No mental system can do without skills.
No mental system can do without skills. Seventh. The process of perceiving an object ends with the creation of an impression. This is an instant process. Another thing is, if this impression is significant, then it is transferred by the system of thinking to the rank of representations (a single experience).
Eighth. The process of perceiving the surrounding reality is an empirical consciousness.
P410. The principle of empirical consciousness (Kant's idea) The process of perceiving the surrounding reality is an empirical consciousness. Human perception is a complex mental network process that carries out instant information modeling and identification by the psyche of the objects of the perceived situation and the situation itself as a whole. The center of the perceived material situation is always the person himself. And the center of the information model of this situation is his “I” (his soul). (3. 6. 2. ) 410
Ninth. All internal organs and processes in the human body are also perceived objects. And although the vegetative and somatic systems of the psyche are reluctant to share their sensations with the mind, vegetative and somatic perceptions necessarily exist.
Eventually. The process of perception has many essential points, but the first and foremost thing in it is that it is an exclusively mental process. P411 Perception of a perceived object - it is always necessary to be an instant (in real time), active and ramified mental process. And only mental organs carry it out. (3. 6. 2. ) 411
Material images no longer exist. The Material World is not capable of coding actions, and this alone is quite enough for an unambiguous understanding of the law of psychic perception.
Aristotle attributed perception to the action of the soul, that is, to mental action. “Sensory perception is similar to simple speaking and thinking. When it gives pleasure or displeasure, [the soul], as if affirming or denying, begins to strive for something or avoid something. And this experience of pleasure or displeasure is the activity of the focus of the senses (aisthetike mesotes), directed towards good or evil as such. Avoidance and striving in action are also the essence of this activity, while the ability of striving and the ability of avoidance do not differ either from each other, or from the ability of sensation, but their being is different" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 438). 2009-09-28
PERCEPTION IS THE ONLY SOURCE OF EXPERIENCE The unit of experience is presentation. Although some ideas often arise from thought, they, in fact, are derived from previously accumulated experience.
Representation is the meaning of a particular object. The idea is always about a specific subject. The term " representation" has the unambiguous meaning of a representation arising from an impression. A similar meaning of the presentation is fixed by the norms of the Russian language. For example, “ Representation, -I, cf. ... 4. Reproduction in the mind of previously experienced perceptions (special). P. is an image of an object or phenomenon". (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Azbukovnik, 1999) A very good definition, since the previously experienced perceptions are impressions and representations. Here, the term " perception" has two meanings. The main point is that perception is a mental process. The secondary meaning is that perception is the image of the perceived object. He is able to have his long existence only in the form of an impression.
An impression is a remembered (impressed) image of a perceived object. Only specially perceived objects are the sources of all our impressions. And everything that is perceived without special attention does not create impressions, but is included in the perceived background of the object of the impression. Such a background really exists, since the receptive image of the object of the impression always belongs to the image of its situation. But even a specially perceived (interesting) image is not yet an impression, because here it needs to be fixed in long-term memory. Psychology calls this consolidation of the image of perception the consolidation of traces. For this, memory spends about 10-15 minutes. Those images of perception that are fixed and remain in long-term memory are called impressions. It's like in photography, where there is also a procedure for securing photographs.
P412. The impression principle An impression is a vivid and memorable image of a perceived object, fixed in long-term memory. The impression of a felt object is the perceived fact of that object in a particular state and as part of a particular situation. (3. 6. 3. ) 412 In addition, there are other kinds of impressions that a person creates when learning, reading books, communicating with other people, watching movies, etc. There are no less of these acquired impressions than the impressions of perceived objects.
Presenting an object is a meaningful impression. Indeed, in order to make it easy for the mind to find the impressions necessary for thinking, the mind gives such necessary impressions sensitive names. We can say that a representation is a kind of already fixed photograph of a specific object, on which the name of this object is written, and an impression is a fixed photograph of a specific object, but without an inscription.
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