P608. The principle of image recognition
P608. The principle of image recognition Recognition of an image by a concept has the form of a reflex of the first rule of the nucleus: " if the reflexes of most of the features of the nucleus, then the reflex of the name of the nucleus. " (3. 12. 4. ) 608
The core reflex always has only one meaning: the object is recognized, since this object has both a name and a concept. Nothing complicated.
ASSOCIATION An association is a system of concepts that jointly decide or create something. This is where the simultaneous efforts of a number of concepts are required to solve a problem or to create a new concept or representation. Association is possible only with related concepts, that is, with concepts that have their own sensitive features similar to those of the central subject of association. The subject of the association is its center, this is why the association itself arose. Association is the interaction of a number of related concepts based on sensitive signs of concepts and representations. A stable and relatively long-term connection of related concepts and representations is called an association.
A prerequisite for an association is the presence of a central subject of the association. When a concept is in the center of attention for a relatively long time, then it is in its excited state. The external elements of the concept are its sensitive features (including the name sign). It is they who are the active elements that form the association and are in its center, being objects of thought.
When a performanceis in the center of attention for a long time, then all its supporting signs and a sensitive name are excited in it. Then it is this representation that is the central subject of the association. The same thing happens with an impression.
This is how the association actually appears. There is no other way of the emergence of an association and cannot be. Identical with the features of the central subject of association, the sensitive features of various concepts themselves actively respond to the long-awakened features of the central subject of the association.
P609. The principle of the origin of the association In a long-term excited concept or representation (even impression), which is in the center of attention, all its signs are excited. Thus, these signs are subjects for similar sensitive signs of other (related concepts). It is this circumstance that is the reason for the prolonged reflexes of such sensitive signs of related concepts of association. (3. 12. 4. ) 609
The important thing here is that related notions of association are not in a state of complete arousal. They have excited only those some sensitive signs that are of the same name with the signs of the subject of association. Their reflexes are not enough for the reflex of the core of their concept.
P610 Related concepts of association are not in a state of complete excitement, but only those sensitive signs that are of the same name with the excited signs of the central object of the association are excited. (3. 12. 4. ) 610
P611 Only the presence of the same sensitive features in individual concepts is the objective basis for the connection of related concepts in association. (3. 12. 4. ) 611
Sensitive names of sensitive object attributes of concepts play a special role in the formation of associations. Then related concepts find each other much easier and form associations much easier. And since associations are the basis of the thought process and intuition, then we really observe both speech association, and speech thinking and speech intuition. P612. The law of speech activity of reasonable consciousness Since all sensitive object signs of concepts necessarily have their own sensitive names, this phenomenon is the basis for speech perception, and for speech thinking, and for speech intuition. (3. 12. 4. ) 612 2010-02-01
CORE OF CONCEPT The core of a concept is the central logical element of its structure. His whole logic is that the name of the kernel matches all of its features.
P613. Concept core principle The core of a concept is a program (complex rule) for matching the name of a concept to the attributes of a concept. Since all the features of a concept correspond to the basic features of the subject of a concept, and the name of the concept is of the same name with the name of this subject, then the kernel rule, on the one hand, can be called the rule for denoting the subject of this concept, and on the other hand, the rule for giving a short meaning to the name of the subject with the same name this concept. (3. 12. 5. ) 613
In fact, the logic of the kernel is in no way more complicated than the logic of any of its features, except that the kernel consists of two identical rules, but acting in opposite directions. In one direction, it acts, as a rule of designation (recognition), and in the other direction, as a rule of imparting meaning. Nothing complicated here.
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