Principle 10. Principle 11. Principle of fact. A fact is always and it is necessary to have data on the state of its primary source. (1.2.2.) 11
Principle 10 Any state of the object of truth is necessary discretely. (1. 2. 1. )10 A fact arises instantly from the state of its object.
ФАКТ A fact is a necessary intermediate object on the path of the emergence of truth. Without it, this path is necessarily interrupted. And even if the truth arises from the fact and after millions of years, all the same its path remains unchanged. A fact represents one state of its object. Most often, the facts about the neighboring states of this object are simply indistinguishable. Yet the facts are investigated by man.
Principle 11. Principle of fact A fact is always and it is necessary to have data on the state of its primary source. (1. 2. 2. ) 11
And then, this data is either invariably stored on some medium, or disappears. In any case, the " changed fact" is no longer a fact.
A NECESSARY FOUNDATION OF TRUTH Truth must have its own concrete object, which is the primary source of its origin. Otherwise, it is pointless. Otherwise, it is " the truth about nothing. " And about nothing there is only one truth: it does not necessarily exist. For it is truly said: " One can only say and think what is. " Actually, this is the whole essence of the Law of Parmenides (5). Principle 12. The Law of Necessary Grounds of Truth The primary source of truth is always and necessarily is that specific state of its object, from which it arose. This is its necessary foundation. The fact of this state is its perfect representative. (1. 2. 3. ) 12
Therefore, truths do not arise from theory at all, but only from facts. And facts, in turn, arise from the specific states of their objects. Truths are generated from facts by perception, intuition and thinking. Theory often plays the role of knowledge explaining truth. But the explanation of truth is necessary a second time to its emergence and existence.
STRUCTURE OF TRUE THEORY Any true theory is a spatial system of facts, truths and true principles, and not at all their linear sequence. Therefore, the repetition of the same formula in theory is as legitimate as the repetition of any term in the text. The theory in the form of text does not necessarily have its own linear structure. Only its oral speech representation has a linear sequence. But in the text, all the terms of the theory exist simultaneously. They simultaneously represent the same object, or a similar one, but in different relationships and situations with others. That is precisely why any theory of a subject must have a structure.
Many people talk about the structure of the theory presented in the form of text, but no one indicates the real reasons. And there is only one reason: the same terms that exist at the same time. Moreover, the terms are in connection. Any theory is a " horizontal connection" of its terms. Reading the same text for an ordinary person is consistent. Therefore, the text necessarily creates the illusion of a linear representation of the theory.
THE WAY OF TRUTH Truth is necessarily connected with its object by the relation of correspondence by the nature of its origin, that is, by its genesis. Here the Law of Parmenides (5) is in effect. There is a chain of necessary material and informational interactions, where information about the subject of truth arises. Then this information is carried by a material medium. Then it is felt, perceived, remembered, becomes an element of thought. And, finally, it is recorded in the form of a written-speech position. The whole sequence of these acts of information transformation is called the " path of truth. " And this path necessarily occurs in the form of a chain of " vertical ties", that is, in the form of the following epistemological chain: 1. The object of truth in its certain state is the source of the corresponding fact. With instrumental observations, facts arise that are capable of their long existence. A fact having as its source the object of truth is necessarily its intermediate object. 2. An intermediate subject of truth is the fact of reception of these sensations about the source of truth. Without it, no truth is necessarily capable of arising. The psyche has a connection with reality only on the basis of these receptive facts (data of sensations of the object). 3. Further. Based on the data of the fact of reception * of the object of truth or its fact, an image of perception of the object of truth arises in the system of perception. We are talking about intelligent perception, since there is also a subconscious perception. Here, this image still needs to be isolated and formed from the data mosaic of the perceived situation. Isolation of the image of a perceived object is a necessary component of the process of its perception. This is discussed in detail in our epistemology. 4. Далее. Распознанный образ предмета истины – это результат логической связи этого образа и соответствующего ему понятия. Разумное распознание образов восприятия осуществляют только понятия. 5. Further. A recognized image of the object of truth, if it receives a priority (level of attention) in the mind as something important, then it is sent to memory in the form of an impression of the object of truth.
6. Then, in the process of thinking, the mind transforms this impression into the category of representation. And thus, on the path of the emergence of truth, another intermediate object appears - a concrete representation of the object of truth. This is a one-off experience. 7. Further. This idea is the basis for the creation by the mind of an in-depth figurative-speech thought of the subject of truth. 8. The subsequent design of this thought in the form of a speech position, which does not include visual and other images, occurs as its interpretation in the speech interpreter of the mind. 9. And, finally, speech thought is embodied in the form of its written-speech position, that is, in the form of the truth itself. Such an extremely simplified " vertical" epistemological chain necessarily exists between each truth and its object or fact. The sequence of key moments will never change here. Even when the truth will be created by an artificial psyche. This chain is called the path of truth. It does not at all guarantee the emergence of truth, but without such a path, no truth is necessarily impossible. Otherwise, there can be no question of any necessary path of truth. Then the truth can be called anything, any assumption, as long as it somehow corresponds to the subject.
If anyone found it difficult to understand what was said, then there is nothing to worry about. Just take a note. It is enough that the fact corresponds to its original source to the highest degree.
Note: The term " path of truth" was coined by Parmenides. And the term " fact of reception" (receptive fact) was introduced by our philosophy. It denotes the data of a certain state of the perceived object, formed by the reception system.
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