P324. The psychophysical law of the receptor rule
P324. The psychophysical law of the receptor rule The receptor rule is the necessary informational side of its receptor. It corresponds to the main physical function of the receptor: to react in a certain way to a certain type of signal it receives. (3. 3. 2. ) 324
It comes into an agitated state only together with its carrier, since it is the psychic side of its carrier. And already in this phase of excitement, it sends its secondary data.
2. The logical (mental) side of elementary sensation is the phase of the state of excitation of the rule of a separate receptor. This is an elementary psychic sensation (an elementary psychic reflex). P332. The law of elementary mental sensation Each excited state of the receptor rule is an elementary psychic sensation. (3. 3. 2. ) 332
This state is very brief - only hundredths of a second. But what this sensation is, the subsequent systems of mental perception learn about this already from the obtained secondary data of each elementary response of each rule of each receptor.
3. The logical (mental) side of an elementary physical reflex is an elementary mental reflex.
P334. The law of the elementary mental reflex Each elementary mental response to the data of a physical stimulus, any rule of any neuron must be formed in each of its excited state (phase of stimulation). Each such phase of mental irritation is an elementary mental reflex. There is a necessary unity of the elementary mental reflex of the neuron rule and its response. (3. 3. 2. ) 334
Only the rule of the neuron is the producer of the elementary psychic reflex. Moreover, elementary mental reflexes produce all active elementary rules of the psyche, without exception.
4. The photoreceptor rule is the encoding rule. The input data in a brief act of interaction with the receptor rule is killed. But at the same time, they are the actual grounds for the appearance in the receptor rule of the corresponding secondary data. Data is not able to transfer from carrier to carrier; this is prohibited by the law of existence of the given (274).
P335. The law of correspondence of primary and secondary data to the rules of the receptor The receptor rule absorbs the active primary data of a certain type of elementary signal quantum. For this reason, it comes into an excited state (phase) of sensation, and already in this phase it involuntarily gives out active secondary data. The necessary correspondence of primary and secondary data is determined by this rule itself, as the mechanism of their correspondence. (3. 3. 2. ) 335
This is where the act of coding the primary (input) data takes place.
P335 The receptor rule is always and must be a rule for encoding input data. (3. 3. 2. ) 336
5. The photoreceptor rule is an elementary logical automaton. It is necessary primarily in relation to its receptor, although it is only its logical side. This is the principle of primacy of the receptor rule (381 b).
It only responds to data of its type. And if the receptor, when interacting with a stimulus of type A, is able to pass into the phase of excitation (sensation) O, then its rule is also capable of passing into the phase of excitation (sensation) O only when receiving data of type A.
It only reacts to its data under certain conditions. And if the receptor has an excitation threshold P, then its rule also reacts to data corresponding to its excitation threshold. That is, the intensity of a physical stimulus, translated into data language, means that a given of type A includes a given (data) of type P.
In addition, the receptor will only respond to a stimulus when it is in a quiet phase. Accordingly, the condition of its rule will be the rest phase (Фп).
In addition, as a receptor in a state of sensation (in a state of reflex O), it is necessary to send its response (its elementary signal) to C. Otherwise, why then its useless reflex to anyone? Accordingly, the rule of this receptor, in the state of sensation (in the state of mental reflex O), must send its response in the form of data D. Otherwise, why then his useless reflex? Thus, the receptor rule completely represents the physical actions of its receptor, but in the form of corresponding logical actions. It works selectively as a rule of implication: " if A and Фп, and P - then O - then D".
P382. The principle of the photoreceptor rule Any rule of a photoreceptor is an elementary logical automaton. Under certain conditions, it logically interacts with the stimulus - it absorbs the quantum data of the input (primary) signal at the input. As a result, it passes into the phase of elementary mental irritation (sensation). And already in this phase it gives out its elementary psychic response - secondary data corresponding to the data of the stimulus. (3. 5. 2. ) 382
That is, the elementary secondary signal of the photoreceptor carries secondary data about color, about the intensity of light, and about the place of the source in a particular visual situation.
6. Elementary psychic reflex of the rule is its reaction of sensation, caused by the receipt of input data of the signal.
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