P135а. The principle of the speed of light
P135а. The principle of the speed of light On the one hand, the speed of light is the point of phase transition of matter into the phase of e / m radiation. On the other hand, it is the limiting speed of matter in space, due to the fact that at this speed matter ceases to inherit its metric from space. It loses one of its dimensions (in the direction of movement), and instead inherits the dimension inherent in hyperspace. (2. 4. 3. ) 135a
Photon is a special state of matter, it has only two dimensions.
The photon does not have its antiparticle. It cannot have it either, because it consists either of a multitude of zeustons of different signs, distributed equally, or it is an oscillatory process of the transition of corporeality from one sign to another. In any case, this is a special (two-dimensional) corporeality, which is the basis of the e / m-field of a photon.
A stable elementary particle is eternal. For example, the lifetime of a free proton is 10 32 years, which exceeds the estimated lifetime of the observable Universe by billions of times. And unstable " live" only billionths of a second. Isn't it too big a difference to consider the latter as elementary particles?
P135 All unstable elementary particles, except for the neutron, may well be attributed to the intermediate objects of the processes of the emergence or destruction of stable particles or to the intermediate objects of nuclear reactions, but not to the class of elementary particles. (2. 4. 3. ) 135
And there will be no mistake.
2. Unstable elementary particles Unstable elementary particles, with the exception of the neutron, have an extremely short lifetime in the free state. It is they who are distinguished by their rich diversity. It is unstable elementary particles that give physics numerous facts of submaterial changes. And these facts contain the keys to understanding the submaterial structure of any material particle.
Neutron (n). It occupies a special place among the unstable elementary particles. In a free state, the lifetime is about 898 seconds, and then it decays into a proton, an electron and an antineutrino. A neutral particle with a rest mass of 1. 674954 • 10 Kg. Belongs to the class of hadrons. The neutron is stable only in the form of a nucleon. Its lifetime in stable nuclei is 1032 years. Discovered by J. Cherdwick in 1932. There is so much in common between the neutron and the proton that they can be considered a kind of one elementary particle. 3. All material bodies in Being are exactly those elementary particles that are connected in atomic structures
Any elementary particle necessarily consists of quanta of corporeality. At the heart of any atom, except for the hydrogen atom, and any molecule, there are only three types of elementary particles. This is a proton, neutron and electron. It seems that at the heart of any elementary particle there are no more than three types of quanta of corporeality. And there, and there " trinity". Empedocles foresaw that the substance does not differ in its diversity. Its beginnings (fire, air, water and earth) he called " the roots of all things. " " It would be possible to demand from Empedocles an answer to the following question, since he claims that each thing exists due to a certain relationship of its parts" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. p. 385) 4. The main quality of any material particle is its indestructibility All processes of interactions and interconversions of elementary particles must obey the Law of Conservation. A quantum of matter does not disappear without a trace, nor does it arise without a trace, but only either exists stably, or instantly changes its bodily structure.
SPACE OF MATERIAL PARTICLE The space of a material particle is an ordinary physical space. No bodily structures can exist in hyperspace due to its special metric.
1. Space does not depend on anything. It can exist both full and empty, while completely not changing its absolutely constant metric (its geometric qualities). However, space simply has no other qualities. The limit of stability of the metric of space is the speed of light. The substance, upon reaching this speed, partially goes beyond the usual metric of space.
2. Space is an entity that has its own content (volume). Each point of its content is absolutely concrete and absolutely motionless. It is the carrier not only of the space metric, but also the carrier of the matrix of its state (the set of its spatial parameters).
3. Material reference systems model space, but they are not capable of creating or destroying it.
4. Matter is not the source of its spatial parameters. For example, each material point in each of its states necessarily inherits from the place both the metric and the geometric parameters of this place. The geometric parameters of a material point are always and necessarily inherited by it from the point in space at which it is located. 5. Space is absolutely motionless. If we compare a quantum of matter and a point in space (space is not quantized), then the first is mobile, and the second is not. The first is able to exist as a point and without matter being in it, and the second outside of space exists not as a point, but as a field.
P139. The law of the primacy of space Physical space is essential in relation to matter. (2. 4. 4. ) 139
But modern physics is confused in this too. 2008-11-04
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