P547. Evolutionary Law of Strengthening
P547. Evolutionary Law of Strengthening The more intensely an organ or its element works, the more necessary it becomes from generation to generation of a species. And vice versa. (3. 10. 2. ) 547 So the reason for the mind was not at all physical, but only the intellectual labor of the animal. P589 Only the intense and effective work of the mind during its history is the only reason why it and its physiological carrier (cerebral cortex) today have such a perfect systemic organization. (3. 12. 1. ) 589
For example, the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex is about half of the neurons in the entire nervous system.
Concepts arose simultaneously with the appearance of speech and only because of its appearance. This happened about a million years ago, but during this million years there have been no significant changes in the tissues of the cerebral cortex. The tissues of the cerebral cortex of humans and chimpanzees are difficult to distinguish, even for a specialist. This is a medical fact. And if someone said that labor created man, it was only through thoughtlessness, for all animals work for the sake of survival literally at the limit of their capabilities, but where then is their mind? And it was not the hand that created man. There the monkeys literally carry themselves through the trees in their arms, but where, then, is their speech?
P590 Only the use of the names of objects in skills and units of intelligence experience became the only reason for the emergence of concepts. In turn, the emergence of concepts became the only reason for the transformation of the intellect into reason. (3. 12. 1. ) 590 2010-02-01 INSTINCTS OF MIND Not a single skill is formed in the psyche without the use of genetically transmitted " experience". After all, where does the experience of a newborn come from? P591 Reason necessarily has its own instincts. (3. 12. 2. ) 591
Otherwise, the child will never form not only his first concept, but also his first idea. And already the following ideas and concepts are formed in the child with the participation of existing experience and the same instincts. Moreover, these instincts do not disappear anywhere, but are replicated by the mind and are included in the concepts and representations created by it as necessary active elements.
P592. The principle of concept instinct Any concept necessarily contains some copies of those instincts that took part in its emergence and further changes. (3. 12. 2. ) 592
In addition, the skills of other systems of the psyche necessarily contain instincts, since there is no such skill that would arise without their participation. A skill does not arise from scratch, but it is formed by layering the data of experience on the instinct.
P593. The principle of skill instinct Any skill necessarily contains copies of some instincts that took part in its emergence and in its further changes. (3. 12. 2. ) 593
Copying programs and using these copies as constructive elements of new programs is a necessary way of developing any system of the psyche.
P594. Skill change principle Copying and transferring copies of knowledge available in the mental system is one of the most important mechanisms for creating and changing any skill. Moreover, this knowledge is included in a new or changed skill not independently, but as its constructive elements. (3. 12. 2. ) 594
Therefore, each new skill includes not only copies of some instincts, but also copies of some elements of other skills that took part in the process of its formation or change.
Apparently, thinking can also be defined as the process of copying and transferring knowledge.
Every skill, like every instinct, is always strengthened in its positive activity due to the action of the Law of Strengthening. By virtue of the same law, “wrong” skills are discredited and rarely used, and thus come to naught, or are corrected by the system of the psyche.
P543. The principle of sustainable skill formation The psyche is a system of active knowledge. And each such knowledge, with each cycle of its activity, is necessary or strengthened, if there is a positive result, or vice versa. The most used examples of positive action are reinforced and turned into skills. (3. 9. 5. ) 534
The concept not only arises due to the Law of Strengthening, but also changes. It can change both in the direction of strengthening and in the direction of weakening. Here everything depends only on the frequency of acts of his positive activity. Changes in any instinct towards strengthening or towards weakening occur in a similar way. But changing a specific instinct is one thing, since experience can be “layered” on any instinct, it can be enhanced by hard work, or vice versa. While his changes at the genetic level requires changes in his genetic code, and this is a completely different matter. It takes several generations here. Therefore, instincts are as strong as diamonds.
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