emotional programs. P471. The principle of emotional stimulus. Emotional programs are characteristic of all perception systems.
P. I 49 Any experience (a skill is a successfully applied experience) only and necessarily arises with the participation of instincts. (1. 4. 2. ) I 49
At sixth. If we consider the activity of only the vegetative system of the psyche, which controls the internal organs and processes, then there you can clearly see the actions of thousands of the most diverse instinctive programs of internal life (instincts). Of course, any instinct was once a stable skill of a parent. Not from scratch, he was recorded in the genetic information. Here's how you can learn to control your heart or kidneys? After all, only over millions of years such an instinctive program was perfected. And in one generation, such a program can neither be created nor changed. This system is difficult to learn.
In general, we are not trying to say that all instincts are emotional instincts. But even now we can confidently say that emotional instincts play key roles in perception, although they belong to the most ancient programs of perceiving activity.
EMOTIONAL PROGRAMS Emotional programs are the simplest programs of perceiving activity. They do not determine the type of the perceived object (they are too simple for this), but only give a primitive qualitative assessment of the image of the perceived object or its action. In each image of an object (more precisely, in the matrix of attributes of this image) they distinguish only what they know. And they see in each object only the type of emotional stimulus, but not the type of the object itself. In other words, to determine the type of object, a program needs a dozen signs, and to determine the type of stimulus, one or two are enough.
P471. The principle of emotional stimulus Any emotional program is a kind of recognition program. But she refers the matrix of supporting signs of the image of the perceived object only to the type of emotional stimulus she knows. (3. 6. 10. ) 471
Simple programs work very reliably and quickly. Actually, this is another reason that emotional instincts still exist. There is simply no better substitute for them. An emotional program is something in between, between the rules of a group of receptors and a program that recognizes the type of object. That is, this program historically arose much later than the receptor rule, but much earlier than the program that recognizes the type of an object. The latter are not genetically transmitted at all due to their complexity, but are formed as skills.
Emotional programs are characteristic of all perception systems. In the vegetative and somatic systems of perception, they do not play the role of independent recognition programs. In the system of the mind, such programs are necessarily part of the concepts. Thus, a person not only understands the type of object, its content, but also feels his attitude to an understandable object as an emotional stimulus. In the subconscious system, emotional instincts must be included in the recognition programs. The subconscious is more emotional than the mind. In general, emotional programs of life activity are most widespread in the human psyche, and their role is much greater than we can even imagine.
Emotional programs do not distinguish between types of objects. They are too simple for that. They recognize images of perceived or thought objects as stimuli. They classify any receptive image as a type of stimulus. The instinct of good and evil classifies the receptive image as good or bad (the emotion of good and evil). The instinct of fear and confidence classifies the receptive image as dangerous or not (the emotion of fear). The instinct of curiosity whether the receptive image is known or not. The emotion of curiosity is always and necessarily the cause of the orientation reflex. The instinct of benefit classifies the receptive image as necessary or useless (pragmatic emotion). The perfection instinct classifies the receptive image as perfect or primitive (the emotion of beauty). This instinct is inherent, perhaps, only to man. Emotional programs evaluate both the state and the subject's own actions. They evaluate both partners and their actions. For example, the emotion of love and disgust (these are different degrees of the same simple emotion).
There are not many types of simple emotional stimuli. No more than twenty. But when at the same time several different emotional instincts " see" only their (known) stimulus in the same image of perception, then a complex emotion arises. And then there are no longer twenty such emotions, but several hundred types. Count for yourself how many variants of " emotional terms" will be obtained with a base of twenty " emotional words". Moreover, their combination does not matter here, but only a list (matrix). Thus, the emotional language (the language of emotions) has very wide recognition capabilities. A person who knows several hundred speech terms is already a child at four years old. Moreover, the language of emotion is the language of motivation. Moreover, the language of emotion is universal for all animals. Some have it to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. But he is one language for everyone. Moreover, the language of emotion is at the heart of music and painting. Moreover, the language of emotions is the same for all systems of the human psyche.
Oral speech devoid of emotion is perceived with great difficulty. 2009-10-13
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