1. Stable elementary particles
P134 Any free elementary particle after its entry into the atomic nucleus necessarily turns into a nuclear substrate. (2. 4. 3) 134
Any atomic nucleus consists of bound protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons of atomic nuclei are also called nucleons. These, one might say, are the main, judging by their mass, elements of the atomic level of Being. However, the properties of nucleons differ significantly from the properties of the corresponding free elementary particles. Protons and neutrons interconvert into nucleons and back by absorbing or releasing energy equivalent to the binding energy with the atomic nucleus. “ The interconvertibility of elementary particles is one of their most fundamental properties. We emphasize that the resulting particles are not part of the original particles, but are born directly as a result of their collisions or decays. For clarification, let us note that the photon is also not included in the composition of the atom, but is born directly during the transition of the electron from one energy level to another ". (Yavorsky B. M. and Detlaf A. A. Handbook of physics. M.: " Nauka". 1990. р. 578) In its turn.
P134a Any nucleon necessarily consists of quarks. It can no longer consist of composite elementary particles, since the nuclear forces of interaction do not allow such a particle to remain itself. (2. 4. 3. ) 134 a 1. Stable elementary particles
P 134b Any elementary particle, being in the composition of an atomic nucleus or in the composition of another elementary particle, is not at all what it is in a free state. Therefore, its stability can be measured only in a free state. (2. 4. 3. ) 134b
There are only a few types of perfectly stable elementary particles capable of existing in a free state, the lifetime of which is comparable to the lifetime of the Universe.
Electron (e) is stable e. a particle with an electric charge e = 1. 6·10 -19 C and a rest mass of 9, 109534·10 Positron (e+) is stable e. a particle with the same mass as an electron, but opposite in sign. Belongs to the class of leptons. Discovered by K. D. Anderson in 1931.
Leptons are the material substance of everything. “Leptons are considered fundamental particles. First, there are only six of them; secondly, they are either absolutely stable or live long on a nuclear scale; third, leptons behave like point objects. So, the electron does not show dimensions, let alone internal structure, even at ultrahigh energies E ≈ 40 GeV, up to distances R ≈ 2·10 In fact, both the electron and the positron are quanta of corporeality. Our Cosmology is dedicated to their research.
Proton (p). Stable charged e. a particle with a positive electric charge equal to the charge of an electron, but opposite in sign, as well as a rest mass of 1. 767265 • 10 Kg. The proton is the nucleus of the hydrogen atom. The term " proton" was introduced by E. Rutherford in 1920.
In general, stable elementary particles are not at all distinguished by a special variety. There are only three types of them: an electron, its antiparticle and a proton.
Neutrinos (ν е and ν μ ) are stable e. particles, belong to the class of leptons and have corresponding antiparticles. They are involved only in weak interactions. The effective cross section for a neutrino reaction is 10 -: - 10 m², so the average mean free path of a neutrino, for example, in a substance such as lead is about a thousand light years. The neutrino has a spin that depends on its sign. Neutrinos carry no electrical charge. It spreads through the void at the speed of light. The term " neutrino " was proposed in 1932 by E. Fermi. We are firmly convinced that neutrinos are a fiction created by physicists to patch holes in theories. First, the neutrino energy (15–50 eV) is below the measurement error. Secondly, even if this radiation does exist, then not a single quantum of radiation can necessarily be an elementary particle. What is this structural element moving only at the speed of light?
Photon Today it is customary to refer to it as a set of stable elementary particles. But this is not at all an elementary particle (it cannot be an element of a structure), but only a quantum of electromagnetic radiation.
It is not capable of spontaneously decaying into other particles, therefore, its life time, if it does not interact with another particle, is infinite. He is able to enter into electromagnetic and gravitational interactions. This means that there are both gravitons and bodily quanta of electric charge.
Photons carry fantastic amounts of energy. Moreover, the values of the energies of various photons fluctuate within fantastic limits: from 2·10-33 J (radio waves) to 2·10-14 J (X-rays), which is comparable to the spread of body masses from the mass of a cobblestone to the mass of a small planet with a diameter of about 500 km! In general, a photon is not even a quantum, but a portion of electromagnetic radiation. This is a kind of energy tanker.
A photon always moves at the speed of light.
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