen(q)r(q)l `hOspIt(q)l] (acute-care hospital [q,kjHt,keq `hOspIt(q)l]) – больница общего профиля, неспециализированная больница

teaching hospital [,tJCIN `hOspIt(q)l] - клиника (при медицинском высшем учебном заведении), базовая больница

ambulance service [`xmbjqlqn(t)s sWvIs]– служба скорой помощи

a range of [`reIndZ] - ряд, область

ward [`wLd] – отделение в больнице, больничная палата

department [dI`pRtmqnt]– отделение

unit [`jHnit]– подразделение

emergency department [I`mWdZ(q)n(t)sI dI,pRtmqnt] - приёмное отделение, отделение неотложной помощи

accident and emergency (A&E) department [`xksId(q)nt qnd I,mWdZ(q)n(t)sI dI,pRtmqnt]) (Casualty [`kxZjuqltI]) - отделение экстренной медицинской помощи

critical care department [k`rItIk(q)l,keq dI,pRtmqnt] (intensive care unit [In`ten(t)sIv,keq,jHnit]) – отделение интенсивной терапии и реанимации

diagnostic imaging department [daIqg`nOstIk,ImIdZIN dI,pRtmqnt] (X-ray department [`eksreI dI,pRtmqnt]) – отделение лучевой диагностики

pathology (microbiology) department [pq`TOlqdZI dI,pRtmqnt]– отделение лабораторных методов исследования

to make a diagnosis [,daIq`gnqusIs] - ставить диагноз

findings  [`faIndINz] – полученные данные, результаты

to administer [qd`mInIstq] - назначать, применять, оказывать помощь больному

to refer to [rI`fW] – направлять

health care professional [`helT,keq prq,feS(q)n(q)l] – медицинский работник

allied health practitioner [q`laId,helT prx`ktIS(q)nq] - специалист смежной специализации

fasting [`fRstIN] – натощак, голодание

robe [rqub]– халат, одежда (для пациента)

gown [gaun] – медицинский халат

gloves [glAvz] - перчатки

patient identification band [`peIS(q)nt aI,dentIfI`keIS(q)n,bxnd] - идентификационный браслет

consent form [kqn`sent,fLm]– подписка о согласии (с указанными условиями)

to discharge [dIs`CRdZ] (from) – выписывать (из)

discharge report [dIs`CRdZ rI,pLt] (discharge note [dIs`CRdZ,nqut])  - выписная справка, выписной эпикриз


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