Submaterial level of Being. P90. The principle of the content of an elementary particle
P87а The quantum of matter is always and necessarily primary both in relation to its structure and in relation to its plurality. (2. 2. 3) 87a
Any set exists only due to the existence of its quanta, but not vice versa.
SUBMATERIAL LEVEL OF BEING It must exist because physical fields must exist. The physical field does not start from empty space. And in Being there are necessarily objects from which their own physical fields necessarily begin. So we will look for these items. As the only primary sources of physical fields, they are noticeable to cognition through their fields, since the actions of physical fields have no boundaries. If we consider all types of fields of elementary particles, it turns out that they do not differ at all in their diversity. These are gravitational, electric and magnetic fields. Strong and weak interactions are not fields, but connections of bodily quanta based on their own physical fields listed above. The magnetic field of a charge is just a tangential (normal) component of the rotation of the electric field of a moving charge. No charge - no electric field. If there is no moving charge, there is no magnetic field. The magnetic field is derived from the electric field, therefore it does not belong to the type of fundamental fields. There is nothing to discuss here. In general, only three types of fundamental physical fields remain.
P88 In Being, there are necessarily only three types of fundamental physical fields: the gravitational field and two types of electric fields (positive and negative). (2. 2. 4. ) 88
Any physical field does not necessarily arise from empty space. It is clear that any elementary particle necessarily has its own fields. And these fields begin in it, and not from scratch. But there are many types of material particles. And if the immediate causes of the fields were only these particles themselves, then there would be exactly as many types of fields as there are types of these particles. But there is no such thing. There are only three types of fields. This means that any elementary particle necessarily consists of smaller particles (quanta of corporeality). This means that there are only three types of structureless submaterial quanta of a material particle. And without their physical fields, not a single elementary particle is possible. For only the fields of sub-material quanta of corporeality are necessarily the basis of strong and weak interactions. Without their interactions (connections of the quanta of corporeality), not a single material particle is already capable of its existence. This means that the strong and weak interactions are necessarily based on known physical fields. Any field is infinite. Thus, it necessarily enters the area of observable phenomena.
Submaterial base of an elementary particle. We need new terms. For we have entered a place where there has never been anyone else.
P89 Some submaterial basis of an elementary particle is the number of its quanta of corporeality of one type. (2. 2. 4. ) 89
For example, the matter of an atom is the number of its elementary particles. And the corporeality of an elementary particle is the number of its quanta of corporeality. Each quantum of matter is not material at all, but it is bodily. It certainly already consists of quanta of corporeality. Any quantum of corporeality simultaneously belongs to the multitude of similar ones in Being (this is corporeality), and to the multitude of similar ones in the particle (this is its quantity), and to the structure of the particle (this is its element). But this does not double or triple it. Communication is a system of its elements. The connection is easy to understand.
P90. The principle of the content of an elementary particle The connection of all quanta of corporeality of an elementary particle is always and necessarily this elementary particle itself, since only these quanta constitute its content at the lowest substantial level. The same connection is a strong interaction of all quanta of the corporeality of this particle. The energy of this bond is the reason for the stable existence of the particle itself. (2. 2. 4. ) 90 For example, a quark is a system of bodily quanta. Such a system is the bodily connection of the quanta of corporeality. It exists only due to the forces of interaction of the quanta of corporeality through their fields.
Not a single physical field starts from empty space. Therefore, the fields of all material bodies consist only of the fields of their constituent material particles.
P90а Any physical field has absolutely no boundaries of its action. Including any field of any elementary particle. Therefore, all the fields of all elementary particles necessarily exist in one another. (2. 2. 4. ) 90 a
That is, they are all " superimposed" on each other. One field is not an obstacle to another. This is well known. Therefore.
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