It is usually said that a statement goes back to such and such an author. But the author is its source, so it goes from author to reader.
It is usually said that a statement goes back to such and such an author. But the author is its source, so it goes from author to reader. THERE DOES NOT HAVE UNDEFINED TRUTH There is no pointless true knowledge. Otherwise, it is knowledge about nothing. Parmenides was the first to say this: Fr. 6. “One can only say and think what is; being after all There is, but nothing is: I ask you to think it over. " Fr. 8. " " It was " means not to eat, not to eat, if" there will be no time " ". (Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. р. 295)
Existence is only what is now.
Principle 4 The subject area of any science is always and necessarily primary in relation to this science. (1. 1. 0. ) 4
For it is truly said, " you can only say and think what is. "
P5. Parmenides' Law The truth about a certain object always and necessarily has its primary source only this object. There are no pointless truths. (1. 1. 0. ) 5
Truth is concrete. It is only about a specific subject. Truths arise only from existing objects or from their existing facts. There are no pointless truths. Truth always remains truth. Even if not only its object, but also its fact has already disappeared from reality. The main thing is that it has time from its fact to arise before its disappearance. A true principle and a true logical rule can also arise only from what is, that is, only from truths. After all, if the truth exists, then it must be existing.
EXISTENCE IS EVERYTHING Everything that really exists is Being. In other words, Being is all that exists. Being is one. It is a single whole, and there is nothing that exists that does not belong to it. Which is quite consistent with the position of Aristotle. “There is some science that investigates beings as such, as well as what is inherent in it in itself. This science is not identical with any of the so-called special sciences, for none of the other sciences investigates the general nature of being as such, and all of them, separating some part of it, investigate what is inherent in this part, such as, mathematical sciences ". (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 119)
Private sciences have outlined subject areas in Being, but philosophy has not. P6 The subject area of philosophy is Being. As a whole, and in all its individual entities. (1. 1. 0. ) 6
EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Everything is connected in Being. It appears before a person in all the diversity and development of real material and information phenomena and their facts. The universal connection of things is truly revealed by the position of the Material Unity of the World. It is absolutely correctly formulated in Marxist philosophy: “The material unity of the world is revealed in development, in the interaction of moving objects, which connects them into a single system. The general principle of development, noted V. I. Lenin, must be combined with " the general principle of edinstvamir, nature, motion, matter, etc. ". (…) Different levels of organization of matter (elementary particles, atoms, molecules, crystals, macro-bodies, galaxies) are material objects that are links in a single chain of development of matter in space and time ”. (Dialectical and historical materialism. M., Politizdat, 1971. р. 55) Lecture 2 One can only say and think what is; being after all There is, but nothing is: I ask you to think it over. Parmenides TRUE · The main quality of scientific knowledge · The primary source of truth is the specific state of its subject · The law of material changes · The state of an item is the item itself in a brief moment of its changes · Fact · Necessary foundation of truth · The structure of a true theory · The path of truth · The constancy of truth · Quality of truth · Applying the truth · The credibility of the truth · Truth is a singular experience · Correct connection of truths · Various theories of truth THE MAIN QUALITY OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE The main quality of scientific knowledge is its truth. Therefore, the very first subject of philosophy is truth. It is from her research that philosophy begins as a science. And there is nothing new in that at all. Truth comes first. All sciences use the terms " truth" and " truth", but avoid investigating the nature of truth. Like, what is incomprehensible here? Truth is truth. Although this is not a simple subject at all. Many sciences are simply cunning in relation to truth, since for the emergence of a true theory of truth itself, both ontological and epistemological knowledge are required. But where is such a private science, which has such a breadth of its subject area?
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