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Structure of mental sense. P398. The topical principle of the structure of the mental sensation of the visual light image of an object


The structure of the physical sensation of the visual light image of an object is the receptors themselves, which are in the active phase of sensing this image. And each receptor perceiving this image with its logical side necessarily has its own perceiving rule.


P398. The topical principle of the structure of the mental sensation of the visual light image of an object

The data of each quantum of the two-dimensional structure of any visual light image of an object must be determined by the two-dimensional structure of the receptors sensing this image, and hence their rules. Therefore, the logical side of the structure of the physical sensation of the visual light image of the object is the structure of the mental sensation of the data of this image.

                                                                                                           (3. 5. 4. ) 398


The structure of the mental sensation of the visual image is the structure of the rules of the receptors that are in the active phase of the mental sensation of the data of this image. We can say that this is also a single mental sensation of an object, since the visual image of an object is always its material model. The mental structure of sensation of the visual image of the observed object does not exist at all for the sake of sensation itself, but in order for the psychic organs of perception to recognize the object itself on its basis.


P397. The topical principle of the structure of the secondary data of the sensation of the visual light image of an object

The structure of the mental sensation of the data of the visual light image of the object necessarily generates the corresponding structure of the secondary data of this sensation. (3. 5. 4. ) 399


This structure of secondary data is the primary (receptive) visual image of the perceived object.

But such an image still needs to be distinguished from many other receptive images of objects in the perceived situation. And it also requires its own recognition, because the rules of receptors do not distinguish between perceived objects. They are merely creating a mosaic of data on the perceived situation. They create a new image every tenth of a second. It turns out a kaleidoscope of data from the visual situation, where everything is bright and beautiful, but nothing is highlighted and nothing is clear. This is what the " movie" is.


Note: The term “primary (receptive) mental image of a perceived object” has its more convenient synonym in the form of “receptive image of an object”. Physical images no longer exist.


Everything material has already remained far away, beyond the " Magic Pass"

The logical photomatrix of the eye mentally senses the structures of these visual light images of the observed object. And since these images are instantaneous and discrete, then there is a flow of images of the observed object, which, in turn, generates a flow of its discrete mental sensations (the flow of its receptive images).



The flow of mental sensations of visual light images of an object is a sequential series of discrete mental sensations of this object in its new and new states. (3. 5. 4. ) 400


The visual situation is always the subject of a visual light image. It is always present, since a person is not able to feel only what he wants.


P401. The law of ownership of the receptive visual image

Any object of a visual light image always and necessarily belongs to its observed situation. Accordingly, the mental sensation of any visually perceptible object always and necessarily belongs to the sensation of its situation. Accordingly, any receptive image of the observed object necessarily belongs to the receptive image of its situation. (3. 5. 4. ) 401


            We can say that this is the law of visual gestalt.




The rules of the retinal receptors have their own rigid two-dimensional spatial structure. Their function is to encode the light signal data.



The logical photomatrix of the eye is an active coding matrix. (3. 5. 4. ) 402


Its structure does not belong to some kind of virtual space, but to an ordinary, real, physical one. After all, the rules do not break away from their carriers.


The structure of the excited, due to their interaction with the data of the visual light image of an object, the rules of photoreceptors always and necessarily generates the corresponding structure of secondary data in the form of a receptive image of this object. (3. 5. 4. ) 403



The variety of complex and very inconvenient terms corresponds to the variety of new types of research subjects. And here the term " visual sensation of an object" alone cannot be dispensed with.


After all, objectively there are:

• visual light image of an object;

• the location of each photoreceptor on the screen of the light-sensitive layer of the retina;

• beam of sensitivity of each photoreceptor in the field of vision of the eye;

• elementary sensation of a photoreceptor;


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