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Hospital Equipment and Supplies



  Today, there are more than 10 000 types of medical devices available. The selection of appropriate medical equipment always depends on local, regional or national requirements; factors to consider include the type of health facility where the devices are to be used, the health work force available and the burden of disease experienced in the specific catchment area. It is therefore impossible to make a list of core medical equipment which would be exhaustive and/or universally applicable.

 Medical equipment (also known as armamentarium) is designed to aid in the diagnosis, monitoring or treatment of medical conditions.

There are several basic types:

· Diagnostic equipment includes medical imaging machines, used to aid in diagnosis. Examples are ultrasound and MRI machines, PET and CT scanners, and x-ray machines.

· Treatment equipment includes infusion pumps, medical lasers and LASIK surgical machines.

· Life support equipment is used to maintain a patient's bodily function. This includes medical ventilators, incubators, anaesthetic machines, heart-lung machins, ECMO, and dialysis machines.

· Medical monitors allow medical staff to measure a patient's medical state. Monitors may measure patient vital signs and other parameters including ECG, EEG, and blood pressure.

· Medical laboratory equipment automates or helps analyze blood, urine, genes, and dissolved gasses in the blood. 

· Diagnostic Medical Equipment may also be used in the home for certain purposes, e.g. for the control of diabetes mellitus.

· Therapeutic: physical therapy machines like continues passive range of motion (CPM) machines.


Instrument Uses
Bedpan for patients who are unconscious or too weak to sit up or walk to the toilet to defecate
Cannula to create a permanent pathway to a vein (or artery) for the purpose of repeated injections or infusion of intravenous fluids
Cardioverter\Defebrillator to correct arrhythmias of the heart or to start up a heart that is not beating
Catheter to drain and collect urine directly from the bladder (primary use); also to act as a makeshift oxygen tube, etc.
Dialyser to remove toxic materials from the blood that are generally removed by the kidneys; used in case of renal failure
Electrocardiograph machine to record the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time
Enema equipment to passively evacuate the rectum of faeces
Endoscope to look inside the GI tract, used mainly in surgery or by surgical consultants
Gas cylinder as a supply of oxygen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, etc.
Gauze sponge to absorb blood and other fluids as well as clean wounds
Surgical scissors used for dissecting or cutting
Hypodermic needle\Syringe For injections and aspiration of blood or fluid from the body
Infection control equipment as in gloves, gowns, bonnets, shoe covers, face shields, goggles, and surgical masks for preventing nosocomial or healthcare-associated infection
Instrument sterilizer to sterilize instruments in absence of an autoclave
Kidney dish as a tray for instruments, gauze, tissue, etc.
Measuring tape for length, height, head circumference and girth measurements
Medical halogen penlight to see into the eye, natural orifices, etc. and to test for pupillary light reflex, etc.
Nasogastritis tube for nasogastric suction or the introduction of food or drugs into the body
Nebulizer to produce aerosols of drugs to be administered by respiratory route
Opthalmoscope to look at the retina
Otoscope to look into the external ear cavity
Oxygen mask and tubes to deliver gases to the mouth/nostrils to assist in oxygen intake or to administer aerosolized or gaseous drugs
Pipette or dropper to measure out doses of liquid, specially in children
Proctoscope to look inside the anal canal and lower part of the rectum
Reflex hammer to test motor reflexes of the body
Sphygmomanometer to measure the patient's blood pressure
Stethoscope to hear sounds from movements within the body like heart beats, intestinal movements, breath sounds, etc.  
Suction device to suck up blood or secretions
Thermometer to record body temperature
Tongue depressor for use in oral examination
Transfusion kit to transfuse blood and blood products
Tuning fork to test for deafness and to categorize it
Ventilator to assist or carry out the mechanical act of inspiration and expiration so the non- respiring patient can do so; a common component of "life support"
Watch\Stopwatch for recording rates like heart rate, respiratory rate, etc.; for certain hearing tests
Weighing scale to measure weight
Crocodile Forceps to remove foreign bodies from ear or nasal cavities



Grammar (Revision)

Modal Verbs, Modal Equivalents

31. Translate the sentences into Russian paying your attention to Modal verbs and Modal equivalents:

1. A hospital may be a single building or a number of buildings on a campus. 2. Specialized hospitals can help to reduce health care costs compared to general hospitals. 3. Hospitals may have acute services such as an emergency department or specialist trauma center, burn unit, surgery, or urgent care. 4. Health care professionals use them to record a patient's baseline status and may write additional notes. 5. If a patient has been referred to the inpatient department for inpatient treatment, an admission date has to be arranged by contacting the Patient Information Center. 6. A patient held for observation is not admitted to the hospital, though there are certain similarities: patients will be checked in, pertinent information from the patient or their representative can be taken, and nurse(s) and doctor(s) from the given department may visit and a physical exam and personal and family history, and basic blood and imaging tests be conducted, and a bracelet for the observation period be given to the patient. 7. Some of the diagnostic measures may require fasting. 8. The hospital can provide robes, gowns, and slippers and a kit with toothbrush, toothpaste, tissues and other small items. 9. This band should not be removed until a person is discharged from the hospital. 10. To protect patients, themselves and other patients from the possible spread of infection, the staff may wear gowns, gloves or masks at times. 11. The hospital should have a liaison psychiatry service. 12. A discharge reportwill then be issued, which the patient should forward to the physician. 13. Follow-up appointments should also be coordinated with the patient prior to discharge to monitor the patient's progress as well as any potential complications that may have arisen. 14. This means a doctor has to write a note to give the order to admit you, so if you were in the emergency room and were asked to stay overnight for “Medical Observation”, it does not make you an inpatient.


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