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P413. The principle of presentation


Representation of a perceived object is a perceived and meaningful image of a specific object in a fragment of a specific situation. The show has its own sensitive name. (1. 5. 0. ) 76



First, representation is always knowledge about a particular subject.



 Second, impressions and representations are units of experience, and experience is always concrete. Whether it is one's own experience (the son of difficult mistakes) or acquired (no less difficult), in any case it is an experience.



  Thirdly, the performance is an impression that has received its sensitive name.

P413. The principle of presentation

D. Representation is a unit of experience. This is the fact of the existence of a specific object in a specific situation, interpreted by thinking. All new ideas about perceived objects only and necessarily arise in the process of thinking from impressions. Any idea necessarily has its own sensitive name, obtained in the process of thinking. (3. 6. 3. ) 413


Own ideas are the units of their own experience.

Acquired representations are units of acquired experience.

 Ideal representations are units of creative experience.

In any case, all representations are units of experience.



The true representation of an object is that which corresponds to a high degree to the fact of this or a similar object. (3. 6. 3. ) 414


It is also important here how often thinking will be directed towards representation, for in each act of thinking it changes. All representations are inherently changeable, and truths are immutable, so distinguish between truth and true representation.


   Representation is the main and necessary link in the process of concept formation. The child's mind forms its concepts from ideas, because concepts are not transmitted in a genetic way. They do not belong to the category of instincts, but belong to the category of speech skills and have their own sensitive names. Representations also have their own sensitive names, but they are much more passive than concepts, since the concept also has its own sensitive features.



 All ideas and concepts in the mind are necessarily linked by their similar sensitive names. (3. 6. 3. ) 415


It seems that there is nothing complicated in the principles of representation, nevertheless, psychology often confuses representations with concepts. But this is difficult to confuse, if only for the external reason that concepts react to the images of “their” objects of perception automatically. A person in a second easily understands about ten terms of the text, and this is only because he has corresponding concepts for these terms. But representations react to the images of " their" objects of perception only in the processes of thinking. It is easy to check: the conceptual " vocabulary" of a person rarely fails, but when a person thinks about a term, but then finds its meaning, then the idea worked.

The child has a small number of concepts and constantly forms them from ideas. This is noticeable in his slow thinking - he thinks mainly in representations.


P415a. The principle of thinking in representations

To understand only by ideas is the same as looking for the meaning of every perceived or conceivable term in an explanatory dictionary. (3. 6. 3. ) 415 a





Reason really needs a huge number of concepts. And in many respects because not to include the process of thinking in the process of perception every time. After all, concepts recognize " their" images themselves, automatically. (3. 6. 3. ) 416


All concepts arise only from representations. To do this, it is enough for the mind to impart sensitive signs to a certain idea. This is not such a difficult procedure for the mind (it is described in the following chapters). In general, the mind is capable of forming dozens of concepts in just one day. All in all, an adult has about one hundred thousand concepts. All concepts are combined into systems of related concepts (associations). These systems are combined into concepts.


Experience is the result not only of perception, but also of reliable memorization, since even a thousandth of what is perceived does not linger in long-term memory. The stream of receptive data is over 10 billion data per second. It is easy to calculate in your head, based on the total number of receptors and the frequency of their work. Yes, if all this is recorded in long-term memory, then it will be filled " to capacity" in just a couple of days! This is the only reason why the mind very selectively shapes its experience in the form of representations.

The idea is always about a single object, which means that it is always concrete and is a single experience. Representation is the meaning of a single object. We can say empirical meaning.

A single experience is a perceived and meaningful fact.



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