P84. The law of reality. P9. The principle of existence. Essence of Being. P85. The law of Being. Material unity of the world
P84. The law of reality Any existing thing is necessarily real only in its last state from a series of those that have already happened, for an unreal thing is a thing that is absent in Being. (2. 1. 0. ) 84
This law is valid for any object.
One of the main principles of Being is the principle of existence.
P9. The principle of existence The process of existence of any object is a process of continuous change of its states, where only the last of all that has already happened is real. (1. 2. 1. ) 9
The process of existence of a thing is the process of successive change of its states. A thing can be simultaneously in only one of its states, for two states of one thing are simultaneously impossible.
ESSENCE OF BEING Being is all really existing entities. And there is no need to use this term in multiple senses. P85. The Law of Being Being is always and it is necessary to be all that exists. (2. 1. 0. ) 85
Aristotle wrote: “So, being, when it is, must be; in the same way, the non-being, when it is not, must not be". (Aristotle. Works. T. 2. M., " Thought", 1978. р. 102) He understood Parmenides as follows: “... as for Parmenides, he seems to speak with greater insight. Believing that along with the existing there is no non-being at all, he believes that there is necessarily [only] one, namely the being and nothing else (we said this more clearly in the essay on nature)". (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 77)
Regarding existence as a single entity, we can say that all existing material objects are necessarily connected by material interaction in the Material Unity of the World. This unity in this philosophy is called the material component of Being. It includes in its content all material bodies, all elementary particles and all quanta of corporeality. Spaces are not material. They are where the material component of Being exists.
MATERIAL UNITY OF THE WORLD The position of the Material Unity of the World was created by Marxist philosophy. “The material unity of the world is revealed in development, in the interaction of moving objects, which connects them into a single system. The general principle of development, noted V. I. Lenin, must be combined with " the general principle of edinstv amir, nature, motion, matter, etc. " … Different levels of organization of matter (elementary particles, atoms of a molecule, crystals, macro-bodies, galaxies) are material objects that are links in a single chain of development of matter in space and time ” (Dialectical and historical materialism. M., Politizdat, 1971. р. 56) Golden words. This position alone is worth a different ontology.
P86 Material Unity of the World is a single material structure of Being. This is a single material connection. This is a single material interaction. (2. 1. 0. ) 86
Marxist philosophy has perfectly formulated the truths about the material component of Being. Lecture 2 According to the established custom, sweet and bitter according to custom, warm according to custom, cold according to custom,
in reality - atoms and emptiness Democritus
DISCOVERY OF HYPERSPACE AND THE NATURE OF PHYSICAL FIELDS • Conclusions of the theory of hyperspace • Qualitative leap in scientific knowledge CONCLUSIONS OF THE THEORY OF HYPERSPACE This discovery took place 10 years ago. It is described in book 1 of the new philosophical doctrine " PRINCIPLES OF MATERIALIST PHILOSOPHY". Articles and books with this discovery were sent to dozens of institutes. The reason for the silence is understandable. Many obvious things seem incredible to scientists because of their perfect simplicity. Both the theory of hyperspace and the history of its discovery are quite obvious and simple. The discovery happened quite by accident...
The most important conclusions of this theory • An electron in ordinary three-dimensional space is a body (material point), and in hyperspace it exists only in the form of its electric field, which occupies the entire Universe. • In hyperspace, there are no distances, but there are directions. • The fields of all things consist of the fields of their elementary particles • The electric field of each elementary particle is directed only to the center of this particle and compresses it. • Only its own field acts directly on the particle, but nothing else. Other fields deform this field, and thus it acts on its own material particle-owner with some force. That is, the mechanical interaction of the particles directly occurs only through their own fields. But the direct interaction of particles is already a quantum interaction, but not mechanical.
And even further, in other sections of dialectical physics, theories of electric and gravitational fields are developed. • The substance of an electron is antimatter, which today is considered a negative charge, and the substance of a positron is matter and is considered a positive charge. • The interaction of these substances is directly the annihilation process. And the interaction of the fields of these substances is an electromagnetic interaction. • Electromagnetic interaction of electrically charged objects is carried out by deformation of their electric and magnetic fields. • The magnetic field is the normal component of the rotation of the electric field. An electron's magnetic field is the normal (tangential) component of its rotating electric field.
• The substance of the electron and the positron, that is, antimatter and matter, have the same inert properties and mass, which is the source of the gravitational field. • In addition to matter and antimatter in the universe, there are no other substances that are the primary sources of fields. • Strong and weak interactions are the effects of the interaction of electric fields and matter. The first - on the scale of an elementary particle, the second - on the scale of the atomic nucleus. (This repetition of an article from the previous chapter is related to the importance of the topic. )
The problem here lies only in the general misfortune of all scientists (not only physicists) in the absence of a correct, systemic and complete materialistic worldview. The banks of the river of universal scientific thinking are seriously limited not only by the laws of nature, but also by already existing scientific theories, many of which are in dire need of serious revision. But it is practically impossible to turn all this at once in the right direction of dialectical thinking. However, this revision will need to start sometime. Today there is a unified philosophical system of knowledge, which always corresponds to the fundamental level of scientific knowledge. With the emergence of a new philosophical doctrine, a breakthrough begins, a leap of scientific knowledge into their completely new quality.
The following is an article with the discovery of hyperspace from the new teaching " PRINCIPLES OF MATERIALIST PHILOSOPHY". Book 1, SECTION 2 " ONTOLOGY" (dialectical physics), chapter 2
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