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The first source of truth is the specific state of its subject


The primary source of truth is the concrete state of its subject. This is its necessary foundation. And necessity is always the law. That is, the truth represents its object only in some of its definite state. Further, an object can change its states, and truth will always represent it only in the state from which it actually arose.

The invariability of truth and a high degree of compliance with its original source are its main qualities. Otherwise, what is this truth if today it is not the same as yesterday? Or what is this truth that does not represent its source appropriately? Then it is either false or half false. But not the truth.

Truth without its real source is possible only if there is a fact of it.


A fact is always an intermediate object in the chain of separate acts of the emergence of truth itself. And any truth arises from its primary source only through its fact.  

 The fact is immutable and often has a long existence. For example, an image of an object in a photograph, or data from a scientific study of an object. Truth and its fact necessarily have the same primary source.

The idea of the state of the subject of truth was suggested by Plato himself. "... he believed that it is impossible to give a general definition of something sensually perceived, since it is constantly changing". (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 79)

Like this. Geniuses have genius and delusion.


The necessary changes in matter cause general changes: material objects, their connections, their numerous parameters always and necessarily change. As a result of material changes, information arises and is transmitted. However, any process of changing any object can be represented as a process of successive changes in its states.    


The main thing in the state of a material object is an extremely brief moment of its reality.


 Principle  7.  The law of objectivity of the real state of a material object

Any real state of any material object necessarily has an extremely brief moment of its existence. Since, due to extremely small material changes in each state, it must pass into its other, next state, which becomes the only real one from the series of those that have already occurred. Therefore, any state is necessary discretely. This means that all its parameters must be discrete. (1. 2. 1. )                                                                                                                 7


  All changes in Being necessarily occur due to changes in matter. And information has material carriers. By itself, without its material carriers, it not only does not change, but also does not exist. And the laws of its changes are necessarily secondary to this law.


A fact is an informational subject. It arises only from a certain state of its object. It is as unchanging as the state of the object that gave rise to it. Unless the changes in state are extremely small. Therefore, any changing parameter in the state is considered conditionally unchanged. But there are absolutely no changes in fact. Otherwise, what is this fact that is changing?


The real state of a material object is an element of objective reality. It necessarily exists, albeit very briefly.


Principle 8. Law of Material Change

The process of changes in any existing material object is necessarily a continuous and sequential series of its states, where only the last of all those that have already occurred is real. (1. 2. 1. )                                                       8




Principle 9. The principle of existence

The process of existence of any present changing object is always and necessarily a process of continuous change of its states, where only the last of all that has already happened is real. (1. 2. 1. )                                              9


These are similar principles. They indicate the correspondence of the processes of change and existence. There are no exceptions here. Spaces are immutable, so they are always in the same state. It is always the first and the last there.



In any process, it is difficult to consider some items. A process is a series of different states of a certain object, where only the last state from a series of those that have already occurred is real. The process is more complicated than the state of the object. But an object in a certain definite state is already something completely concrete. Here it is a discrete and completely obvious object.  

Do you see how easily and literally in a few words you can correctly explain the terms " change" and " existence", having knowledge of the law of the state of a material object? And all because the principle of this law of nature is key. It is not clear how without it it is possible to explain at least something in the ontology?

  Without it, philosophy is like mathematics without differential calculus. " DIFFERENTIAL [< lat. differentia difference] - 1) mat. a) the main linear part of the increment of the dependent variable (function), which approximately expresses the value of this increment; b) increment of the independent variable... ".   (Dictionary of foreign words. M., " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1964)


The state of an object is the object itself in an extremely short interval (moment) of its own changes. In any state, all changes in the values of its parameters (increments, differentials) are so small in relation to the values of the parameters themselves that their practically you can not take into account. They tend to zero. Nevertheless, these changes are always there, otherwise the object simply will not transition to its next state.



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