P417. The principle of a single experience
P417. The principle of a single experience Experience is empirical knowledge. A unit experience is a concrete representation of a specific perceived subject. (3. 6. 3. ) 417
Experience is the father of art. A concept is a skill. And in the language of Aristotle, it is already art in relation to " its" objects. “People experience experience through memory; namely, many memories of the same subject acquire the meanings of one experience. And the experience seems to be almost the same as science and art" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 65). That's it. Many units of experience about one type of objects (a number of ideas with the same name with this object) are close to art, because these units of experience always belong to their concept of the same name.
P418 Many ideas about a certain type of object are united by the mind in one concept by the fact that it gives them active names similar to the name of this concept. (3. 6. 3. ) 418
However, a simple sum of representations is not yet a concept, but only enters into its concept as examples (units of experience). Apart from concepts, representations usually do not exist. Separately - this is only for children who are beginning to speak. For this reason, the concept and only the concept is the main element of long-term memory. Thus, the previous principle can be extended to the principle of long-term memory content.
P418a. The principle of long-term memory maintenance Many ideas about a certain type of object are united by the mind in one concept by the fact that it gives them active names, similar to the name of this concept. For this reason, the concept and only the concept is the main element of long-term memory. (3. 6. 3. ) 418a Aristotlewrites: " experience is knowledge of the individual, and art is knowledge of the general. " For example: “As far as activity is concerned, experience seems to be no different from art; moreover, we see that those who have experience are more successful than those who have abstract knowledge (logon echein), but have no experience. The reason for this is that experience is the knowledge of the individual, and art is the knowledge of the general, but every action and every production belongs to the individual: after all, the doctor heals not a person [in general], only in an incidental way, but Callius or Socrates or someone else. of those who bear some name - for whom to be human is something incidental. Therefore, if someone has abstract knowledge, but does not have experience and cognizes the general, but does not know what is contained in it, then he is often mistaken in the treatment, because the individual has to be treated. Nevertheless, we believe that knowledge and understanding are more related to art than to experience, and we consider those who own some art wiser than those who have experience, for everyone's wisdom depends more on knowledge, and this is because the former know the reason, and the latter do not. Indeed, those who have experience know " what" but do not know " why"; those who own art know " why", i. e. know the reason" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 66).
A concept is, after all, knowledge of the general. After all, this is active, automatically acting, knowledge of any subject from a multitude of similar, and therefore, subjects of the same name. It is a unit of art. What is a performance? This is just an example, a unit of experience.
Concepts are not transmitted genetically First, the concepts are too complex for genetic coding. Second, they are mostly made up of views. That is why the main importance of the process of intelligent perception for a person is to create a large number of representations.
P419. The principle of the development of the mind Reasonable perception is the only and necessary source of both one's own and acquired (borrowed) experience. A person forms all his reasonable knowledge only and is necessary through perception and thinking. The main and most functional element of human memory is the concept. (3. 6. 3. ) 419
But the acquired experience is learned much easier than one's own experience (the son of difficult mistakes). Acquired experience is one thing, but one's own experience is completely different. However, it is different only along the way of its emergence, while in its essence all these are only representations.
P420 Perception is the only and necessary source of intelligent knowledge. (3. 6. 3) 420 And this was also noted by Aristotle: “All people naturally strive for knowledge. Proof of this is the attraction to sensory perceptions: after all, regardless of whether there is any benefit from them or not, they are valued for their own sake, and most of all are visual perceptions, because vision, one might say, we assume to all other perceptions, not only for the sake of the fact that to act, but also when we are not going to do something. And the reason for this is that vision, more than other senses, contributes to our knowledge and reveals many differences [in things]" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 65).
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