Automatic operations of the photoreceptor
P380 Each photoreceptor necessarily captures in the absorbed photon its following material features: place in the visual situation and brightness. Receptors called cones also pick up the color of the photon. (3. 5. 1. ) 380
AUTOMATIC OPERATIONS OF THE PHOTORECEPTOR The automatic actions of the photoreceptor are quite obvious. Any photoreceptor is an elementary material automaton. He performs a rudimentary program in two concrete steps. First step. The photoreceptor instantly materially interacts with a quantum, or several signal quanta. From this interaction, he already has nowhere to go (not to dodge), if he really got to this receptor. This interaction is the first necessary condition (A) for the transition of the receptor to the phase of excitation (sensation) (O). This condition is necessary, but not sufficient, since there are other necessary conditions. The second necessary condition here is that the energy of these quanta must exceed the threshold energy of the onset of excitation of the receptor (P). The third necessary condition is the fact that the receptor must be in the resting phase (FP) at the moment of interaction with the quantum. He should not be busy with other business. Thus, there are three necessary conditions for the onset of a physiological reaction in the receptor, which is called the phase of its excitation (sensation). Then the scheme of the first step has the form: " if A and Фп and П - then О".
Step two. If the photoreceptor enters the excitation phase (O), then during this phase it produces its elementary physiological response in the form of its (elementary) secondary signal. (Se). Any signal is always a material entity. The scheme of the second step is: " if O - then Se". However, all these steps can be presented in the following form: “If A and FP, and P - then O - then Se”.
Photoreceptor settings. There are photoreceptor settings for the strength of the stimulus. Depending on the illumination, the upper and lower thresholds of its sensitivity can change more than 100 thousand times. This threshold is controlled by the ganglionic structure of the thickness of the retina.
RECEPTOR IS A MAGIC PASS BETWEEN THE MATERIAL AND THE SPIRITUAL WORLD Each receptor is selective for stimuli. He comes into an excited state only when interacting with stimuli of his type and his range of sensitivity.
P381 Any photoreceptor is an elementary material automaton. If it absorbs the stimulus corresponding to its settings (quantum, or several quanta of light of the input signal), then it must pass into the phase of irritation (sensation). And already in this phase, he necessarily gives out his elementary physical response (elementary secondary signal), corresponding to the stimulus. (3. 5. 1. ) 381
The photoreceptor automatically (involuntarily) converts its input signal. Its response signal always and necessarily carries secondary data about the place, brightness and color of a certain point of the field of view at a short and specific moment of its sensation. P314. The coding principle for the receptor The receptor is a highly specialized transducer of the received primary signal. The implementation of a one-to-one correspondence between the received (primary) and output (secondary) signals is called coding. (3. 3. 1) 314
And the receptor carries out the process of coding the signal only due to its active rule. Without this rule, he simply would not know what to do. The rule of the receptor in informational activity is always and is necessary primarily in relation to its bearer, since in the material world there is no such physical process called " coding". The receptor is the Magic Pass.
P381 a The receptor is a " Magic Pass" between the material world and the spiritual world. (3. 5. 1. ) 381 a
It is only thanks to the secondary data of the signals of the receptors that the human soul is connected with the World external to it. 2008-10-04
PHOTORECEPTOR RULE The photoreceptor rule is the logical side of this receptor. And as any photoreceptor is always an elementary material automaton, its rule is always an elementary logical automaton corresponding to its receptor.
1. The receptor rule is a necessary informational side of its receptor. On the one hand, the rule of the receptor is an informational entity, therefore it must have its own material carrier - the receptor. On the other hand, it is the evolutionary cause of the receptor itself.
P381b. The principle of primacy of the receptor rule Actually, the receptor has arisen historically because nature has mastered the rule of receptive activity. That is why the receptor rule is essential in relation to its carrier. (3. 5. 2. ) 381 b
After all, receptors are created by nature to convert external signals into corresponding sensations and responses that carry the data of these sensations.
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