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P109. The law of material interaction


The field of one quantum of corporeality is not capable of directly acting on another quantum of corporeality, since they are in different spaces. For this reason, the fields of matter quanta directly act only on their own quanta-sources and on the same type of fields of other sources. Any material interaction of material particles at a distance is always mediated only by the direct interaction of their fields of the same type. (2. 3. 0. ) 108a

This is the key to both bodily and material interactions.


 No one field is able to directly act on another source of the field - after all, they are in different spaces. But the field acts on its source, since it is one whole.



 The elementary field of the quantum of corporeality and this quantum itself are always and necessarily one inseparable whole. (2. 3. 0. ) 108b


Only the interaction of elements of any material structure with their fields at a distance is a necessary condition for its stable existence. Therefore, a special case of the law of material structure is the law of material interaction.

P109. The law of material interaction

 The material structure is always and necessarily the material interaction of its material elements. The forces of material interaction of all elements of the structure, the source of which are the quanta of matter themselves, determine the bond energy of the entire structure as a whole. (2. 3. 0. ) 109

Structure and system are one and the same. Take away from the material body its material structure mentally. And absolutely nothing will remain of this body. Is that an empty space.


P110.  The principle of the material content of the body

  The material structure of the body is always and necessary its material content. And vice versa. (2. 3. 0. ) 110


Only the place is not included in the content of the material structure. It does not depend on the body. The body will change position, but the place will remain. The body does not " drag" (like a ball on a string) its place with it everywhere, so already two bodies in one place have nothing left but mutual penetration into each other.

A material system is a material body in which all its systemic elements of all levels are located in a certain (systemic) order. Mentally take away from the material body its constituent material system, and nothing will remain of this body.


 The material system and the material structure are always the same. (2. 3. 0. ) 111

If you look at an object from the side, then it is better to call it a material structure, and if from the inside, then a system.



A material body is usually called a material object.


A material object is a material structure (system) of its constituent material elements. The principle of a material object. (2. 3. 0. )112                                                                       



And further.



Any material object is a material entity. (2. 3. 0. ) 113


“Essence is called [1] simple bodies, for example, earth, fire, water and all the like, as well as bodies in general and what consists of them - living beings and celestial bodies, as well as their parts. All of them are called entities because they do not affect the substrate, but everything else affects them; [2] the fact that being in such things that do not affect the substrate is the reason for their existence, for example, the soul is the reason for the existence of a living being; [3] parts that, being in this kind of things, define and distinguish them as a certain something and with the elimination of which the whole is eliminated, for example: with the elimination of the plane, the body is eliminated, as some say, and in the same way the plane - with the elimination of the line " ... (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. p. 157)



  The material structure, the same material system, the same material interaction, the same material content of the body, the same material body - this is always and necessarily a material essence. (2. 3. 0. ) 113a


             This is the terminology we inherited


The elements of the material structure belong to different levels of organization of matter, that is, to different material levels of Being. In Aristotle, however, only that which is in the very fundamental principle of a thing is called an element. “An element is the fundamental principle of a thing from which it is composed and which is not divisible in appearance into other types, for example, elements of speech, of which speech is composed and into which it is divisible as limiting parts, while these elements are no longer divisible into other sounds speeches different from them in appearance.

... However, for all meanings of an element, the common thing is that the element of a thing is its fundamental principle" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 148)

Here it turns out that only elements and... things at once. And there are no elements of different levels. It's like the body consists only of elementary particles, and the elements of the atomic and molecular levels seem to be useless. No, a molecule is also an essential element of the material body. It belongs to the molecular level of organization of matter.




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