P318. The principle of elementary physical sensation
P376 One and the same material interaction is necessary both the cause of the appearance of the visual light image, and the cause of the excitation of the photoreceptors corresponding to this image. (3. 5. 1. ) 376 2. The principle of elementary physiological sensation fully applies to photoreceptors. Due to interaction with a quantum of light, the photoreceptor is able to pass from a calm state to a brief phase of stimulation (sensation). A quantum of light is a physical irritant here.
P318. The principle of elementary physical sensation Each excited state of a receptor is always and must be its automatic and highly specialized elementary physical reaction to a stimulus determined by its function. This reaction (reflex) is an elementary physical (physiological) sensation. (3. 3. 1. ) 318
3. The principle of an elementary physical reflex of a receptor is valid for any receptor, since only in the phase of excitation (sensation) does any receptor form its response in the form of its own signal. The brief phase of sensing the receptor is inextricably linked with this response. The first is the automatic action of the receptor. The second is the necessary result of this action. The first is inseparable from the second, although they are different subjects.
P320. The principle of the elementary physical reflex of the receptor Each of its elementary physical response to a physical stimulus, each receptor automatically forms in each of its excited state (phase of sensation). Thus, the first and second necessarily constitute an involuntary action (reflex) and its necessary result (response). Therefore, there is a necessary correspondence between the elementary physical reflex of the receptor and its result. (3. 3. 1. ) 320
It is with these principles of the laws of nature that materialistic psychology actually begins.
But what is the elementary physical reflex of the receptor? This is literally a short squeak of a mosquito. And even less. But when the photo layer of the retina consists of more than a hundred million receptors, and when each of them is triggered at least 20 times per second, then a very significant value is obtained.
NARROW TOPOLOGICAL PHOTORECEPTOR SELECTIVITY The narrow topological selectivity of the photoreceptor lies in the fact that each photoreceptor is “responsible” for its own ray of the field of view, and thus it represents in each of its stimuli a certain “excited” point of one or another light image of an object in the field of view. The place on the retina is related to topology, and the place in the visual situation is related to topography. Topography outside the eye. Be careful!
P358. Photoreceptor beam principle Since any photoreceptor necessarily has its own specific place on the light-sensitive layer of the retina (photomatrix), it must correspond to a certain direction in the field of view relative to the optical axis of vision. (3. 4. 1. ) 358
The photoreceptor is responsible for 1/137 million of the eye's field of view. But this is on average, since the receptors are unevenly evenly located on the " territory" of the retina. The narrow selectivity of each photoreceptor has its reasons not so much that it senses a quantum of light of a certain frequency range and has an excitation threshold, but rather that it is very finely tuned to a specific very narrow sector of the field of view (ray). This is due to the fact that it is an element of the light-sensitive screen of the optical system of the eye.
P376 a Since the field of vision of the eye is necessarily a structure of the rays of photoreception of each receptor in the eye, this field must be divided by the number of rays of reception of its photoreceptors. (3. 5. 1. ) 376 a
This number is approximately 137 million photoreceptors.
P377. The principle of topographic selectivity of the photoreceptor The zone of topographic selectivity of the photoreceptor is equal to 1/137 millionth of the field of view of the eye. For this reason alone, the elementary physical reflex of the photoreceptor necessarily carries a given about the place in the visual situation of every smallest detail of the observed object. (3. 5. 1. ) 377
Only the receptors of touch can do this. Thus, the photoreceptor is a very subtle analysis tool.
P378 Each photoreceptor, due to its narrow topographic selectivity, is an elementary analyzer of a very narrow range. (3. 5. 1. ) 378
The photoreceptor is the subject of elementary physical (physiological) sensation. And he manifests this selectivity only in the state of sensation.
P379. The principle of the diversity of elementary visual physical sensations Since there must be a narrow selectivity of each photoreceptor, there must also be a wide variety of elementary visual physical sensations. (3. 5. 1. ) 379
1. Color selectivity of the photoreceptor. It is easy to determine from the fact that photoreceptors, called cones, " translate" the frequency of the primary signal into the color data of their (secondary) signal. This is due to another of their specialties. That is, some cones respond to quanta of one frequency range, while others respond to quanta of another range. And although the frequency specialization of an individual receptor is not at all narrow, but the combined signals from many thousands of receptors allow a person to capture the subtlest color shades of image details. The color sensitivity of the retinal receptor was correctly explained in the Jung-Helmholtz theory. The receptors, called rods, do not discriminate between frequencies at all, but they are highly sensitive to light. Therefore, in the darkness we see only with sticks. Therefore, in the dark, everything turns out to be gray for us.
2. There are other forms of photoreceptor selectivity. For example, a photoreceptor transmits the brightness of its “own” point. When several photons hit one receptor at once, the strength of its response increases. Most likely, then the receptor has to work more often, but the effect of this will be the same.
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