Material substance. • substrate. • different levels of organization of matter. • material level of Being. • submaterial level of Being
MATERIAL SUBSTANCE • Substrate • Different levels of organization of matter • Material level of Being • Submaterial level of Being • Other levels of Being • Laws of substance
SUBSTRATE Already the first Greek philosophers were looking for what all things are made of. Several examples can be given: “So, most of the first philosophers considered the beginning to be only material principles, namely, what all things consist of, from which as the first they arise and into which as the last they, perishing, are transformed, and the essence, although it remains, but changes in its manifestations - they consider this to be an element and the beginning of things... ”. (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 71) But the very first, most accurate and most valuable ideas regarding material substance were expressed by Democritus. Sextus Empiricus wrote: “Democritus, rejecting [the possibility] of what is obvious to external senses, asserts that even none of this appears in the true sense, but only in the sense of opinion, and the existence of atoms and the empty turns out to be true. Namely, he says: " According to the established custom, sweet and bitter according to custom, warm according to custom, cold according to custom, colored according to custom, in reality - atoms and emptiness. " (Sextus Empiricus. Works. Vol. 1. M., " Mysl", 1976. р. 87) Today this true idea of Democritus has received its further development in our ontology. And only with its help we discovered the quanta of corporeality and hyperspace. In general, many correct assumptions about the nature of the material substance of things were expressed in the works of ancient Greek philosophers. The term " atomos" meaning " indivisible" was introduced by Democritus. He believed that only " the existence of atoms and the empty" turns out to be true. DIFFERENT LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION OF MATTER This is a key ontological proposition. It was formulated by Marxist philosophy. " Different levels of organization of matter (elementary particles, atoms, molecules, crystals, macro-bodies, galaxies) are material objects that are links in a single chain of development of matter in space and time". (Dialectical and historical materialism. M., Politizdat, 1971. р. 56) And indeed, the knowledge of Being begins with the knowledge of the essence of material things. After all , the essence of a thing is really its content.
MATERIAL LEVEL OF BEING You can start with an elementary particle.
P87. The principle of the material level of Being The elementary particle is the fundamental principle of all material. This is a quantum of matter. All elementary particles make up the first level of organization of all matter (material level of Being). (2. 2. 3. ) 87
All other material objects are composed of such particles, which we call matter quanta. From atom to galaxy clusters and beyond. Not only mass and electric charge, but also the fields of elementary particles inherit the objects consisting of them. The fact is that it is the elementary particles that make up the entire material content of Being. On the material level, apart from them, there is nothing else. Space is not made of matter. And how not to remember the golden words of Democritus: "... in reality - atoms and emptiness. " Only thanks to these words we discovered the quanta of corporeality and their elementary physical fields.
Note: The term " Being" in this philosophical teaching means everything that really exists at the present moment in time. This is all there is now. This is the real universe. In view of the greatness of the Universe, this term, like the term " Universe", is written here with a capital letter.
Free elementary particles are a significant part of matter. We can say that this is " dust" from stellar catastrophes. It is this “dust” and radiation that carries out all the transfer of matter and energy on a cosmic scale. Streams of these particles and radiation travel in space literally " nowhere". This is from our point of view, since today we are groundlessly confident in the infinity of physical space. Most likely, it is either closed in some way, or there are some mechanisms for the return of radiation. The universe does exist. But if the radiation did not return sooner or later, then the modern Universe would be simply impossible. Stable elementary particles make up all matter. Unstable particles do not last long. And they cannot be attributed to matter, but only to quantum reactions. Matter is " something from which". What are unstable particles? Unless they themselves. Protons, neutrons, positrons and electrons, according to our estimates, make up the absolute majority of all matter, since they are part of any atom. They belong to stable elementary particles. For example, the stability of a proton is estimated by its average lifetime. This is approximately 10 32 years, which exceeds the estimated lifetime of the observable Universe by billions of times!
Unstable elementary particles with a lifetime of 10 -6 - 10 -13 sec, figuratively speaking, so " almost do not exist. " And these particles should be attributed to the processes of the formation of stable particles. In any case, we consider them precisely in this aspect. Which, however, does not affect their existence in any way.
Radiation quanta consist of matter, but are not matter quanta, since they are not elements of material bodies. To do this, they still need to turn into stable elementary particles, or be absorbed by them.
The material level of Being is all stable quanta of matter. But this is not a set, but a level. If the set (number) of elementary particles is called matter, then the material level is already different. These are the elements. These points require clear understanding. Imagine an object in the form of a galaxy. All elementary particles of the galaxy are essential elements of its structure. But these same particles simultaneously belong to the kind of matter. To her multitude. Clear? Matter is not elements of a structure, but a multitude. One quantum of matter belongs to both the material structure and many others of its kind at the same time. Start from this position and avoid confusion.
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