Eventually. P131. The law of bodily interaction. The term "simultaneously" is a key term in physics that opens up many problems.
Eventually 1. Here hyperspace is open, and ordinary space no longer needs to be " bent" about the incorrect explanation of the forces of interaction through the fields. 2. The graviton is open here. 3. The bodily quantum of electric charge is open here. And all this is in one " package" of principles. Moreover, these principles do not contradict either facts or each other, for facts, truths and true principles do not necessarily contradict each other. What else does? 4. Here the same nature of strong and weak interactions became clear, since a quark and an elementary particle are bodily systems.
P131. The law of bodily interaction Always and necessarily, any bodily system is simultaneously a bodily connection, and a bodily object, and a bodily interaction. (2. 4. 2. ) 132
It's like that any material system always and necessarily has material interaction, material connection, and material object at the same time.
The term " simultaneously" is a key term in physics that opens up many problems.
Why are the laws of fields open only here and now? Yes, only because the theory of the elementary field has its foundations in the true principles of the theory of matter and the theory of spaces. Of course, this is a matter of physics. But modern physics is very far from the materialistic approach, and we do not want to wait an extra century for it to understand its many delusions. For example, modern physics has adopted the completely false idea of space-time developed by Einstein. So today physics knows absolutely nothing true about the nature of the field. She does not use the term " hyperspace". Today she is able to explain the field only as a manifestation of forces in physical space, that is, only as a phenomenon.
P133 Phenomenon is the appearance of a certain entity in certain events. The essential basis of any phenomenon is the essence of the object. That is, its content. (2. 4. 2. ) 133
Field theory began with a simple idea: " structures in hyperspace are necessarily impossible. " And neither a particle nor a quark can exist in it, but only that which lies at the very foundation of bodily structures. These are absolutely structureless quanta of corporeality. Democritic indivisible (structureless) " atoms". Yes, if not for Democritus, then I myself would never have guessed before!
P91. The law of the bodily foundation of Being
At the lowest level of Being, there are necessarily only three types of corporeality: mass, positive and negative electric charges. There are no others, as there are no other fundamental fields other than those that begin with the known types of bodily bases of any elementary particle. (2. 2. 4. ) 91
All things inherit the material fields of their constituent elementary particles. And then, due to the interaction of their fields, they act on each other by forces. Atoms, due to the interaction of their electric fields, have stable systems of electrons. By virtue of inheritance, the atom already has its own fields. ... The planets, due to the interaction of their gravitational fields, do not disintegrate into body dust and do not leave their orbits. In general, without a true explanation of the elementary fields, an explanation of matter itself is completely inadequate.
Lecture 4 After all, I call matter the primary substrate of each [thing], from which [this thing] does not arise by coincidence,
Aristotle MATTER (CONT'D) • Variety of elementary particles • Space of a material particle • Time of a material particle • Material structure VARIETY OF ELEMENTARY PARTICLES The variety of elementary particles is quite large, since physics has already discovered more than 350 types of them. “To describe the properties of individual elementary particles, a whole series of physical quantities (quantum numbers) are introduced, the values of which they differ. The most famous physical quantities are: mass, average lifetime, spin, electric charge and magnetic moment" (Yavorsky B. M. and Detlaf A. A. Handbook of physics. M.: " Science". 1990. р. 544) All elementary particles have a common feature: they, in their bound state, turn into something else. It is in our ordinary World that structural parts are able to steadily maintain their forms and their stability in many interactions. For example, Nail. He is both separate and connected, but always remains himself. But such a direct mechanical interaction inherent in the Nail is not observed at all in the microcosm. For particles, such close proximity almost always means either synthesis or decay. This is a transition to something new. Can you imagine driving a material Nail into a wall of antimatter?
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