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Kant brilliantly defined sensation; moreover, he correctly linked it with a phenomenon. “The effect of an object on the ability to represent, insofar as we are exposed to it (afficiert werden), is sensation. Those contemplations that relate to an object t

Kant brilliantly defined sensation; moreover, he correctly linked it with a phenomenon. “The effect of an object on the ability to represent, insofar as we are exposed to it (afficiert werden), is sensation. Those contemplations that relate to an object through sensation are called empirical. An indefinite subject of empirical contemplation is called a phenomenon" (Kant I. Soch. T. 3. M., " Mysl", 1964. р. 127). The effect of a felt object on the psyche is a brilliant idea!



But this was said long ago by Aristotle: “Sensation in action can be likened to the activity of contemplation; it differs from the latter in that what sets it into action is something external

 - visible and audible, exactly and other felt. The reason for this is that sensation in action is directed towards the individual, while knowledge is directed towards the general. And the general is in some way in the soul itself. Therefore, thinking is in the power of the thinking person himself, whenever he wants to think; sensation is not in the power of the sender, for it is necessary that the sensed be present. The same is the case with knowledge of the sensed and for the same reason, namely, because the sensed things are singular and external. " (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. S. 407).   - What a depth of thought!

 And this despite the fact that then there was absolutely no scientific knowledge. Modern science is not good for modern philosophers. Degradation is what the development of philosophical knowledge after Aristotle is like. I hope the reasoning is enough.




Mental sensations are the first thing that exists behind the Magic Pass between the material world and the spiritual world. This is the beginning of the soul's activity. This is the beginning of mental activity.



 Receptors always receive a primary signal or direct action from the object of sensations. Accordingly, their rules need to receive the primary data of this signal. (3. 5. 6. ) 404


Whereas those neurons that are not receptors are completely devoid of direct communication with the manifestations of the external World. Even the inner sensations are not entrusted to them. There are about twenty times more of them than receptor neurons. They, like the gnomes of the Dark Kingdom, do an invisible, imperceptible, but fantastically great job. And their rules are woven into that diamond net (a beautiful term borrowed from Hegel), which we call the feeling and understanding soul.

The sensing part of the soul consists only of the rules of the receptors. More precisely, clearly organized systems of these rules.



Lecture 8

Perception is empirical consciousness, that is,

a consciousness in which there is also sensation.

I. Kant



• Subject of perception

• Perception is a complex mental process

• Perception is the only source of experience

• Experience is the main source of the emergence of concepts

• The principle of development of the psyche

• Mental organs of the perception system


There is no pointless perception. But only the object of the process of perception can be considered both the immediately felt object, and the data of the signal from the directly felt object, and the data of the reception of the directly felt object, and the image of the directly felt object. And the first, and the second, and the third, and the fourth really belong to the category of objects of perception, but they are completely different things, there are many intermediate objects of perception. Therefore, clarification is required here.

P405. The principle of objectivity of perception

 Perception always and necessarily begins with a directly sensed object. The object of perception is a directly perceived object, since it is the primary cause of all subsequent intermediate objects of this process. (3. 6. 1. ) 405

 Only the immediately perceived object is the actual and necessary root cause of the rest of the objects listed above. The rest of the items are intermediate items of the process perception. This is unambiguous, since only what is perceived is perceived.   And only material objects are tangible.



Our senses are arranged in such a way that we feel, and therefore perceive, only material objects, since no material signal is formed from non-material objects. (3. 6. 1. ) 406


Information can exist only on its material carriers. Therefore, we perceive the meaning of the textas part of the perception of the material text. The material text is made up of material letters, and the latter are made up of material paint. We perceive the content of the picture as part of the perception of the material picture itself. The visual light image of an object on the light-sensitive surface of the retina is also material. It consists of quanta of light.

Thus, the system of visual reception is necessarily included in the system of visual perception. The same is true for the reception system of any other modality.



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