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Existence with a capital letter


 The subject area of ​ ​ ontology is the physical side of all that exists, including each individual entity, and facts about no longer existing objects, since they are the corresponding representatives of their objects. (2. 1. 0. ) 83


The subject is always primary in relation to any of its truth. Moreover, obtaining the principles of truth itself and its true theory is impossible without the participation of the true ontological principle of the state of a material object. So ontology is the first of the philosophical disciplines. This is a strategic position, the violation of which always and inevitably leads to a completely distorted view of reality.

For example, Parmenides started right, and thus was the first to receive many truths, which would simply be dishonest to pass over in silence.

“One can only say and think what is; being after all

There is, but nothing is: I ask you to think it over.

... “It was” means not to eat, not to eat, if “there will be no time” ”.  (Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. р. 296)



There is only what is now. (2. 1. 0. ) 83a


What does not exist now is already non-existence. And in the above quote, the term " being" has the meaning of an existing thing. And the existing thing is the real thing. Moreover, the reality of a thing is not its quality, but the presence of this thing itself now, now, since there are no more or less real things.


Being (with a capital letter) is all really existing things and spaces taken together. It is precisely about such Being that Parmenides speaks further:

" Fr. 8 The same thing - thought and that about which thought arises,

   35 For without the being which it is spoken of,

Thoughts you cannot find. For there is and will not be another

Nothing beyond being: Fate chained him

To be whole, motionless. Therefore, the name will be

Everything that people took, believing as the truth:

" To be and not to be", " to be born and die without a trace",

Move and Color Change Dazzlingly Vivid.

But since there is an extreme limit, it is complete

From everywhere, like a lump of a round Ball,

From the middle, everywhere is equivalent, for no more,

         But there should be no less of it here than over there. "

(Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. р. 297)

Here the term " Being" already designates the real Universe.

 Everything in Being both moves, and the light changes, but the Being itself has nowhere to move. And indeed, if 3-dimensional physical space enters into Being, then what kind of external motion can we talk about then?



 Movement is possible only in three-dimensional space. (2. 1. 0. ) 83b


Aristotle defined being as the existence of a thing: "... it is clear that the existence of each thing, designated as primary and existing in itself, and this thing itself are identical and constitute one. " (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Mysl", 1975. р. 197) But why call existence being, when for this the term " existence"?




Marxist philosophy here turned out to be much closer to the truth: “BEING, philosophy. a category denoting a reality that exists objectively, outside and independently of a person's consciousness. Philos. understanding B. and its relationship with consciousness determines the solution to the fundamental question of philosophy. Dialectical. materialism comes from materialistic. solutions to the main question of philosophy, but, in contrast to metaphysical. materialism, does not reduce biology to object-substances. the world, isolating various levels of B. - material-objective reality, objectively ideal B. (cultural values, generally valid principles and categories of scientific knowledge, etc. ), B personality". (Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1989)

“Different levels of Being” is indeed a very accurate and necessary term. Gold words. But they must be used correctly. For example, the lower material level of Being is matter. Everything material is based on only elementary particles. Take away these particles mentally, and not a single material object will remain in Existence.

 And “being of personality” is the spiritual life of a person. Why such a term? For a catchphrase? Rather for idle talk.

A person perceives the terms of the text and thereby understands what the author said. It is difficult for him if the meaning of what is said in the text does not coincide with the meaning that he already has in the concept. Then he has to think painfully. Tongue scissors are a real disaster.



Any thing in the process of existence must change its state. It cannot be identical with itself already in neighboring states from a series of events. The process of changes in any existing material object is a continuous and sequential series of its states, where only the last of all those that have already occurred is real.



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