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But nothing of the kind is possible without a concept name!

   But nothing of the kind is possible without a concept name!


P595 b

The name of the concept is a sensitive sign, and the term is insensitive.   

                                                                                                        (3. 12. 3. ) 595 b

    Therefore, these are completely different things! Parmenides was the first to notice:

    “Here I complete my trustworthy word and thought

      I am about the Truth: from now on, teach you the opinions of mortals,

Listening to the deceitful structure of my elegant poems.

Mortals decided so: to name two forms,

      There should not be one of them - and this is their delusion. " (Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. S. 297. )


P597. The Law of the Name. (Idea of ​ ​ Parmenides)

 The name of a concept is both a sensitive sign of a concept and the central element of its core at the same time. Representations and sensitive object attributes of a concept also have their own sensitive names. In addition, there are also passive names of objects in consciousness. (3. 12. 3. ) 597


The name is an active entity, it is an active program, it is an active sign. But the term is just a sign consisting of passive data. There is a huge difference between them. Of course, Parmenides could not know all this, but he knew for sure that the name is in the mind, and not elsewhere.



The name of an object that exists outside of consciousness is called a term.

                                                                                                        (3. 12. 3. ) 598




Sensitive subject features of a concept (abbreviated as features of a concept) are active recognition programs. The reaction of each sensitive sign is a reflex to such a supporting sign of the image of perception or thinking. The rule of a sensitive objective feature of the concept: " if there is a similar feature in perception or thinking, then go into an excited state. " This feature does not recognize its own image, but only its corresponding stimulus (the supporting feature of the image).


He recognizes both the name of the representation and the name of the concept of the same name - the signs of concepts have their own sensitive names. The concept with the same name is another concept.

P600. The principle of a sensitive subject attribute of a concept

 A sensitive subject feature of a concept is a recognizing program focused on recognizing supporting features of a certain type and their names belonging to images of perception or thinking. In addition, this feature is focused on recognizing similar features of concepts and representations that are in a long-term active state. (3. 12. 4. ) 600


The sensitive object feature of a concept works equally with the supporting features of perception and thinking images corresponding to it, and with the corresponding features of other concepts and representations of association, and with their names.

In fact, the configuration (schema) of the concept attribute and the concept name are very similar. And in the core, the sign of a concept is present as a sign of the core, and outside the core, as a sign of a concept. However, this is one sign! The concept itself is absolutely impossible without it.

The difference between the attribute of a concept and its name is only that the name does not recognize the supporting attributes. And further. If the reflex of the name is sufficient for the beginning of the reflex of the nucleus, then for the same reflex of the nucleus of the concept, simultaneously reflexes of most signs are required. In other words, the weight of all the attributes of a concept is equal to the weight of one of its names.

Sensitive subject features of the concept arose from the supporting features of the presentation. They simply have no other way of arising.



 All the sensitive objective features of a concept were once the supporting features of the image of the representation from which this concept arose.

                                                                                                       (3. 12. 4. ) 601

All sensitive subject attributes of a concept constitute a sensitive matrix of subject attributes of a concept. Any concept itself, automatically recognizes the perceived or imaginable image of " one's" object in the center of attention by the likeness of its sensitive object attributes and supporting attributes of the image of perception (matrix of supporting attributes). Like is cognized by like.

Anything that is not in the spotlight is of secondary importance for concepts.  


After all, what is the main feature of the image? - This is a specific stimulus (irritant), expressed in figurative language. We have already analyzed the stimulus perception of insects, which distinguish not objects, but only stimuli (types of stimuli).


P602. The incentive principle

 Stimulus is a single reference feature of an object. This is a single simple stimulus that can be determined by one sensitive feature of the recognition program. (3. 12. 4. ) 602



  Any skill or instinct has its own sensitive characteristics. Otherwise, why then this skill or this instinct?


P603.  The principle of a sensitive subject attribute of a skill

A sensitive subject attribute of a recognizing program is a sensitive subject attribute of a concept or any non-speech skill. (3. 12. 4. ) 603



The name of a sensitive subject attribute of a concept is a sensitive name denoting a specific type of stimulus (attribute of an object, stimulus). All signs of concepts have their own names, but these are the names of essential (supporting) signs of objects of their concepts.



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