Many stable skills of the mind and subconsciousness of a person are necessarily compensators of opposite emotional influences on his behavior.
P. I 54 All emotional instincts necessarily have their opposites. Opposite emotional instincts necessarily have opposite influences on human behavior. (1. 4. 8. ) I 54
This is understandable without much explanation.
Secondly, a person develops many strong skills of the mind (concepts) and skills of the subconscious during his life. And many of these skills are involuntarily involved in behavior management. It is not just one skill or instinct that responds to a particular perception. Not. At the same time, this image is explored by dozens of skills and instincts, the active sensory features of which correspond to the selected (supporting) features of this image.
P. I 55 Many stable skills of the mind and subconsciousness of a person are necessarily compensators of opposite emotional influences on his behavior. (1. 4. 8. ) I 55 For example, a person is used to brushing his teeth three times a day. He does it involuntarily (mechanically). This he does on the basis of the involuntary action of a group of relevant skills. Or a person is used to being neat, and he, completely mechanically, monitors his appearance on the basis of involuntary actions of the corresponding subconscious skills and some concepts. Or the person is used to being polite in dealing with others, and he does not need to select polite phrases. This happens with him without the participation of will. This is a consequence of the involuntary work of ethical concepts. However, the skills of the mind, unlike the skills of other systems of the psyche, are capable of working in both involuntary and voluntary modes. If in an arbitrary mode, then it is connected with thinking. Then, in thought, a person makes a volitional effort. If in an involuntary mode, then automatically, easily and naturally. Then, as they say, " habit is second nature. "
The most famous skills that can actually compensate for the actions on the behavior of emotional instincts are moral (ethical) concepts. Reason has a system of moral concepts.
P. I 21. The principle of conscience The system of human moral concepts is the concept of conscience. Or just a conscience. (1. 1. 5. ) I 21
Reason itself creates any concept of its own, therefore it is clear that each person has only his own system of moral concepts. It is extremely individual and determines the moral character of each person.
EMOTIONAL LANGUAGE OF CONSCIENCE The mind carefully evaluates the social behavior of its body and its soul. However, he also carefully evaluates the social behavior of other people. Reason accomplishes this by means of concepts. A person must form moral concepts. But any concept includes those emotional instincts that were involved in its creation. The concept understands - it is a feeling of understanding. In addition, any concept also feels emotions, and the feelings of the moral concepts of reason are already moral emotions.
The moral skills of the mind are its moral concepts. Only moral skills are formed by the cultural experience of the people around them. And the morals of different peoples are basically different. Yes, peoples, every person has his own moral " passport". Where moral emotions, in general, are always the same (instinct is instinct), but moral skills are not at all. And morals (moral habits) change quickly. It's kind of a moral fashion. All this is said in order not to confuse moral skills with emotional instincts, despite their certain similarities in their manifestations. It's just that emotional instincts are included in any concept.
P569. The principle of the emotions of conscience Moral emotions are the manifestations of emotional instincts in the moral skills (concepts) of the mind. They always and necessarily belong only to the rational reactions of moral concepts. The system (concept) of moral concepts is called conscience. (3. 10. 6. ) 569
Conscience understands everything, and each of its understanding of the subject is necessarily a sense of moral understanding, which necessarily contains a gamut of moral emotions. And this is only due to the activity of the emotional instincts included in any of its concepts.
The processes of thinking (ethical thinking) and intuition (ethical intuition) are inherent in conscience. The main thing is that conscience is involved in the management of behavior. Perhaps this is the field where her decisions are quite obvious. 2009-12-31 ARBITRARY AND UNINTENTIONAL VANIFISTATION OF CONSIENCE Arbitrary and Unintentional Manifestation of Conscience
It is clear that emotional instincts are uncontrollable. Therefore, all " management" of them is reduced to compensation for their actions. Reason can only strengthen or weaken the action of a bad instinct by the action of the corresponding concept. Moreover, more often than not, this happens completely involuntarily.
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