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The linking of mental phenomena of the mind to its physiological carriers is extremely necessary. However, these are the tasks of psychology. To create an operating system of the mind (without quotes), it will take many years of hard research work here

The linking of mental phenomena of the mind to its physiological carriers is extremely necessary. However, these are the tasks of psychology. To create an operating system of the mind (without quotes), it will take many years of hard research work here




Lecture 16

Mortals decided so: to name two forms,

There should not be one of them - and this is their delusion.



• The main programs of higher mental activity

• Instincts of the mind

• Concept name

• Signs of the concept

• Association

• The core of the concept


Concepts are the main active speech programs of higher mental activity. These are essentially the same intelligence skills of the higher vertebrate, which, moreover, also contain active rules of speech activity (active sensitive names). Only thanks to speech, and the semantic unit of speech is the concept, the historical experience, created by humanity and preserved to this day, became available to man.


The main historical experience of a person is his speech. (3. 12. 1. ) 584


  Human speech has been developing for a million years, but the end of this process is not yet in sight. Speech develops as human knowledge develops.

P585. The historical principle of the development of speech

Speech of a person is necessarily the result of his knowledge, therefore it will develop as much as a person will cognize the world around him and himself.

                                                                                                       (3. 12. 1. ) 585

Only thanks to his speech activity, a person has the ability to quite easily form his intellectual skills (concepts). And by his mental maturity (at about 25-30 years old) he already possesses about a hundred thousand concepts, while the monkey's non-verbal intelligence is able to form about a thousand of his intellectual skills. And the whole point is that concepts arise in a person not so much on the basis of his own experience as on the basis of the experience created by other people.



The concept is a complex speech skill of human intelligence. The intellect of ancient man mastered the names of objects and thereby turned its skills into concepts, and itself into reason. A skill is a product of the perceiving and thinking activity of the mind. Any skill is an active experience. It was not transmitted genetically.


P53. Skill principle

 Skill is always and it is necessary there is an active mental program of life, created from experience by the active programs available in the mental system. The reaction of a skill to a stimulus corresponding to it is always and necessarily a conditioned reflex. (3. 9. 5. ) 53


Due to its complexity and large amount of data and rules, the concept is impossible for genetic coding. And the number of concepts is in the tens of thousands.



Not a single concept is transmitted in a hereditary way, therefore the mind creates its own concepts. He creates them on the basis of existing instincts, experience (ideas) and previously created concepts. (3. 12. 1. ) 586


As for impressions, they do not last long, but in the processes of thinking they either turn into representations, or disappear from memory due to their uselessness. The Law of Strengthening is inevitable here.




The content of any system of the psyche is made up of its recognizing programs and separate logical controls. The mind is a perfect system of the psyche. Other systems of the psyche are no less perfect. And for any system of the psyche, one feature is characteristic.



The necessary basis of any system of the psyche is the ramified network of its active recognition programs. (3. 12. 1. ) 587


In addition to concepts, the mind also has many logical centers, but the study of the content of the mind is better to start with the concept. Yet it was precisely the concept that caused the emergence of intelligence from the intellect of the higher vertebrate.


P588. Concept principle

 Any concept is always and there must be an active recognition program. It is an active skill that contains speech elements. It is not transmitted hereditarily, but arises from experience on the basis of active knowledge already available in the mind. Any concept must be changed and strengthened in each new act of its activity. (3. 12. 1. ) 588

The Laws of Strengthening necessarily act on any physiological and any psychic object. Indeed, in order for a skill to become sustainable, it must work successfully and hard.


  P548. The Law of Amplification

 The more intensely and successfully an organ or its element works, the more necessary it becomes during the life of an individual. And vice versa.

                                                                                                    (3. 10. 2. ) 548

This is perfectly consistent with the facts and correctly explains the formation of sustainable skill. And not only a skill, since a person in the process of training also strengthens any muscle. The actions of the Law of Strengthening are universal in nature. Few things in the evolution of a species and in the development of an individual can be correctly explained without knowing this law.



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