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The correct content of the concepts is very important. Then they do not contradict each other and create strong associative links

P. I 56

 All concepts of the mind are capable of working both in arbitrary and non-arbitrary modes. (1. 4. 10. ) I 56


The mind has two centers of attention (voluntary and involuntary). For example, when you read and understand five terms of the text in one second, then there is no thinking here. The concepts corresponding to the read terms themselves, automatically (involuntarily) reacted to the images of perception of “their” terms. And thus, the meaning of each read term became clear. According to its " own" term, the concept is ready to give an account to the mind at any second. (There would only be a prolonged attention of the mind to this term. )

The concepts of conscience are the same concepts as everyone else. All concepts have a similar organization of structure, but completely different content. An adult has about a hundred thousand concepts. The testing method can be used to calculate how many ethical concepts a person has. True, his ethical culture depends not only on the number of ethical concepts.


The correct content of the concepts is very important. Then they do not contradict each other and create strong associative links


We have said enough about concepts in our epistemology. Here we need to convey to the reader the meaning of the difference between arbitrary and involuntary manifestations of the concepts of conscience.

P. I 57

The voluntary action of any concept must be included in the process of thinking. (1. 4. 10. ) I 57


This process is necessarily controlled by the center of the mind's voluntary attention. (Intuition can be called " instant thinking. " )


P. I 58

 Involuntary action of the concept occurs automatically (mechanically).

                                                                                                          (1. 4. 10. ) I 58                         

For example, when reading a book, we do not comprehend every term. Otherwise, it will take an hour or more to read only one page. Then each term will be like new to us.

And in everyday behavior, all concepts, as a rule, work in an involuntary mode. Thinking is present there, one might say, only during " debriefing. " For example, when a person regrets his or someone else's frivolous act.





Master your temper lest it masters you


Man is a bundle of habits


Habit cures habit


Break the legs of an evil custom


Avoid evil and it will avoid you


 Do as you would be done



Lecture 5

The so-called conscience, which allows you to call people conscientious and having a conscience, is the correct judgment

kind person.




• Ethical concept

• The structure of conscience

• Ethical thinking

• Ethical intuition


The ethical concept is the basis of our reasonable perception of social reality. This is the basis of our social behavior.


P. I 59

 An ethical concept is a stable speech skill about a certain type of subject of social relations. (1. 5. 1. ) I 59


  Each person himself creates each of his ethical concepts in the process of acquiring social experience. Concepts are not inherited, and the mind works to create and change them throughout life. All concepts, including ethical ones, necessarily arise from ideas. From units of experience.


P. I 21. The principle of conscience

 The system of human moral concepts is the concept of conscience, or simply conscience. (1. 1. 5. ) I 21


All ethical concepts of a certain person necessarily form his ethical concept (system). This concept is called conscience. Every person has a conscience, but the question is not that. The main thing is, what is its content? What is this conscience? After all, both the righteous and the criminal must have a conscience, but only their consciences are very different.



 1. Concept is a complex speech skill of human intelligence. The intellect of ancient man mastered the names of objects and thereby turned its skills into concepts, and itself into reason. A skill is a product of the perceiving and thinking activity of the mind. Any skill is an active experience. It is not transmitted genetically.



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