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P98. The principle of prohibition of the existence of a field in space


An elementary field is always and necessarily a quantum of corporeality, but existing not in ordinary space, but in hyperspace, but already in the form of a field. (2. 2. 4. ) 97




P98. The principle of prohibition of the existence of a field in space

 The quantum of corporeality always and necessarily in three-dimensional space has the form of a quantum of corporeality. It also exists simultaneously in hyperspace, where it always and necessarily has the form of an elementary field. As in physical space, fields do not necessarily exist, but only their actions exist, so in hyperspace there necessarily does not exist a discrete, point corporeality, but only fields. (2. 2. 4. ) 98


Otherwise, what is this quantum, which is the size of a Galaxy? After all, fields have no limits of action.



P99. The principle of hyperspace

A structureless solid point, occupying an extremely small volume of physical space, always and necessarily occupies the entire volume of hyperspace, but already in the form of a field. In hyperspace, there are no physical measurements of length, width, or height. This means that the structures of the entities that fill it do not exist there either. (2. 2. 4. ) 99


Not knowing the truths of sub-matter and elementary fields, we are able to understand elementary particles (quanta of matter) only as a phenomenon. Otherwise, the forces of material interaction of elementary particles will have to be explained by the hooks and loops of Democritus. Now everything is clear as day.


 In this place (in this chapter) quanta of corporeality and hyperspace were first discovered. These are revolutionary discoveries in the field of physics. These are the results that the materialistic approach in combination with the dialectical approach gives.           


All of these principles are true. They are born of facts. They do not contradict the facts, but only explain them. They do not contradict each other and are part of a closed system of principles of this philosophy. These principles leave no gap in the study of matter. Principles give rise to facts and truths, but not theory. A more detailed consideration of this topic will be made in subsequent chapters, but this no longer affects the truth of the principles formulated above, but only their explanation.

This topic is difficult. And in field theory (Chapter 7), the conclusions of the principles of the field are built in a completely different sequence. In that theory, the subject is the field. The subject of this topic is the quantum of corporeality. And here he is established as a necessary primary source of his elementary physical field.


Three types of fields - three types of quanta of corporeality. Gravitons are one type. Positive and negative bodily quanta of electric charge are two more types. The first are gravitational corporeality. The second and third are electrical corporeality. Everything else, except for spaces, consists only of them. Mentally remove these three types of quanta of corporeality from the Universe, and there, except for spaces, nothing else will remain. At the base of all reality are only quanta of corporeality and emptiness. (I repeat after Democritus. )

That's all. Field theory fits into several pages.


The opinions of physicists are secondary here. They have not yet discovered the essence of hyperspace. They have not yet created a closed system of principles of physical fields. And we already have it. It starts here. And she explains the facts beautifully. For us, only the " opinions of the facts" are unconditional. And physicists will doubt at first, but then they will repeat the above in their language of physical formulas and theories.


An interesting phenomenon. There are millions of types of molecules.

There are no more than a hundred types of stable atoms.

And there are only three types of corporeality!

Thousands of years have passed, and time has shown that the first and closest to the truth of bodily substance was Heraclitus in his assumptions: " All things are the replacement of fire. " (Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. р. 222)  Further. " This cosmos, the same for everyone, was not created by any of the gods, none of people, but it has always been, is and will be an eternally living fire, regularly igniting, regularly extinguishing. " (Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. р. 217) And Empedocles, according to the same evidence, believed that someday there will be a transformation of all things into the substance of fire.


The quantum of corporeality is an element. It is little studied. However, it is quite clear that:

P100. The law of the quantum of corporeality

 The quantum of corporeality is both a necessary fundamental principle of all bodily, and a necessary fundamental principle of any physical field. It is a structureless element. This is the subject of the lowest (zero) elementary level of Being. (2. 2. 4. ) 100


Actually, we are already repeating what we started with. That means enough.

Many new principles? But if this topic is passed over in silence, then the nature of material interaction will remain behind the scenes for us. Then the only and constant source of power will remain behind the " shot". - Then only the idea of ​ ​ the first impulse will remain. Then this ontology is not needed either.

And the principles here, just, are not many, but few. Is it possible to make the new theory of the physical field even shorter? More precisely, this is just the beginning of this theory. Here we needed to discover the structureless quantum of corporeality.

 The problem has been solved. There really is such a quantum. You can move on.





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