| Description
| Min > Max (Incr. )
| Default
| Units
| 1-sigma IMU accelerometer switch-on bias
Reboot required: true
| 0. 0 > 0. 5
| 0. 2
| m/s/s
| Maximum IMU accel magnitude that allows IMU bias learning. If the magnitude of the IMU accelerometer vector exceeds this value, the EKF delta velocity state estimation will be inhibited. This reduces the adverse effect of high manoeuvre accelerations and IMU nonlinerity and scale factor errors on the delta velocity bias estimates
| 20. 0 > 200. 0
| 25. 0
| m/s/s
| Maximum IMU gyro angular rate magnitude that allows IMU bias learning. If the magnitude of the IMU angular rate vector exceeds this value, the EKF delta velocity state estimation will be inhibited. This reduces the adverse effect of rapid rotation rates and associated errors on the delta velocity bias estimates
| 2. 0 > 20. 0
| 3. 0
| rad/s
| Accelerometer bias learning limit. The ekf delta velocity bias states will be limited to within a range equivalent to +- of this value
| 0. 0 > 0. 8
| 0. 4
| m/s/s
| Time constant used by acceleration and angular rate magnitude checks used to inhibit delta velocity bias learning. The vector magnitude of angular rate and acceleration used to check if learning should be inhibited has a peak hold filter applied to it with an exponential decay. This parameter controls the time constant of the decay
| 0. 1 > 1. 0
| 0. 5
| s
| Process noise for IMU accelerometer bias prediction
| 0. 0 > 0. 01
| 3. 0e-3
| m/s**3
| Accelerometer noise for covariance prediction
| 0. 01 > 1. 0
| 3. 5e-1
| m/s/s
| Integer bitmask controlling data fusion and aiding methods
Comment: Set bits in the following positions to enable: 0: Set to true to use GPS data if available 1: Set to true to use optical flow data if available 2: Set to true to inhibit IMU bias estimation 3: Set to true to enable vision position fusion 4: Set to true to enable vision yaw fusion. Cannot be used if bit position 7 is true. 5: Set to true to enable multi-rotor drag specific force fusion 6: set to true if the EV observations are in a non NED reference frame and need to be rotated before being used 7: Set to true to enable GPS yaw fusion. Cannot be used if bit position 4 is true.
- 0: use GPS
- 1: use optical flow
- 2: inhibit IMU bias estimation
- 3: vision position fusion
- 4: vision yaw fusion
- 5: multi-rotor drag fusion
- 6: rotate external vision
- 7: GPS yaw fusion
Reboot required: true
| 0 > 255
| 1-sigma tilt angle uncertainty after gravity vector alignment
Reboot required: true
| 0. 0 > 0. 5
| 0. 1
| rad
| Airspeed fusion threshold. A value of zero will deactivate airspeed fusion. Any other positive value will determine the minimum airspeed which will still be fused. Set to about 90% of the vehicles stall speed. Both airspeed fusion and sideslip fusion must be active for the EKF to continue navigating after loss of GPS. Use EKF2_FUSE_BETA to activate sideslip fusion
| 0. 0 > ?
| 0. 0
| m/s
| Upper limit on airspeed along individual axes used to correct baro for position error effects
| 5. 0 > 50. 0
| 20. 0
| m/s
| Airspeed measurement delay relative to IMU measurements
Reboot required: true
| 0 > 300
| ms
| Auxillary Velocity Estimate (e. g from a landing target) delay relative to IMU measurements
Reboot required: true
| 0 > 300
| ms
| Barometer measurement delay relative to IMU measurements
Reboot required: true
| 0 > 300
| ms
| Gate size for barometric and GPS height fusion
Comment: Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.
| 1. 0 > ?
| 5. 0
| SD
| Measurement noise for barometric altitude
| 0. 01 > 15. 0
| 2. 0
| m
| X-axis ballistic coefficient used by the multi-rotor specific drag force model. This should be adjusted to minimise variance of the X-axis drag specific force innovation sequence
| 1. 0 > 100. 0
| 25. 0
| kg/m**2
| Y-axis ballistic coefficient used by the multi-rotor specific drag force model. This should be adjusted to minimise variance of the Y-axis drag specific force innovation sequence
| 1. 0 > 100. 0
| 25. 0
| kg/m**2
| Gate size for synthetic sideslip fusion
Comment: Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.
| 1. 0 > ?
| 5. 0
| SD
| Noise for synthetic sideslip fusion
| 0. 1 > 1. 0
| 0. 3
| m/s
| Integer bitmask controlling handling of magnetic declination
Comment: Set bits in the following positions to enable functions. 0: Set to true to use the declination from the geo_lookup library when the GPS position becomes available, set to false to always use the EKF2_MAG_DECL value. 1: Set to true to save the EKF2_MAG_DECL parameter to the value returned by the EKF when the vehicle disarms. 2: Set to true to always use the declination as an observation when 3-axis magnetometer fusion is being used.
- 0: use geo_lookup declination
- 1: save EKF2_MAG_DECL on disarm
- 2: use declination as an observation
Reboot required: true
| 0 > 7
| Specific drag force observation noise variance used by the multi-rotor specific drag force model. Increasing it makes the multi-rotor wind estimates adjust more slowly
| 0. 5 > 10. 0
| 2. 5
| (m/sec**2)**2
| Measurement noise for airspeed fusion
| 0. 5 > 5. 0
| 1. 4
| m/s
| Measurement noise for vision angle observations used when the vision system does not supply error estimates
| 0. 01 > ?
| 0. 05
| rad
| Measurement noise for vision position observations used when the vision system does not supply error estimates
| 0. 01 > ?
| 0. 05
| m
| Vision Position Estimator delay relative to IMU measurements
Reboot required: true
| 0 > 300
| ms
| Gate size for vision estimate fusion
Comment: Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.
| 1. 0 > ?
| 5. 0
| SD
| X position of VI sensor focal point in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Y position of VI sensor focal point in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Z position of VI sensor focal point in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Boolean determining if synthetic sideslip measurements should fused
Comment: A value of 1 indicates that fusion is active Both sideslip fusion and airspeed fusion must be active for the EKF to continue navigating after loss of GPS. Use EKF2_ARSP_THR to activate airspeed fusion.
| 1-sigma IMU gyro switch-on bias
Reboot required: true
| 0. 0 > 0. 2
| 0. 1
| rad/sec
| Integer bitmask controlling GPS checks
Comment: Set bits to 1 to enable checks. Checks enabled by the following bit positions 0: Minimum required sat count set by EKF2_REQ_NSATS 1: Minimum required GDoP set by EKF2_REQ_GDOP 2: Maximum allowed horizontal position error set by EKF2_REQ_EPH 3: Maximum allowed vertical position error set by EKF2_REQ_EPV 4: Maximum allowed speed error set by EKF2_REQ_SACC 5: Maximum allowed horizontal position rate set by EKF2_REQ_HDRIFT. This check will only run when the vehicle is on ground and stationary. Detecton of the stationary condition is controlled by the EKF2_MOVE_TEST parameter. 6: Maximum allowed vertical position rate set by EKF2_REQ_VDRIFT. This check will only run when the vehicle is on ground and stationary. Detecton of the stationary condition is controlled by the EKF2_MOVE_TEST parameter. 7: Maximum allowed horizontal speed set by EKF2_REQ_HDRIFT. This check will only run when the vehicle is on ground and stationary. Detecton of the stationary condition is controlled by the EKF2_MOVE_TEST parameter. 8: Maximum allowed vertical velocity discrepancy set by EKF2_REQ_VDRIFT
- 0: Min sat count (EKF2_REQ_NSATS)
- 1: Min GDoP (EKF2_REQ_GDOP)
- 2: Max horizontal position error (EKF2_REQ_EPH)
- 3: Max vertical position error (EKF2_REQ_EPV)
- 4: Max speed error (EKF2_REQ_SACC)
- 5: Max horizontal position rate (EKF2_REQ_HDRIFT)
- 6: Max vertical position rate (EKF2_REQ_VDRIFT)
- 7: Max horizontal speed (EKF2_REQ_HDRIFT)
- 8: Max vertical velocity discrepancy (EKF2_REQ_VDRIFT)
| 0 > 511
| GPS measurement delay relative to IMU measurements
Reboot required: true
| 0 > 300
| ms
| Multi GPS Blending Control Mask
Comment: Set bits in the following positions to set which GPS accuracy metrics will be used to calculate the blending weight. Set to zero to disable and always used first GPS instance. 0: Set to true to use speed accuracy 1: Set to true to use horizontal position accuracy 2: Set to true to use vertical position accuracy
- 0: use speed accuracy
- 1: use hpos accuracy
- 2: use vpos accuracy
| 0 > 7
| X position of GPS antenna in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Y position of GPS antenna in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Z position of GPS antenna in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Gate size for GPS horizontal position fusion
Comment: Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.
| 1. 0 > ?
| 5. 0
| SD
| Measurement noise for gps position
| 0. 01 > 10. 0
| 0. 5
| m
| Multi GPS Blending Time Constant
Comment: Sets the longest time constant that will be applied to the calculation of GPS position and height offsets used to correct data from multiple GPS data for steady state position differences.
| 1. 0 > 100. 0
| 10. 0
| s
| Gate size for GPS velocity fusion
Comment: Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.
| 1. 0 > ?
| 5. 0
| SD
| Measurement noise for gps horizontal velocity
| 0. 01 > 5. 0
| 0. 5
| m/s
| Process noise for IMU rate gyro bias prediction
| 0. 0 > 0. 01
| 1. 0e-3
| rad/s**2
| Rate gyro noise for covariance prediction
| 0. 0001 > 0. 1
| 1. 5e-2
| rad/s
| Gate size for magnetic heading fusion
Comment: Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.
| 1. 0 > ?
| 2. 6
| SD
| Measurement noise for magnetic heading fusion
| 0. 01 > 1. 0
| 0. 3
| rad
| Determines the primary source of height data used by the EKF
Comment: The range sensor option should only be used when for operation over a flat surface as the local NED origin will move up and down with ground level.
- 0: Barometric pressure
- 1: GPS
- 2: Range sensor
- 3: Vision
Reboot required: true
| X position of IMU in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Y position of IMU in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Z position of IMU in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| ID of Magnetometer the learned bias is for
Reboot required: true
| Learned value of magnetometer X axis bias. This is the amount of X-axis magnetometer bias learned by the EKF and saved from the last flight. It must be set to zero if the ground based magnetometer calibration is repeated
Reboot required: true
| -0. 5 > 0. 5
| 0. 0
| mGauss
| Learned value of magnetometer Y axis bias. This is the amount of Y-axis magnetometer bias learned by the EKF and saved from the last flight. It must be set to zero if the ground based magnetometer calibration is repeated
Reboot required: true
| -0. 5 > 0. 5
| 0. 0
| mGauss
| Learned value of magnetometer Z axis bias. This is the amount of Z-axis magnetometer bias learned by the EKF and saved from the last flight. It must be set to zero if the ground based magnetometer calibration is repeated
Reboot required: true
| -0. 5 > 0. 5
| 0. 0
| mGauss
| Maximum fraction of learned mag bias saved at each disarm. Smaller values make the saved mag bias learn slower from flight to flight. Larger values make it learn faster. Must be > 0. 0 and < = 1. 0< =" " p=" " >
| 0. 0 > 1. 0
| 0. 2
| State variance assumed for magnetometer bias storage. This is a reference variance used to calculate the fraction of learned magnetometer bias that will be used to update the stored value. Smaller values will make the stored bias data adjust more slowly from flight to flight. Larger values will make it adjust faster
Reboot required: true
| 2. 5E-7
| mGauss**2
| Horizontal acceleration threshold used by automatic selection of magnetometer fusion method. This parameter is used when the magnetometer fusion method is set automatically (EKF2_MAG_TYPE = 0). If the filtered horizontal acceleration is greater than this parameter value, then the EKF will use 3-axis magnetomer fusion
| 0. 0 > 5. 0
| 0. 5
| m/s**2
| Process noise for body magnetic field prediction
| 0. 0 > 0. 1
| 1. 0e-4
| Gauss/s
| Magnetic declination
| deg
| Magnetometer measurement delay relative to IMU measurements
Reboot required: true
| 0 > 300
| ms
| Process noise for earth magnetic field prediction
| 0. 0 > 0. 1
| 1. 0e-3
| Gauss/s
| Gate size for magnetometer XYZ component fusion
Comment: Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.
| 1. 0 > ?
| 3. 0
| SD
| Measurement noise for magnetometer 3-axis fusion
| 0. 001 > 1. 0
| 5. 0e-2
| Gauss
| Type of magnetometer fusion
Comment: Integer controlling the type of magnetometer fusion used - magnetic heading or 3-component vector. The fuson of magnetomer data as a three component vector enables vehicle body fixed hard iron errors to be learned, but requires a stable earth field. If set to 'Automatic' magnetic heading fusion is used when on-ground and 3-axis magnetic field fusion in-flight with fallback to magnetic heading fusion if there is insufficient motion to make yaw or magnetic field states observable. If set to 'Magnetic heading' magnetic heading fusion is used at all times If set to '3-axis' 3-axis field fusion is used at all times. If set to 'VTOL custom' the behaviour is the same as 'Automatic', but if fusing airspeed, magnetometer fusion is only allowed to modify the magnetic field states. This can be used by VTOL platforms with large magnetic field disturbances to prevent incorrect bias states being learned during forward flight operation which can adversely affect estimation accuracy after transition to hovering flight. If set to 'MC custom' the behaviour is the same as 'Automatic, but if there are no earth frame position or velocity observations being used, the magnetometer will not be used. This enables vehicles to operate with no GPS in environments where the magnetic field cannot be used to provide a heading reference. Prior to flight, the yaw angle is assumed to be constant if movement tests controlled by the EKF2_MOVE_TEST parameter indicate that the vehicle is static. This allows the vehicle to be placed on the ground to learn the yaw gyro bias prior to flight. If set to 'None' the magnetometer will not be used under any circumstance. Other sources of yaw may be used if selected via the EKF2_AID_MASK parameter.
- 0: Automatic
- 1: Magnetic heading
- 2: 3-axis
- 3: VTOL customn
- 4: MC custom
- 5: None
Reboot required: true
| Yaw rate threshold used by automatic selection of magnetometer fusion method. This parameter is used when the magnetometer fusion method is set automatically (EKF2_MAG_TYPE = 0). If the filtered yaw rate is greater than this parameter value, then the EKF will use 3-axis magnetomer fusion
| 0. 0 > 1. 0
| 0. 25
| rad/s
| Minimum time of arrival delta between non-IMU observations before data is downsampled. Baro and Magnetometer data will be averaged before downsampling, other data will be point sampled resulting in loss of information
Reboot required: true
| 10 > 50
| ms
| Minimum valid range for the range finder
| 0. 01 > ?
| 0. 1
| m
| Vehicle movement test threshold
Comment: Scales the threshold tests applied to IMU data used to determine if the vehicle is static or moving. See parameter descriptions for EKF2_GPS_CHECK and EKF2_MAG_TYPE for further information on the functionality affected by this parameter.
| 0. 1 > 10. 0
| 1. 0
| Measurement noise for non-aiding position hold
| 0. 5 > 50. 0
| 10. 0
| m
| Maximum lapsed time from last fusion of measurements that constrain velocity drift before the EKF will report the horizontal nav solution as invalid
| 500000 > 10000000
| uSec
| Optical flow measurement delay relative to IMU measurements Assumes measurement is timestamped at trailing edge of integration period
Reboot required: true
| 0 > 300
| ms
| Gate size for optical flow fusion
Comment: Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.
| 1. 0 > ?
| 3. 0
| SD
| Measurement noise for the optical flow sensor
Comment: (when it's reported quality metric is at the minimum set by EKF2_OF_QMIN). The following condition must be met: EKF2_OF_N_MAXN > = EKF2_OF_N_MIN
| 0. 05 > ?
| 0. 5
| rad/s
| Measurement noise for the optical flow sensor when it's reported quality metric is at the maximum
| 0. 05 > ?
| 0. 15
| rad/s
| X position of optical flow focal point in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Y position of optical flow focal point in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Z position of optical flow focal point in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Optical Flow data will only be used if the sensor reports a quality metric > = EKF2_OF_QMIN
| 0 > 255
| Static pressure position error coefficient for the negative X axis. This is the ratio of static pressure error to dynamic pressure generated by a negative wind relative velocity along the X body axis. If the baro height estimate rises during backwards flight, then this will be a negative number
| -0. 5 > 0. 5
| 0. 0
| Static pressure position error coefficient for the positive X axis This is the ratio of static pressure error to dynamic pressure generated by a positive wind relative velocity along the X body axis. If the baro height estimate rises during forward flight, then this will be a negative number
| -0. 5 > 0. 5
| 0. 0
| Pressure position error coefficient for the Y axis. This is the ratio of static pressure error to dynamic pressure generated by a wind relative velocity along the Y body axis. If the baro height estimate rises during sideways flight, then this will be a negative number
| -0. 5 > 0. 5
| 0. 0
| Static pressure position error coefficient for the Z axis. This is the ratio of static pressure error to dynamic pressure generated by a wind relative velocity along the Z body axis
| -0. 5 > 0. 5
| 0. 0
| Required EPH to use GPS
| 2 > 100
| 3. 0
| m
| Required EPV to use GPS
| 2 > 100
| 5. 0
| m
| Required GDoP to use GPS
| 1. 5 > 5. 0
| 2. 5
| Maximum horizontal drift speed to use GPS
| 0. 1 > 1. 0
| 0. 1
| m/s
| Required satellite count to use GPS
| 4 > 12
| Required speed accuracy to use GPS
| 0. 5 > 5. 0
| 0. 5
| m/s
| Maximum vertical drift speed to use GPS
| 0. 1 > 1. 5
| 0. 2
| m/s
| Range sensor aid
Comment: If this parameter is enabled then the estimator will make use of the range finder measurements to estimate it's height even if range sensor is not the primary height source. It will only do so if conditions for range measurement fusion are met. This enables the range finder to be used during low speed and low altitude operation, eg takeoff and landing, where baro interference from rotor wash is excessive and can corrupt EKF state estimates. It is intended to be used where a vertical takeoff and landing is performed, and horizontal flight does not occur until above EKF2_RNG_A_HMAX. If vehicle motion causes repeated switching between the primary height sensor and range finder, an offset in the local position origin can accumulate. Also range finder measurements are less reliable and can experience unexpected errors. For these reasons, if accurate control of height relative to ground is required, it is recommended to use the MPC_ALT_MODE parameter instead, unless baro errors are severe enough to cause problems with landing and takeoff.
- 0: Range aid disabled
- 1: Range aid enabled
| Maximum absolute altitude (height above ground level) allowed for range aid mode
Comment: If the vehicle absolute altitude exceeds this value then the estimator will not fuse range measurements to estimate it's height. This only applies when range aid mode is activated (EKF2_RNG_AID = enabled).
| 1. 0 > 10. 0
| 5. 0
| Gate size used for innovation consistency checks for range aid fusion
Comment: A lower value means HAGL needs to be more stable in order to use range finder for height estimation in range aid mode
| 0. 1 > 5. 0
| 1. 0
| SD
| Maximum horizontal velocity allowed for range aid mode
Comment: If the vehicle horizontal speed exceeds this value then the estimator will not fuse range measurements to estimate it's height. This only applies when range aid mode is activated (EKF2_RNG_AID = enabled).
| 0. 1 > 2
| 1. 0
| Range finder measurement delay relative to IMU measurements
Reboot required: true
| 0 > 300
| ms
| Gate size for range finder fusion
Comment: Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.
| 1. 0 > ?
| 5. 0
| SD
| Measurement noise for range finder fusion
| 0. 01 > ?
| 0. 1
| m
| Range sensor pitch offset
| -0. 75 > 0. 75
| 0. 0
| rad
| X position of range finder origin in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Y position of range finder origin in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Z position of range finder origin in body frame
| 0. 0
| m
| Range finder range dependant noise scaler
Comment: Specifies the increase in range finder noise with range.
| 0. 0 > 0. 2
| 0. 05
| m/m
| Gate size for TAS fusion
Comment: Sets the number of standard deviations used by the innovation consistency test.
| 1. 0 > ?
| 3. 0
| SD
| Time constant of the position output prediction and smoothing filter. Controls how tightly the output track the EKF states
| 0. 1 > 1. 0
| 0. 25
| s
| Time constant of the velocity output prediction and smoothing filter
| ? > 1. 0
| 0. 25
| s
| Magnitude of terrain gradient
| 0. 0 > ?
| 0. 5
| m/m
| Terrain altitude process noise - accounts for instability in vehicle height estimate
| 0. 5 > ?
| 5. 0
| m/s
| Process noise for wind velocity prediction
| 0. 0 > 1. 0
| 1. 0e-1
| m/s/s