Religious culture. Commands by the seven sages. "nothing beyond measure! " (solon) but much earlier the dictum of Hesiod arose: "observe measure in everything! "
P. I 74 Moral corruption of the elite inevitably leads to the weakening of the entire state. And even to his death. (1. 6. 7. ) I 74
This is a well-known axiom. There is nothing to discuss here.
Third. Is it pleasant for you to deal with a person of low moral principles? Or with a weak-willed person? If not, then you can finish this topic right away.
Fourth. Will we not turn all people into righteous people by our experiments with the conscience? After all, then human evil will disappear in the World. And when all shadows disappear, then all aspirations disappear. This interesting question was raised by M. Bulgakov in the famous scene of a conversation between Woland and Matvey Levi. “… But you will have to put up with it, ” Woland objected… You said these words as if you did not recognize shadows, as well as evil. Wouldn't you be so kind to think about the question: what would your good do if there were no evil, and what would the earth look like if the shadows disappeared from it? After all, shadows are obtained from objects and people. Here is the shadow of my sword. But there are shadows from trees and from living creatures. Do you want to rip off the entire globe, removing all the trees and all living things from it because of your fantasy of enjoying the naked light? You're stupid. " I won't argue with you, old sophist, " answered Matthew Levi. " But you don't have to worry too much about this. Shadows will not disappear, for morality has not improved over the past two millennia. If we compare the cruelty and treachery of a number of bloody regimes of the twentieth century, then where are the ancient Romans and Greeks. 2010-12-03
RELIGIOUS CULTURE Any religious culture has its own significant aesthetic and ethical components. Nevertheless, even a person's excellent knowledge of religious ethics does not at all guarantee that this person is able to lead only a righteous lifestyle. After all, if he has a weak spirit, then no amount of ethical knowledge will keep him from this or that temptation.
P. I 75 The special significance of any religious culture is to foster a strong and kind spirit in every parishioner. (1. 6. 8. ) I 75
The topic of religious cultures is huge in its diversity and is not worthy of a brief description. However, we have no intention of revealing it at the level of materialistic philosophy. We have different languages and different approaches to Being. It is enough for us that she is a mighty ally of everyone who follows the path of moral rebirth. After all, the nation consists of each of us. So, without revealing the topic, we immediately return to the sinful Earth. However, the state, for the sake of its unity, must carefully ensure that certain religious " cultural values" do not divide citizens.
P. I 77 Religious discord is a particularly grave disease of the state. (1. 6. 8. ) I 77
This is the bitter truth. 2010-12-08
COMMANDS BY THE SEVEN SAGES They belong to the period of origin and formation of ancient philosophy (6th century BC). In the dialogue of Plato " Protagoras" about the wise men it is said: " Thales of Milotsky and Pittacus of Mitylensky, and Bias of Priene, and our Solon, and Cleobulus of Lindia, and Mison of Kheney, and the seventh among them was considered the Laconian Chilo, belonged to such people. " Although, the composition of the " seven wise men" is different according to different sources. But this is not the main thing. Here are some examples of their famous short sayings. In our aphorisms, in their language, a dwarf.
" Know yourself! " (Presumably Thales) " Nothing beyond measure! " (Solon) But much earlier the dictum of Hesiod arose: " Observe measure in everything! " " Look to the end! " (Solon) " Don't let your tongue get ahead of your mind. " (Chilo) " What revolts you in your neighbor - do not do it yourself. " (Pittac) " Know your time". (Pittac) " Speak to the place. " (Byant) “Most people are bad. ” (Byant) " Pleasures are mortal, virtues are immortal. " (Periander) " Trust - and the trouble is right there. " (Thales) " Necessity is the strongest of all, for it has power over everything. " (Thales) " The fastest of all is the mind, because it runs around everything. " (Thales) " The wisest thing is time, because it reveals everything. " (Thales)
Sayings " Nothing beyond measure! " and " Know thyself! " were carved above the entrance to the Delphic Temple of Apollo.
Lecture 7 A strong concept is called a belief. It is the reactions of strong concepts that determine the strength of the human spirit (mind)
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