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 The language of emotions necessarily arose from the language of sensations.

 The language of emotions necessarily arose from the language of sensations.

                                                                                                     (3. 6. 10. ) 481

This is how evolution turns out.



  The languages ​ ​ of emotions of all systems of the psyche have similarities. And any recognizing program, be it the concept of the mind or the “concept” of the subconscious, in any case automatically forms its emotions and emotional data about the relationship of the recognizing program to the image it recognizes. These emotions and their data make up the general emotional background. For example, in the emotional picture of an active study of the image of an unknown perceived object, the emotion of curiosity (which is also called the orienting reflex) is vividly manifested.

 Moreover, the emotional languages ​ ​ of various animals have similarities.             Emotional language is the unified language of the animal world. You just need to know how to use it.




Emotional instincts are included in many recognition programs that are skills. Are included as elements. After all, the psyche is an informational entity, and copying any program, while creating another, is a simple operation for it. Therefore, all skills that carry out perception always and necessarily include emotional instincts. For example, a concept is a skill. It is not inherited. But emotional instincts must be included in any concept. And a person, thanks to the concept, not only understands the type of object and its content, but he always feels his attitude to this object. Here. Emotional assessments of this subject gave the emotional instincts, once given by reason to this concept.

 When a child is born , then he, as a recognition program, has nothing but emotional instincts. And it is these instincts that are the first to participate in the creation of the first recognition skills. Further, already created skills are included in this work. Thus, these instincts (their copies) in the created skills remain forever.



The most well-known type of skill is concept. It is not inherited. It is not an instinct that arises by decoding genetic information.


P. I 50. The principle of emotionality of the concept

Every concept necessarily contains in its content copies of those emotional instincts that took part in its emergence and in its many changes. Thus, the feeling (reaction) of any concept necessarily contains its own emotional component. (1. 4. 7. ) I 50

This fully applies to moral concepts. There is one important point here.


P. I 51

 The action (reaction) and response of the emotional instinct included in the concept does not manifest itself independently, but is necessarily part of the reaction and response of this concept. (1. 4. 7. ) I 51


Something similar happens in any subconscious skill that is not a concept.




                            TAMING THE PASSIONS

Emotions are uncontrollable and unchangeable reactions. For the management and change of any instinct lies beyond the realm of human capabilities. This is exactly the same as controlling or changing pain only with an effort of your will. Yes, you will not succeed. Only a few out of a million are capable of such actions.

It is simply impossible to control emotional instincts, for they themselves must be included in all the governing bodies of the psyche. They are necessarily included in any concept. They control homeostasis and all subconscious reactions, as they are necessary in all subconscious skills. They govern the cycles of activity and rest. In general, they are everywhere, and they care about everything.


P. I 52. The principle of autonomy of emotional instincts

Emotional instincts are necessarily resistant to their changes due to the genetic nature of their origin. For this reason and because of their presence in all systems of the psyche, they are necessarily not available to arbitrary mind control. (1. 4. 8. ) I 52


But if emotions cannot be controlled, then the forces of their influence on behavior can be opposed by the forces of reactions of the corresponding skills and the forces of reactions of opposite emotional instincts. Only this way and not otherwise. There is no other way.


P. I 53. The law of inhibition

 Only stable opposing skills and opposing instincts are necessary compensators of actions on the behavior of the corresponding emotional instincts. And vice versa. (1. 4. 8. ) I 53


This law fully and correctly explains the only mechanism of inhibition of unchangeable and uncontrollable emotional instincts.

The same law underlies decision-making mechanisms for managing behavior.

The same law is necessarily found in the basis of the principle of the weakening of nature (I 48).

The principle of this law shows us the only correct way to tame negative passions. You need to create strong skills that can successfully counteract these passions. Based on the operation of this law, a person can even influence his sensations and metabolic processes, but these are very rare abilities that only a few possess.



First, all emotional instincts necessarily have their opposites. And this phenomenon is an objective basis for compensating for the action of some emotions by actions of others that are opposite in meaning. When only one image of a perceived object includes the activity of dozens of emotional instincts, it is clear that in the organs of behavior control (and this is done by several organs of the mind and subconscious at the same time), a kind of " competition of opinions" must arise. Here, the " voices" of many recognition programs are taken into account.



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