P. I 46. The principle of passions
PASSION Passions, or in other words, vivid reactions of emotional instincts are completely normal manifestations of the mental activity of every healthy person. And this is no problem. Without these instincts, a person is not able to live even an hour. Then it will be all the same to him: to live or not to live (to be or not to be); good or bad; interesting or not interesting; whether he acts decently or not; etc. Then he will be no different from a clockwork doll. Unless he will feel everything and avoid what hurts, so he will strive only for pleasant sensations. His mind will then be as cold as ice.
P. I 46. The principle of passions Passions are vivid manifestations of emotional instincts. (1. 4. 1. ) I 46
Any passion is a strong sensual attraction or vice versa. But what is its real nature?
Emotions are reactions of emotional instincts. Emotional instincts are the main elements of the subconscious and the autonomic system of the psyche. Moreover, they are necessarily present in many skills. Including in terms.
Why are the reactions of instincts and not skills? Yes, only because emotional instincts absolutely prevail over emotional skills. From the moment of birth until death, any person has the same set of emotional instincts that determine all his desires and other emotional reactions on a subconscious level.
P. I 47. The law of the emotional " I" (The law of nature) From the moment of birth until death, every person has the same set of emotional instincts that determine all his emotional desires and other emotional reactions. Every person always and necessarily lives that child, as he was before the emergence of his first concepts. (1. 4. 1. ) I 47
As a sufficient number of concepts arise, the value of the emotional component of behavior gradually decreases in a person.
P. I 48. The principle of weakening nature As a person becomes mentally, in his perception and behavior, the role of concepts must be strengthened. In his actions, he already relies more on feelings of understanding the situation than on emotional feelings. (1. 4. 1. ) I 48
This principle is one of the central principles of human ideology
The child's world, brightly colored in emotions, begins to fade under the influence of the growing activity of concepts. And by the age of forty, a person practically loses, or rather, displaces by actions of concepts a significant part of the emotional component of his perception. His emotional " I" gradually shares control power with his rational (reasonable) " I". True, this does not apply only to women and poets. They remain children all their lives. Women and poets are the same children.
There is a category of stupid and weak-minded people who are in no hurry to take the responsibility of an adult. But such “children” are no longer the flowers of our society, but weeds. A person during his life creates little new stable emotional skills, since his psyche has mastered the technologies of creating concepts. They are better adapted to respond to changing environmental challenges. And the human psyche, as the systems of concepts develop, trusts them more than emotional instincts. However, the subconscious, the vegetative and somatic systems of the psyche cannot be altered any more. They are necessarily based on dozens of types of emotional instincts. They work like a clock. Why rework something that already works well? But it's better about everything in order. 2010-11-26
EMOTION IS A VARIETY OF FEELING The main difference between emotion and other feeling is that emotion is an automatic response of a particular type of program. Basically, the producers of emotions are emotional instincts. More rarely, an emotion is a response to an emotional skill. There is a wide variety of emotional instincts, and only in rare, " special" conditions a stable new emotional skill is created and strengthened. There are many reasons for this.
First, the history of emotional instincts begins when, in addition to receiving, animals also began to analyze receptor data. That is, the programs of emotional activity are among the most ancient programs of perception. The rules of receptor systems do not form recognition programs. The receptor rule is responsible only for itself, and it does its job quite well.
Secondly. Why do emotional instincts dominate over emotional skills even in higher vertebrates? Yes, only because these ancient instincts were inherent in the most ancient animals. And those had no time to study due to the brevity of their existence. And only instinctive programs of perception could be the instruments of their adequate response to the manifestations of the external environment. For example, a worker bee does not really have time to develop a strong emotional skill, since it only lives for one month in the summer and a few months at other times of the year. Basically, it dies from wear on the wings. There is no time for a newborn child to learn either. He needs to control his body. Where does a newborn have skills?
Thirdly. Another factor in the paucity of emotional skills is that instincts do work reliably. And nature rarely removes or replaces a reliably and successfully working element of the psyche or body. What for? Why a new skill when reliable instinct is doing well? Although, any new instinct, including an emotional one, it is necessary to have a stable skill, passed on by parents in a genetic way. All new instincts necessarily have only this way of their origin. Fourth. Instinct is much stronger than skill. It cannot be changed, because then its genetic program must also be changed. Therefore, all instincts are very strong. On the side of their resistance are genes. It can only be weakened due to its uselessness in new conditions. But the skill is easy to change.
Fifth. The role of instincts is much greater than we can even imagine. The fact is that a bee will never learn to fly without possessing flight instincts. To learn to fly, she, like a pilot, then it will take more than one year, while her life span is only one month. The psyche of a newborn child performs thousands of operations to control internal and external life only and is necessary on the basis of instincts. Based on thousands of instincts. After all, where does a newborn get experience from?
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