OTHER LEVELS OF BEING All atoms are material because they consist of elementary particles. There is nothing new here anymore. P101 All atoms constitute the first level of organization of matter. This is the atomic level of Being. Any atom contains no more than three types of elementary particles (proton, neutron and electron). (2. 2. 5. ) 101
Atoms are the atomic substance of the next, higher, material level of Being. All molecules are made up of atoms. A molecule is already a larger element of Being.
P101 All molecules constitute the (second) molecular level of the organization of Being. A molecule is a quantum of a molecular substance of higher levels of organization of matter. (2. 2. 6) 102
So that " some elementary particle" may well belong simultaneously to the material, and atomic, and molecular levels.
Nano level of Being. For example, a crystal and a living cell are composed of molecules. They belong to the next level. It can be called the nanoscale organization of matter. 1 nm = 10-9 m. Although there are molecules that are much larger than this value. This means that " some elementary particle" is capable of simultaneouslybelonging to the material, and atomic, and molecular, and nano level of organization of matter. ………………………………. N –th level of Being. Level of stars and planets. They are elements of star systems. N + 1st level of Being. The level of star systems. They are elements of theGalaxy. Etc. Note: The term " space" is an abbreviation for the term " three-dimensional physical space". The term " hyperspace" is not synonymous with the term " space". In the material fundamental principle of Being, there are quanta of matter. And all the same " some elementary particle", except for all the previous levels of organization of matter, always belongs to Being. The bodily fundamental principle of Being contains the quanta of corporeality. And all the same " some elementary particle", like any other, necessarily consists of quanta of corporeality. If mentally “remove” all quanta of corporeality from Being, then there will be nothing left but spaces. Then not a single elementary particle will remain. And all this is one in another. And all this is in a single three-dimensional space. And all this in the most varied forms of material changes. There is nowhere to move only one Being, since it includes everything that exists. “… Everything is continuous in this way: the being has closed with the being. But within the bounds of great fetters, it is motionless,
Beginning and unceasing: birth and death Thrown away - they were reflected by an infallible argument". (Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. р. 296)
Modern physics has the following opinion about material levels: “Three levels are distinguished in the microworld, differing in characteristic scales R and energies E. The first of them is the molecular-atomic level, for which R ~ 10 -: - 10 m; the second is the nuclear level with R ~ 10
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