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P391. The principle of the material mechanism of the visual physical sensation of an object

P391. The principle of the material mechanism of the visual physical sensation of an object

 The material connection (interaction) of the structure of the visual light image of the object and the structure of the receptors of the photomatrix of the eye is necessarily the material mechanism of the appearance of the visual physical sensation of this image. (3. 5. 3. ) 391


The material instrument of the visual physical sensation of the object here is the photomatrix. But she physically directly feels no longer visible objects, but only their light images.

  In addition, each quantum of the visual light image of an object always takes place of the photoreceptor with which it materially interacts. Thus, each such quantum is necessarily determined by the place (on the retina) of the receptor interacting with it.


In addition, each material interaction of a quantum of a visual light image and its photoreceptor is the main reason for the transition of this photoreceptor to the phase of sensation (reflex). Although not always, since the receptor may not work. However, the latter circumstance has no effect on the principle formulated below.


P392. The principle of the structure of the physical sensation of the visual image Each quantum of the two-dimensional structure of any visual light image is necessarily determined by each receptor of the two-dimensional structure of the photomatrix of the eye interacting with it. Therefore, the material connection of these structures is necessarily a material mechanism for the correspondence of the image structure to the structure of the visual sensation of this image. (3. 5. 3. ) 392


The structure of the physical sensation of a visual light image of an object is the receptors themselves, which are in their active phase of sensing this image.



In addition, each visual light image of an object is discrete.


P393. The principle of a single physical sensation of the observed object

The structure of the physical sensation of the visual light image of an object is the material structure of the receptors sensing this image. This is also a single physical sensation of the observed object, since the visual light image of the object is a material model of the observed object itself. (3. 5. 3. ) 393


And although a single physical sensation of a visual light image of an object exists for only hundredths of a second, nevertheless, thanks to this, the World for a person becomes an open book.

Moreover, all situations are as discrete as the states of objects.


In addition, the eye is not able to perceive images of objects in a visual situation separately from the image of the whole situation.


P394. The structure of a single physical sensation of a visual light image of an object always and necessarily belongs to the structure of a single physical sensation of an image of a visual situation associated with it. (3. 5. 3. ) 394


This is not surprising, since the visual field of the eye necessarily encompasses the entire visual situation, and not part of it.

In addition, the structure of the physical sensation of any visual light image of an object always consists of elementary sensations of photoreceptors.


P395. The principle of the structure of elementary physical reflexes of sensation of a visual light image

 Elementary physical sensations of receptors that sense a visual light image of an object are their elementary physical reflexes. And these reflexes at the moment of their appearance necessarily coincide with the structure of this image on the photomatrix. (3. 5. 3. ) 395


The structure of elementary physical reflexes of sensation of a visual light image of an object is a single physical sensation of the observed object. The nine-word term has been replaced here with a shorter term. This indicates the novelty of the theory, where the terminology will have to be further developed.

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     The logical (mental) mechanism of the visual sensation of an object is the logical photomatrix of the eye. This is the logical side of the physiological photomatrix of the eye (photosensitive layer of the retina). It consists of 137 million rules of its photoreceptors.



 The logical photomatrix of the eye is the mental side of the photosensitive layer of the retina. It is a logical structure consisting of the active rules of all of its photoreceptors. (3. 5. 4. ) 396


The mental activity of the logical photomatrix of the eye occurs in full accordance with the physical activity of its material carrier. Therefore, the principle of the material mechanism of the visual sensation of an object (391) has its own logical (mental) side.


P397. The psychophysical principle of sensing a visual light image of an object

The physical sensation of a visual light image of an object by the photomatrix of the eye necessarily has its logical side a mental sensation of the data of this image by the logical photomatrix of the eye. (3. 5. 4. ) 397


The material tool here is a photo matrix. And she directly senses not the visible objects themselves, but only their visual light images (material light models of objects). The mental (logical) tool here, accordingly, is the logical photomatrix of the eye. And, accordingly, she senses only the data of visual light images of visible objects.


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