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This is any illegal enrichment.

P. I 86

 The concept of " I" is the central concept of human conscience. For in relation to this concept, all other concepts of his moral concept are formed. (1. 7. 4. ) I 86


Of course, each person has his own merits and this does him honor. " In relation to honor (time) and dishonor (atimia), the possession of the middle is majesty (megalopsykhia), perhaps excess is called arrogance (khaunotes), and lack - humiliation (mikiopsykhia). " (Aristotle. Works. In 4 volumes. T. 4. M., " Mysl", 1983. p. 88)

 Greatness in due measure - this is honor. A significant excess of majesty is pride (arrogance), and its essential disadvantage is humiliation. In general, pride (arrogance) is a moral quality of a person. It manifests itself in behavior. But moral behavior is controlled by the concepts of human conscience.


A concept is not an instinct. It can be easily fixed. It is much more difficult to create a strong concept (belief). But here, too, nothing is impossible. You have to work with people. That's all.

People are equal in nature, despite a wide variety of personalities. But they are not the same. They are not alike. And this only means that some have some genetic advantages (height, body shape), and others - others (natural mind, memory). Still others have the third abilities (creativity), the fourth - the fourth (agility, strength). Etc. But rarely does anyone have these gifts of parents all at once. So, it is very rare when a certain person can be genetically gifted much more than others. This is rather an exception.


People are equal in relation to their parents and the veil of maternal love, like the Protection of the Virgin, must be eaten over every mortal. Just don't harm him by treating his mother badly. As for a neighbor, any dislike for him can easily disappear just at the thought that he has a mother who hopes for a bright future for her child. (For the mother, her seventy-year-old daughter also remains a child. )


But people are not equal in their wealth. This is the main reason for inequality. This is the main reason for pride. Very rich people very much corrupt their immediate environment, because they are ideals for many others. No belief is stronger than the idea of ​ ​ lasting wealth. There is nothing to try here for either psychology or the Church. Everything will be in vain.


The disease of love of gold is not cured by any convictions. Look at history. On the one hand, only the state is able to show society a very rich person, and all his wealth without exception, as well as all the subtleties of their acquisition. Let everyone learn.

On the other hand, for example, in Singapore, there is a wealth of experience in the fight against illicit enrichment. What prevents you from not using it? The Japanese came up with a very good recipe against a very large inheritance. There, inheritance tax significantly exceeds half of its value. This is correct when the state understands that even a small part is quite enough for very wealthy heirs.


2. Licentiousness. The dissolute person completely obeys his instincts. He has no " right" conscience. That is, his moral concept (conscience) was created to please all his instincts. She does not argue with them. It does not slow down. It doesn't hurt.

“So, licentiousness manifests itself in connection with that feeling, which, more than all others, is common [to all living beings], and it can rightfully be considered blameworthy, because it is present in us not insofar as we are people, but insofar as we are animals. " (Aristotle. Works in 4 volumes. T. 4. M., " Thought", 1983. p. 117)


We are animals, of course, because we have the full range of animal instincts. But there is a reasonable measure for everything. The criteria for this measure are correct and strong concepts of conscience.

Licentiousness is treated. But its treatment is better to start at an early age. There is a well-known rule of upbringing, according to which, first of all, one must achieve unquestioning obedience. And only after that can you educate. Otherwise, everything is in vain.



3. Lack of will. Outwardly, it differs little from licentiousness, since a weak-willed person easily obeys both his instincts and the opinions of others. However, a weak-willed person also has a conscience. But that's just a weak conscience, which hurts, but is not able to have a decisive influence on his actions.

Lack of will is fully connected with the weakness of a person's moral concepts. Properly strong moral concepts do not even allow volitional efforts of the mind in making moral decisions. There, moral decision-making is completely subordinated to strong concepts of conscience.

Will is a difficult choice. But for a strong-minded person, the problems of moral choice, as a rule, do not exist. There are strong concepts of conscience that do not leave the mind with options in making decisions. Such a person does not have to strain (exercise will) in his moral choice.

For example, drunkenness is a consequence of the weakness of moral concepts. Alcoholics need to be re-educated. They must be isolated from society. Why bad examples? All the more contagious examples. They will suffer, they will not die. But they will become different people. And there is no other way. Any coding is associated with irreversible consequences. Coding is like using a crowbar to repair a watch. This is a crude procedure based on the formation of a strong associative connection between the concept of an alcoholic beverage and another (extremely disgusting) concept. Coding is quackery. Creating the right beliefs of conscience is many times more effective than coding. It is necessary that

We need to shape these strong concepts through beliefs. And if not, then a broomstick in hand and for ten days. If a person does not want to put things in order in his conscience, let him put things in order on the street. There is no third.

the urge to drink did not outweigh the answers of the strong notions of conscience.


 4. Excessiveness. This is a person's inability to act appropriately to the situation. Such a person simply does not have a sense of proportion. A person with a sense of proportion is called prudent. “For example, we ourselves are naturally more inclined to pleasure, and therefore we are more susceptible to licentiousness than to modesty (kosmiotes). So we consider the sharper opposite of the middle to that to which [in us] there is more adherence (epidosis). And for this reason, licentiousness, being an excess, is more sharply opposed to prudence [than insensitivity]. " (Aristotle. Works in 4 volumes. T. 4. M., " Thought", 1983. p. 92)

The opposite of immoderation is callousness. It is no better than immoderation, because a callous person is not a kind person. This is a logical automaton whose emotions are under excessively tight control of the concepts of his mind. More often than not, it is under the control of evil concepts. A callous person is indifferent not only to himself, but also to those around him. There is not much to talk about here.


Prudence is based on a sense of proportion. Is it hard to understand what excess is? However, there are many very wealthy people out there. Well, okay, rich man. If he has worked successfully and hard, if he is reasonably careful and if he is lucky, then why not? But the very rich is usually a predator. Or the heir to a predator.


P. I 87

 The state needs to especially control very rich people, because they are necessarily the ideals of well-being. And these ideals are much brighter than all the others. After all, the very rich is always in sight and is the object of envy, and therefore imitation for so many people. (1. 7. 4. ) I 87


Although, it is quite obvious that very rich people have overstepped the measure of righteous acquisition. “And others, in turn, overstep the measure of acquisition, taking from anywhere and anything, such as those whose craft is unworthy of the free (aneleytheros): brothel owners and all the like, as well as usurers [giving] a small [loan ] for a great [overkill]. They all take where they should not and how much they should not. Apparently, all of them are equally inherent in shameful methods of profit, for they all endure censure for the sake of profit, moreover, insignificant. Indeed, we do not call those who take from where they should and should not, for example, tyrants who ruin states and robbers who ravage sanctuaries, not stingy, but rather vile, ungodly and unjust. But the dice player, the thief of clothes in the bathhouse {and the robber} also belong to the mean, because their profit is shameful. " (Aristotle. Works in 4 volumes. T. 4. M., " Thought", 1983. p. 126)


 5. Dependency is the main feature of any parasite. Society needs kind people, not parasites. All goods are created by people. There is no ownerless gold and other treasures, everything was divided for a long time. It is clear that very rich people live off the labors of other people. This is a kind of " rich dependency".

There is also " poor dependency. " For example, an old woman has an alcoholic son who, under various pretexts, extorts half of her meager pension from that woman.

Every healthy person is always self-sufficient. Not enough - live more modestly. Work, do not let yourself be fooled, do not miss favorable chances, strengthen your knowledge and spirit, and most importantly, believe in tomorrow. And then the time will soon come when you will be in full abundance.


Live by your labor. That's the whole recipe for dependency. And if society tolerates dependents, then they themselves will never re-educate themselves.



6. Meanness is the main feature of a complete parasite. For there are no moral barriers to this at all.


The main trick of a vile person is skillful deception (and when he opens up, it’s too late). Talented parasites are very intelligent and sociable. They skillfully catch gullible people on their own weaknesses.


 The finished scoundrel can no longer be redone. But why not instill immunity from a scoundrel in every person? After all, the basic techniques of a scoundrel are very simple. Unless they require filigree performing arts. The first sign of vileness is its false promises. They are, more often than not, well, quite obvious. “Deception itself is bad and deserves condemnation, but the truth is beautiful and praiseworthy. Likewise, a truthful person, keeping to the middle, deserves praise, and a deceiver - no matter which way - deserves condemnation, but to a greater extent - a braggart. " (Aristotle. Works in 4 volumes. T. 4. M., " Thought", 1983. p. 140)


The vile person blinds his victims with the glitter of easy money, and all this evidence immediately disappears somewhere or fades into the background. Wait, but a spectacular trick. The sneaky uses the most sophisticated lies (this requires a special talent), so just be careful. That's the whole recipe for protection from a scoundrel. His wit, sociability and competence are not at all signs of an honest person.


P. I 88

Silence of many circumstances of the case is the most sophisticated form of lying. (1. 7. 4. ) I 88


The second sign of the vile is that he always changes the " conditions of the game. " He easily forgets what is not profitable for him. He will easily forget you when you are in trouble.

7. The opposite of meanness is excessive gullibility. An overly gullible person is called a fool. As the saying goes: " You don't need a knife for a fool, you sing along a little with it - and do whatever you want with it. "



8. All moral diseases are very simple. They did not even require a separate chapter. Only one thing is not clear: why is the society not seriously engaged in their treatment?


The first is schooling. Signs of moral illnesses should be firmly known to any child. Then any adult will know exactly and firmly what is good and what is bad.

P. I 89

 All moral concepts of a child should be convictions, only then he will not need to exert his willpower in favor of a moral choice. Then his actions take place automatically and in accordance with his correct and strong conscience.

                                                                                                            (1. 7. 4. ) I 89


The second is the impossibility of hiding one's wealth and its true sources. The criminal state praises its very wealthy people. A normal state - objectively, through the media, tells its people the truth about the states of these people, and how these states were achieved by them.


The third is ideological work with each person and throughout his life. This is the ideological program of the citizen. Each person should understand that his personal ideology is the path to his own perfection. Everyone has talent, and thanks to its development, everyone can and should be rich and healthy. But all this is through their own labor, otherwise a parasite.


The fourth is ideological work in the field of media and bookselling. This is already a state problem. This is already every TV channel, and every bookstore must have its own moral passport. For example, in every bookstore in Brest, today only Freud and Blavatsky are in the most prominent place. Yes, these are the most notorious criminals in terms of morality.


Fifth, these are patriotic beliefs. A person must clearly understand that a strong state is only for his good. And this is a blessing not only for him, but also for many generations of his descendants. Therefore, a person should treat the state like his own home, like his own family. Therefore, for its citizens, the state has a simple and understandable synonym for " Motherland". It's bad when it goes out of use.


9. Diseases of conscience are fully consistent with the concepts of this or that sin. In the language of materialistic philosophy, sin has the meaning of an immoral act.


  This is violence. And people living off the violence of others are ruthless predators. Nobody needs them, they do not evoke sympathy and they should not have a place in the state. They cannot be re-educated in prison, so different methods of treatment are required here.


This is economic violence. This is a percentage of the debt for a person in trouble. This is a percentage of human grief. Is the state so poor that it is not able to help its needy people even without interest? Especially for young people who want to have a child at 25, and not when they get their corner by 35. As you can see, the rating of the banker is not much lower than the rating of the murderer and racketeer.

This is disrespect for one's neighbor (pride, arrogance). This has already been covered.


This is over-enrichment. It is deliberately illegal.


This is any illegal enrichment.


This is a betrayal. This is when gullible friends are used as a consumable on the way to a cherished goal.


  It's a lie. Moreover, half-truths are the most difficult form of lies.

This is a dependency. You have to live by your own labor. I have to pay my debts. Otherwise, it is a parasite.

This is immoderation. Learn to measure your actions against moral rules.


This is ignorance. Mother Culture shares her wealth free of charge. Therefore, to be indifferent to the cultural values ​ ​ of your people is the same as to be indifferent to the words of your mother.



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