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P127. The force law of the elementary central field

P127. The force law of the elementary central field

Any elementary central field always and necessarily acts on its quantum of corporeality by forces directed at this quantum almost equally from all sides, since other fields of the same type introduce perturbations into this process. (2. 4. 2. ) 127


If there were no other fields, then the own field of the quantum of corporeality would not undergo disturbances and would act on its own

a source with equal forces on all sides. Then the field forces would be balanced. Then the field of the quantum of corporeality would only compress this quantum into a solid point (core), but there would be no lateral force.

But the quantum of corporeality is not one. The fields of neighboring sources distort the intensity of action on the quantum of corporeality of his own field. Other fields disturb the process of " pressure" of the field on their source. These perturbations are expressed in the fact that the forces of the field of the quantum of corporeality act on this quantum unevenly from all sides. And unequal " pressure" from different sides of the elementary field on its bodily source is a necessary cause of the forces of interaction and, consequently, the mechanical movement of this bodily source.  

This unequal " pressure" is the only reason for the existence of quarks. Quarks simply do not have other binding forces (weak interactions). The same can be said about the binding forces (strong interaction) of the elementary particle itself.

In general, it is enough here that the known elementary fields of the quanta of corporeality play an essential role in the formation of quarks and the elementary particles themselves.




5. The fifth point of the mechanism of material interaction is that the same type of elementary fields of all quanta of corporeality of an elementary particle always make up some of its (total) material field.


P128. The law of strength of the central material field

Any central field of any elementary particle is always the full flow of its intensity, which acts on its own particle by forces directed only at it. (2. 4. 2. ) 128


An elementary particle has fields only of its bodily substance. It has no other sources of fields.


6. The sixth moment of the mechanism of material interaction is that each material field directly acts only on its own quantum of matter, but not on someone else's.


P129. The law of direct action of the material field

 Directly on an elementary particle only and necessarily acts its own field (fields), since the fields of other elementary particles do not have any direct contacts with it. After all, a given particle and the fields of other particles are always in different spaces. (2. 4. 2. ) 129


You can put it differently.



 The subject of the action of its material field is only the particle itself, since only the particle itself belongs to the bodily basis of this field. No, and there cannot be a mechanism for the direct action of fields on other people's bases. (2. 4. 2. ) 130


The gravitational and electric fields of the quantum of matter are the central fields. The vectors of their intensity are always and necessarily directed towards the center of their source.

The rotating electric field has two components of its vector: radial electric and normal magnetic.

P130a.  Central field law

 The vector of any central field is always and necessarily directed to the center of its source. (2. 4. 2. ) 130a

The magnetic field is not central. It is a consequence of the rotation of the electric field of the charge and is essentially a normal component (directed tangentially to the source) from the rotating electric field. The magnetic field of a moving charge does not exist apart from its electric field, since a moving body charge in hyperspace always and necessarily has the form of a rotating electric field.

The magnetic field of a charge is not fundamental, since it is derived from the electric field of this charge.

7. The main point of the mechanism of material interaction is that at an infinite distance of an elementary particle from others, its central field acts on its source from all sides with equal forces. Thus, the resultant of his forces will always be equal to zero. But if the central field of an elementary particle receives distortions from the same type of field of another particle, then the resultant of its forces will no longer be equal to zero. It is this circumstance that is the cause and source of the forces of material interaction at a distance. Other sources of action of forces at a distance in Being no longer exist.

Even a magnetic field, not being central, has a similar mechanism, since the forces of magnetic interaction are transmitted through the central electric fields of the charges.

There is simply no other mechanism for the emergence of interaction forces, since fields exist only in hyperspace, and particles - only in physical space. Therefore, there is no need and cannot be a direct action of the field of one particle on another. Everything is clear here.


P131. The law of material interaction (Supplement)

The same-type fields of elementary particles directly act on each other, thereby strengthening their actions on their own bodily bases on the one hand and weakening on the other. Thus, the force of interaction between two elementary particles is always and necessarily mediated by their own material fields. (2. 4. 2. ) 131


This is the mechanism. There is no other need. This mechanism underlies the interaction of any material bodies, since the fields of elementary particles necessarily constitute the fields of their material bodies. A similar mechanism of bodily interaction is at the heart of interactions of any bodily bodies. An elementary particle is a bodily body. It does not consist of matter, but of corporeality.


This law explains everything at once. It is not clear how physics can do without it today? Indeed, without knowledge of this law, physics to explain gravity has to " bend" physical space. Which in fact is not and cannot be. Here the need for the superhard vacuum hypothesis is completely eliminated.

The hypothesis of the probability field turns out to be unnecessary here, since the field exists everywhere and at once, and with a probability of 100%.

Without knowing this law, any movement can be explained only from the point of view of the first impulse.

But there are material forces based on the action of the fields of matter quanta. Any force and any movement, from the movement of an electron to the movement of the galaxy, are explained only by them.



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