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Lecture 5.  like the displaced one, is, as it were, a unit of number. Aristotle . • Material reality. • The law of reality of Being

Lecture 5

It is also clear that if there is no time, then there will be no " now", and if there is no " now", there will be no time either, for together there exists both the movable with displacement and the number of the displaced with the number of displacement. Time is the number of displacement, and “now”,

 like the displaced one, is, as it were, a unit of number.




• Material reality

• The law of reality of Being

• Law of simultaneity

• Principle of time

• The law of irreversibility of time

• Matter is the source of time

• Law of events

• Time dilation is a fiction

• Principle of reality of spaces




The reality of any essence is not at all its quality, since the essence cannot be more or less real. It's like pregnancy: it is or is it or not.


The reality of any object is the actual object itself. There is no need for an objectless reality, for " reality without an object" is " reality nothing". (2. 5. 0. ) 140


We are always surrounded by many material bodies. Due to the necessary mobility of material particles at any level of the material structure of any body, material changes always occur in it. Moreover, it moves in space.


P141. The law of material changes

All existing material bodies always change their states due to their own material changes. Therefore, any thing in the process of existence cannot necessarily be identical to itself, even in neighboring states from a number of those that have already occurred. (2. 5. 0. ) 141


No body is necessarily in the same state of a more extremely brief moment of its own changes.

P142. The law of the real state

The state of any existing material body has an extremely brief moment of its existence (reality). Then, due to its many continuous material changes, this body necessarily becomes a little different. It necessarily passes into the next state, into another extremely brief moment of its reality. (2. 5. 0. ) 142

The unreal state of the body is nothing. And the real state of the body does not disappear, but passes into another, the next real state.


The essence of changes in a material object consists precisely in the fact that in any of its real state, extremely small continuous changes must occur, which are the cause of its next real state. (2. 5. 0. ) 143

Any real state of the body will never and need not be repeated, for everything is connected. Otherwise, it would be necessary to repeat the states of all the material particles that make up it. And the position of this body in space is changing rapidly. But, most importantly, all parameters (quantitative aspects) of the connections of this body with other essences of Being must change. And these parameters must be included in the quantitative definiteness of the state of a material object, that is, in the matrix of this state. So this body will never return to its previous state. For this, it is necessary to return to their former states and all the bodies of Being!


P144. The law of the uniqueness of the state of the body.

Any state of any body will never and need not be repeated. (2. 5. 0. ) 144


This law is valid for any material and bodily body.



Physical space is an entity. After all, it exists, although without changes. That is, it is always in the same state. Its metric (properties) and geometrical parameters are completely constant both in any place and at any time.

A certain amount of space is a fragment of its content. Only a fragment, because space is continuous. In reality, it is not quantized and does not consist of elements, although we call its point the " quantum" of space.



There are a number of interesting phenomena related to the reality of bodies:

• all bodies, due to necessary material and bodily changes, must change their states;

• any body, due to changes in its numerous elements, is in its specific state for an extremely brief moment of its reality, then, for the same reason, it passes into its next state;

• not a single state and not a single body will ever repeat itself;

• most importantly, all existing bodies are real only in their last states from a number of those that have already occurred.


P84. The law of reality

Any existing thing is necessarily real only in its last state from a series of those that have already happened. (2. 1. 0. ) 84


Two real states of one body are not necessarily possible at once, since this is the same as doubling this body.



The material content of Being is all the bodies and free matter contained in it. And all these bodies are necessarily only in their last states from the series of those that have already occurred. One and all! This phenomenon is guarded by the law of reality. Thus, we have come to the law of the reality of Being.



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