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Parameter Reference. Attitude Q estimator. Battery Calibration

Parameter Reference

This list is auto-generated from the source code (using make parameters_metadata) and contains the most recent parameter documentation.

Attitude Q estimator

Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
ATT_ACC_COMP (INT32) Acceleration compensation based on GPS velocity    
ATT_BIAS_MAX (FLOAT) Gyro bias limit 0 > 2 0. 05 rad/s
ATT_EXT_HDG_M (INT32) External heading usage mode (from Motion capture/Vision) Set to 1 to use heading estimate from vision. Set to 2 to use heading from motion capture Values:
  • 0: None
  • 1: Vision
  • 2: Motion Capture
0 > 2  
ATT_MAG_DECL (FLOAT) Magnetic declination, in degrees Comment: This parameter is not used in normal operation, as the declination is looked up based on the GPS coordinates of the vehicle.   0. 0 deg
ATT_MAG_DECL_A (INT32) Automatic GPS based declination compensation    
ATT_W_ACC (FLOAT) Complimentary filter accelerometer weight 0 > 1 0. 2  
ATT_W_EXT_HDG (FLOAT) Complimentary filter external heading weight 0 > 1 0. 1  
ATT_W_GYRO_BIAS (FLOAT) Complimentary filter gyroscope bias weight 0 > 1 0. 1  
ATT_W_MAG (FLOAT) Complimentary filter magnetometer weight Comment: Set to 0 to avoid using the magnetometer. 0 > 1 0. 1  

Battery Calibration

Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
BAT_ADC_CHANNEL (INT32) Battery ADC Channel Comment: This parameter specifies the ADC channel used to monitor voltage of main power battery. A value of -1 means to use the board default.   -1  
BAT_A_PER_V (FLOAT) Battery current per volt (A/V) Comment: The voltage seen by the 3. 3V ADC multiplied by this factor will determine the battery current. A value of -1 means to use the board default.   -1. 0  
BAT_CAPACITY (FLOAT) Battery capacity Comment: Defines the capacity of the attached battery. Reboot required: true -1. 0 > 100000 (50) -1. 0 mAh
BAT_CNT_V_CURR (FLOAT) Scaling from ADC counts to volt on the ADC input (battery current) Comment: This is not the battery current, but the intermediate ADC voltage. A value of -1 signifies that the board defaults are used, which is highly recommended.   -1. 0  
BAT_CNT_V_VOLT (FLOAT) Scaling from ADC counts to volt on the ADC input (battery voltage) Comment: This is not the battery voltage, but the intermediate ADC voltage. A value of -1 signifies that the board defaults are used, which is highly recommended.   -1. 0  
BAT_CRIT_THR (FLOAT) Critical threshold Comment: Sets the threshold when the battery will be reported as critically low. This has to be lower than the low threshold. This threshold commonly will trigger RTL. Reboot required: true 0. 05 > 0. 1 (0. 01) 0. 07 norm
BAT_EMERGEN_THR (FLOAT) Emergency threshold Comment: Sets the threshold when the battery will be reported as dangerously low. This has to be lower than the critical threshold. This threshold commonly will trigger landing. Reboot required: true 0. 03 > 0. 07 (0. 01) 0. 05 norm
BAT_LOW_THR (FLOAT) Low threshold Comment: Sets the threshold when the battery will be reported as low. This has to be higher than the critical threshold. Reboot required: true 0. 12 > 0. 4 (0. 01) 0. 15 norm
BAT_N_CELLS (INT32) Number of cells Comment: Defines the number of cells the attached battery consists of. Values:
  • 0: Unconfigured
  • 2: 2S Battery
  • 3: 3S Battery
  • 4: 4S Battery
  • 5: 5S Battery
  • 6: 6S Battery
  • 7: 7S Battery
  • 8: 8S Battery
  • 9: 9S Battery
  • 10: 10S Battery
  • 11: 11S Battery
  • 12: 12S Battery
  • 13: 13S Battery
  • 14: 14S Battery
  • 15: 15S Battery
  • 16: 16S Battery
Reboot required: true
BAT_R_INTERNAL (FLOAT) Explicitly defines the per cell internal resistance Comment: If non-negative, then this will be used in place of BAT_V_LOAD_DROP for all calculations. Reboot required: true -1. 0 > 0. 2 -1. 0 Ohms
BAT_SOURCE (INT32) Battery monitoring source Comment: This parameter controls the source of battery data. The value 'Power Module' means that measurements are expected to come from a power module. If the value is set to 'External' then the system expects to receive mavlink battery status messages. Values:
  • 0: Power Module
  • 1: External
0 > 1  
BAT_V_CHARGED (FLOAT) Full cell voltage (5C load) Comment: Defines the voltage where a single cell of the battery is considered full under a mild load. This will never be the nominal voltage of 4. 2V Reboot required: true (0. 01) 4. 05 V
BAT_V_DIV (FLOAT) Battery voltage divider (V divider) Comment: This is the divider from battery voltage to 3. 3V ADC voltage. If using e. g. Mauch power modules the value from the datasheet can be applied straight here. A value of -1 means to use the board default.   -1. 0  
BAT_V_EMPTY (FLOAT) Empty cell voltage (5C load) Comment: Defines the voltage where a single cell of the battery is considered empty. The voltage should be chosen before the steep dropoff to 2. 8V. A typical lithium battery can only be discharged down to 10% before it drops off to a voltage level damaging the cells. Reboot required: true (0. 01) 3. 5 V
BAT_V_LOAD_DROP (FLOAT) Voltage drop per cell on full throttle Comment: This implicitely defines the internal resistance to maximum current ratio and assumes linearity. A good value to use is the difference between the 5C and 20-25C load. Not used if BAT_R_INTERNAL is set. Reboot required: true 0. 07 > 0. 5 (0. 01) 0. 3 V
BAT_V_OFFS_CURR (FLOAT) Offset in volt as seen by the ADC input of the current sensor Comment: This offset will be subtracted before calculating the battery current based on the voltage.   0. 0  

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