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P. I 45. The principle of the biological meaning of life

P. I 95

 The more difficult situations a person is able to successfully manage, the higher the level of his intellectual (reasonable) activity. (1. 8. 2) I 95


The controlled situation is the main test for the level of development of the mind. As the saying goes, " the husband is known by doing. "


All this is said to the fact that there are many confusing approaches to the development of the mind and assessments of its level. With us, everything is very clear. Moreover, everything is extremely reasonable. Moreover, this is an extremely effective solution to the problem regarding the correct assessment of the level of development of the mind. The solution is correct, but it took only half a page. Occam would have liked it clearly. This is also said to the fact that each person is interested in the development of his reasonable level. Nobody wants to live a fool.

P. I 96

 Development of a reasonable (intellectual) level of a person directly depends on the completeness and truth of concepts, on their number, and most importantly, on their unified system. The development of intelligence is the main goal of human ideology. (1. 8. 2. ) I 96


Unsystematized concepts are like a heap of bricks, but their system is already like a perfect building. False concepts are like a pile of broken bricks.


The foregoing does not at all contradict the fact that the main goal of a person's ideology is the development of his honest conscience.

First, conscience is part of the mind (intellect).

Secondly, we do not argue about which is more important: the heart or the liver. Both are important. All work (the way to achieve this goal) consists in the formation of correct concepts and in their large number. How new concepts are formed is clear. A significant part of our epistemology is devoted to this topic. So " our goals are clear and the paths are defined. " The state needs honest, smart and hardworking people. Any of us is pleased to deal with such a person. The ideal of such a person is attainable.  

The highest degree of development of the mind is genius. There is a genetic predisposition to an ingenious mind, but not everyone has it. P. I 97. The principle of genius Genius is distinguished by the fact that he quickly and correctly forms his concepts. Moreover, it forms a powerful system of true concepts capable of ingenious intuition. (1. 8. 2. ) I 97 And this is a huge and hard work. Actually lazy geniuses do not exist. These are people of fantastic efficiency. Where an ordinary person needs difficult thinking, then a genius needs his intuition (instantaneous thinking). The principles of intuition are formulated in our epistemology.                                                                                                          2011-01-25                                                                                                                                      DEVELOPMENT OF TALENT All people are different. One has a genetic predisposition to music, the other to organizational work. But each must have some natural talent.                              Man is not a cut diamond    It requires both experienced appraisers and experienced cutters. P. I 17. The principle of natural talentNatural talent - it is only necessary to have a genetic inheritance. It is clearly manifested only as a result of its development. But each person is necessarily talented from birth, because his predecessors have already passed the most severe natural selection (War - the Father of All). (1. 1. 4. ) I 17 What do we see today? There are no appraisers or cutters. Any person and any state benefits from the ideological projection of the personality. Then let everyone go their own way, predetermined by his nature. The way where the goals are not only noble, but also achievable. P. I 44. The principle of the ideological meaning of lifeOnly noble, perfect and achievable strategic goals of a particular person is the ideological meaning of his life. A person can achieve the highest perfection only in that sphere of activity for which he has hereditary abilities.                                                                                                         (1. 3. 10. ) I 44

Sense is an informational category. The main thing is that in ideology he should have clear objective prerequisites, no less clear and achievable goals, as well as clear and correct " technologies" for their achievement. It is important to know here that all the goals of ideology belong to the category of strategic goals. For there are also smaller and more insignificant everyday (operational) goals. Foolish or unattainable goals are deliberately meaningless.


Sometimes people think about the meaning of life. But they are unaware that there are many such meanings. Although, of course, there is also the main meaning. It really exists in every living being. It is safely hidden in its genetic code. The genome (a set, rather a system, of genes) of any organism here plays the role of a philosopher's stone.


P. I 45. The principle of the biological meaning of life

 The meaning of life of every living creature necessarily exists in its genetic code. Its essence lies in the desire of each individual for life and its continuation in the offspring, through the development of the ability to withstand the dangers of the environment. Its main purpose is the eternal existence of a species or subsequent species. (1. 3. 10. ) I 45


So, the desire for eternal life is inherent in nature not only in the genome of any person, but also in the genome of any plant. This is quite obvious.





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