P114. The principle of matter. Field of material particle. P116. The principle of the material field
P114. The principle of matter Matter is the substance of any physical body, starting with the atom. An elementary particle is a quantum of matter. (2. 4. 1. ) 114
And nothing new will ever be able to cancel this formulation of the law of matter. And this is no longer affected by the limit of matter division to the level of a bodily quantum of inert mass or a bodily quantum of charge. Since there really is a quantum of matter, which is quite understandable as an elementary particle. Indeed, there is a material structure, where the element of the lower (zero) material level is a quantum of matter. Indeed, there is matter, like a multitude of elementary particles. Indeed, there is a material basis for any material object (quantity), as a set of elementary particles belonging to this object. Spatial substance does not exist at all. Since space does not consist of the elements included in the material body. Otherwise, it would then move together with the object, and then there could be no question of any Law of Conservation.
Marxist philosophy has completely misunderstood the essence of matter. Although he considers himself a materialistic philosophy. For example: " By matter we mean an infinite variety of objects, phenomena, processes existing outside of consciousness, the entire objective reality" (Dialectical and historical materialism. M., Politizdat, 1971. р. 41) Here, in just one sentence, three philosophical mistakes were made at once! Firstly, it is completely incomprehensible, what else has someone's consciousness to do with it, if matter really exists? Secondly, it is impossible to understand by matter " an infinite variety of objects, phenomena, processes. " This is the biggest delusion, because matter is the substance of any material body, starting with an atom (an atom is also a body). This is " something from which", but not " an infinite variety of objects, phenomena, processes. " Thirdly, all objective reality (in our way of Being) necessarily also includes physical space. It also exists. (No one thought about hyperspace then. )
Aristotle's definition of matter is formulated correctly: " After all, I call matter the primary substrate of each [thing], from which [this thing] arises not by coincidence, but because it is inherent in it" (Aristotle. Works. T. 3. M., " Thought" 1981. р. 81) Now judge for yourself about the scientific levels of Marxist philosophy and the philosophy of Aristotle, although there are thousands of years between them.
FIELD OF MATERIAL PARTICLE The field of a material particle is a necessary basis for any material connection (material interaction). All material objects, starting with the atom, are the material bonds of their elementary particles. This means, and the material interactions of their material elements.
P115 Any material connection is necessarily based only on the forces of interaction of its material elements. (2. 4. 2. ) 115
Before that, the connection of all quanta of corporeality of an elementary particle is always and necessarily this elementary particle itself, since only these quanta constitute its content. But this is no longer a material, but a bodily connection. There is a big difference here. But here we are interested in the material connection, where the subjects of communication are the material elements, which at their lower (zero) material level are made of quanta of matter. Why are there forces of material connection between elementary particles? Say that because of their own fields? This is not enough. This requires a study of the very mechanism of the emergence of forces between elementary particles at a distance. But none of the physicists have yet succeeded in doing this. So the topic is very complex. It is very difficult even for physicists. It is better to start here by defining the elementary field. P97 The elementary field is always and necessarily a quantum of corporeality, but existing no longer in physical space, but in hyperspace and in the form of a field. (2. 2. 4. ) 97
And since any elementary particle consists of all its quanta of corporeality, then it necessarily inherits all their elementary fields.
P116. The principle of the material field Any field of any elementary particle always and necessarily consists of fields of the same type of constituent quanta of corporeality. (2. 4. 2. ) 116
This is the simplest thing that can be said about the field of a material particle, since it is the most understandable and obvious.
P117 Material any field of any elementary particle is called because this particle is a quantum of matter. And this field belongs only to her due to the fact that she owns the quanta of corporeality, which are the direct sources of the fields. (2. 4. 2. ) 117
But this does not mean at all that such a field has its material content. There is no such content, because matter does not exist in hyperspace. As well as and in ordinary space there are no fields. New knowledge requires new terms. For example, an elementary field is a field of a quantum of corporeality. For bodies that are not elementary particles, but are composed of them, there is a familiar term " physical field". Here. For any field of a material particle, there will now be the term " material field". Otherwise, you have to explain yourself on the fingers.
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